== 0.12.0 2007-11-06 ===Features * Changed to use AJAX for small updates of tasks in the sprint view. This to speed up the user experience. Known bug: The position numbers are not updated yet. * Added Transactional Migrations plugin to avoid partial migrations. === Fixes * Changed to return from detour to work account edit view * Moved editing of "Track Times" option from Backlog to Work Account * Added link from backlog to corresponding work account. * Made Edit Work Account view fit with layout. == 0.11.0 2007-11-03 ===Features * Added work accounts, required for all work records. * Allow work records to be entered without task reference. * Improved the Daily Work Sheet slightly. STILL EXPERIMENTAL! === Fixes * Added init scripts on unix to start at boot. * Now display validation errors on the Works form when editing. * Locked the backlog application to Rails 1.2.4 since Rails 1.2.5 broke acts_as_list == 0.10.8 2007-09-27 === Fixes * Always make startup link in /etc/init.d even if it exists already * Reduced output in the "backlog setup_unix" command to avoid clutter. * Daily Time Sheet now allows adding work records. Edit still not working. * Filtered work records in daily work sheet to only show records for the current user. == 0.10.7 2007-09-26 === Fixes * Fixed bug when postponing tasks * Changed to propagate messages during redirects to front page. * Fixed bugs in listing work for sprint. * Made daily work sheet not fail with subtasks. It still does not work properly. == 0.10.6 2007-09-25 === Fixes * Fixed calculation of work in time sheet. * Corrected link to Time sheet for older weeks. * Fixed extraction of changes when releasing. == 0.10.5 2007-09-25 === Fixes * Changed so that when specifying a task, only one subtask is created. * Fixed bug in creation of estimates for subtasks. * Corrected list work for period. * Changed to group work done by start time instead of end time. * Fixed bug in listing started subtasks. * Added link to task from edit work view. * Added backlog and super task names in drop down in new work view. * Added edit link in weekly work sheet. == 0.10.4 2007-09-24 === Features * Now you can move tasks in and out of supertasks. === Fixes * Changed name of released WAR file back to include the version number since RubyForge only allows unique file names. * Fixed bug where the "show period" action would fail if you tried to display the period of an unplanned task. * Fixed bugs in the calculation of weekly work sheet and time sheet. == 0.10.3 2007-09-24 * Removed "Active Sprint" from Group edit view, when there is no active sprint. * Made "Home" link correct when running in application server with JRuby. * Made notices and messages a bit prettier and easier to read. * Added link to create new group in the "New sprint" view. * Fixed link to party from task edit view. Got broken when reverting from EdgeRails. * Changed default database.yml to work in Aptana RadRails. * Removed Datek specific info from environment files. * Changed to raise mail delivery failures to help user choose valid email address. * Changed expiry of login token from 1 day to 1 year to enable cookie login. * Fixed indentation for subtasks in task lists. * Changed to allow revising estimates for tasks in future sprints. * Fixed bug in ordering of subtasks. * Fixed bug in task ordering in backlog view. == 0.10.2 2007-09-23 * Removed version from name of released WAR file to enable easier replacement in Tomcat. * Fixed bug when starting work on a task. == 0.10.1 2007-09-22 * Fixed bug in "remember me" login when running with JRuby * Fixed bug when moving a task to next sprint on mysql * Made user message more visible, especially register messages. * Added explanatory text in log for reading global config. * Excluded "pkg" from war file to avoid duplicates and save space. * Removed "bouncycastle" from WAR to get it to run on Tomcat. * Merged migration steps 001 and 002 to get them to run on SQLite. * Fixed reading of application version when running with JRuby. * Excluded "log" and "WEB-INF" directories from gem to save space. * Added "rails" to gem dependencies since Rails is not included anymore. * Bumped dependent version of rmagick from 1.15.9 to 1.15.10 to get the newest fixes. == 0.10.0 2007-09-21 === Features * Now Backlog is JRuby friendly! * Added WAR file to distribution for running on any Java EE application server * Reverted from EdgeRails to get Backlog working with JRuby. * Added performance tests that are automatically run on every commit. === Fixes * Fixed bug when moving a task from a really old sprint, and the next sprint had already finished. * Fixed automatic login using cookie. * Added array and hash encoding to url_for in project since it is missing in current Rails trunk. * Removed call to "image_tag" since the servlet context (backlog) was added twice to the image URL. * Fixed database connection settings for JRuby == 0.9.1 2007-09-09 * Fixed loading of database config in production environment. * Fixed misaligned columns in weekly work sheet when invoicing