# Volt::Pagination Provides a pagination component to easily show the paging. ## Usage Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'volt-pagination' And then execute: $ bundle Then include it as a component in your main component's ```dependencies.rb``` component "pagination" To page a collection or query, simply use ```.skip``` and ```.limit``` Assuming a page size of 10: def items_on_page store._items.find({active: true}).skip((params._page || 1).to_i - 1) * 10).limit(10) end Then in your view you can add: ```html <:pagination total="{{ store._items.size }}" per_page="10" /> ``` ```per_page``` defaults to 10 and ```page``` defaults to params._page The pagination tag supports the following options: - total (required): the total number of items. - per_page (default: 10): how many items per page. - page-param-name (default: ```page```): the name of the page attribute stored in params (starting with 1) - window (default: 5): the number of pages to show around the current page - outer_window: (default: 1): the number of pages to show at the start and end of the pager.