is disabled. * Added "Back" link from Show Backlog view. * Fixed focus in Edit Backlog view. * Added navigation buttons in Edit Backlog view. == 0.9.0 2007-09-07 === Features * Support for overriding database settings in system configuration file. * Sqlite support. * Added automatic login using security token in cookie. === Fixes * Updated RedHillOnRails Core to fix problems with Sqlite. * Fixed bug in "New task" view when switching backlog. * Cosmetic fixes to task icons. * Set focus on description field in "New task" view if description is empty. * Changed to use rbconfig instead of "/etc" to install on more configurations. * Shortened "Changes" in news post to only last entry in History.txt * Excluded "doc" directory from gem distribution since it is generated on install and it saves network bandwidth. * Hide password in Edit User view. == 0.8.1 2007-09-04 * Localized "Notes" string. * Split Backlog Edit View into Edit for options and Show for tasks for less clutter. Tasks are probably viewed way more often than options. * Added file upload to create task view. * Changed to allow editing of tasks not in any sprint. * Fixed bug where estimates were not updated in the Task update view. * Fixed bug when finishing a task by setting estimate to 0 in the task edit view. * Added links to edit and show a backlog in the backlog and sprint views. * Changed link in the Backlog List view to go to the backlog Show view instead of the backlog edit view. * Improved work flow when adding a task from the show sprint view. * Removed faulty link from Backlog view for Unplanned tasks. == 0.8.0 2007-09-03 * FEATURE: Added notes and files to tasks. * Removed duplicate foreign key extension plugin. * Removed duplicate foreign keys from database schema. * Made Estimate input more robust. * Made server response messages more visible. * Shortened release news posting a bit. == 0.7.12 2007-09-01 * Changed gem description and changes in the Rakefile to generate better news posting. * Added "Todo" header to task fields header. * Fixed Hoe Rakefile rsync arguments to ignore the wiki files located on the RubyForge web server. * Fixed bug in updating an unplanned task. * Fixed bug in specifying a task. * Fixed wrong link in search results for tasks. == 0.7.11 2007-08-31 * Removed link to "list work" view in the "started tasks" view since neither backlog nor sprint are in fokus. * Fixed bugs when updating a task to be unplanned. * Fixed bug for tasks with estimates shown in backlog edit view. == 0.7.10 2007-08-29 * Added projection to future sprints to aid planning. * Corrected spelling error in README.txt * Added link to RubyForge project page in README.txt * Localized search result page title * Tried to fix duplicate entries in RDoc. * Shortened headers in weekly work sheet to save space. * Fixed bug in weekly work sheet for work records for tasks outside a sprint. * Fixed bug in work form that prevented checking the "done" flag when tracking start and stop times, but not estimates. * Added calendars as intended integration targets. == 0.7.9 2007-08-26 * Changed backlog management script to work on OSX. Thanks to Albert Davidson Chou for helping me on this. * Made image links in the README.txt file only appear inline for thumbnails. * Fixed headers for completed tasks. * Restored Manifest.txt file since it is required by Hoe, even if it is not used. * Fixed bug in list started tasks view. * Changed display of resolution of finished tasks from text to icon to save space. The icons still have descriptive title. * Added Search of tasks and backlogs. == 0.7.8 2007-08-25 * Changed use of RMagick to be optional. Everything except the graphs should work if rmagick is not installed. rmagick is still a dependency for the gem, but you can force installation of the backlog gem without RMagick or gruff with the --ignore-dependencies flag. You still need the postgres gem. * Changed documentation to mention GraphicsMagic as an alternative to ImageMagick * Added more documentation of the charts. * Added explanation on how to install Backlog without ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick and RMagick. * Made change password view a bit prettier. * Added link to project home to top of layout. == 0.7.7 2007-08-24 * Added link to backlog from work record in weekly work sheet * Added ImageMagick and PostgreSQL as requirements in the GEM * Removed shortcuts from login and sign up views. * Removed link to backlog list of not logged in. * Localized some user messages. * Focus on login field in login view. * Changed "period" to "sprint" to follow the Scrum vocabulary. Thinking of option to change this by installation/project. == 0.7.6 2007-08-22 * Changed Task edit view to use Ajax to update the Period link to make it more responsive when moving a task between periods. * Changed the LARGE chart size from 1440x900 to 1368x768 for display on our large screen TV * Fixed bug for displaying burn down chart for groups that have no active period. * Made 404 error page a bit bit nicer. * Added .png extension to burn down chart for period. * Added link to burn down charts to README.txt * Localized header for active period == 0.7.5 2007-08-19 * Changed gem to work on MacOSX * Added missing dependency to "postgres" gem * Made the code inline in the gem rdoc == 0.7.4 2007-08-18 * Added missing dependency on gruff and rmagick * Added line in installation instructions to install ImageMagick before installing Backlog * Removed the warning messages that appeared on install claiming not to find README.txt * Added uniqueness constraint to backlog name. * Changed to use logger for debug messages to avoid filling the production log with debug messages. * Started working on getting the daily work sheet working. == 0.7.3 2007-08-17 * Fixed bug in estimate creation * Added cruisecontrol.rb configuration file * Fixed mailing of password * Fixed find_by for class table inheritance subclasses * Fixed date limits for new periods * Fixed display of position in period edit view * Added link to current user in top of layout * Added display of periods to user view * Adjusted the legend in the burn down graphs == 0.7.2 2007-08-17 * Fixed bugs in task reordering links * Switched default language to English * Fixed English mailer views == 0.7.1 2007-08-14 * Added author and email to the gem to avoid false listing in Hoe Down! http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoedown.html * This in response to bug 13054 http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=13054&group_id=3829&atid=14750 * Added localized text for weekly work sheet == 0.7.0 2007-08-14 * Back in business after halting to avoid spamming people. * Fixed work flow when moving task to other period using drag&drop in side bar * Fixed bug in moving tasks to other periods * Optimized slightly by omitting generating layout data for no_layout action * Added more validation of "position" fields * Added completed tasks to backlog edit view * Removed unique index for periods(party_id, position) since it broke list updates in PostgreSQL * Added better assertion of position sequences in tests == 0.6.6 2007-08-07 * Improved task lists in backlog edit view. == 0.6.5 2007-08-07 * Fixed authentication error for burn down chart == 0.6.4 2007-08-07 * Improved viewing of active period for group. == 0.6.3 2007-08-07 * Fixed wrong start date in burn down chart == 0.6.2 2007-08-07 * Added link to the active period of a party == 0.6.1 2007-08-07 * Improved design for daily work sheet == 0.6.0 2007-08-07 * Added backlog list view == 0.5.10 2007-08-06 * Made burn down graph show progress made on the first day == 0.5.9 2007-08-06 * Aligned burn down graphs to even numbers == 0.5.8 2007-08-06 * Fixed bug in daily_work_sheet == 0.5.7 2007-08-06 * Fixed bug when linking from a task after drag-and-drop reordering. == 0.5.6 2007-08-06 * Improved the list of started tasks == 0.5.5 2007-08-06 * Fixed bug in link helper that resulted in some GET buttons became POST buttons. == 0.5.4 2007-08-06 * Changed control script restart to completely stop and start the application * Renamed old restart to reload == 0.5.3 2007-08-06 * Dates in weekly work sheet view == 0.5.2 2007-08-06 * Added previous/next week arrows in weekly work sheet view == 0.5.1 2007-08-06 * Improved backlog edit task list == 0.5.0 2007-08-06 * Changed first time work flow to add new backlog * Changed startup work flow to show most urgent period for the current user * Now display version in the header. == 0.4.0 2007-08-06 * Added tasks to backlog edit view * Started simplifying task ordering. Now ordering simply has period_id as scope. * Improved and fixed bugs in work flow * Fixed typos in style sheet * KNOWN BUG: Ordering for tasks in backlog does not work properly == 0.3.9 2007-08-03 * Fixed bug in moving task between periods == 0.3.8 2007-08-03 * Fixed bug in setup script == 0.3.7 2007-08-03 * Made setup more robust * Moved PID file from log dir to /var/run to make updates smoother == 0.3.6 2007-08-03 * Added configuration to allow running on other port number than 3000 This port number is stored in /etc/backup.conf and survives updates == 0.3.5 2007-08-03 * Fixed bugs around task positioning and validation * Made atomic gem publishing with version only written in History.txt == 0.3.4 2007-08-03 * Fixed bugs around task positioning and validation * Fixed bugs in task view == 0.3.3 2007-08-03 * Made validation of tasks position tighter * Fixed bugs in task positioning :) == 0.3.2 2007-08-02 * Improved setup on linux == 0.3.1 2007-08-02 * Improved setup on linux == 0.3.0 2007-08-02 * Improved work flow * Added task list to backlog edit view == 0.2.1 2007-07-31 * Improved work flow * Added more shortcut links == 0.2.0 2007-07-31 * Improved work flow == 0.1.2 2007-07-29 * Improved gem generation * Fixed bugs in user registration and initial setup == 0.1.1 2007-07-29 * Improved gem generation * Fixed bugs in user registration and initial setup == 0.1.0 2007-07-29 * First party (user/group) centric release. * Released gem, but still requires external database. == 0.0.4 2007-07-06 * Last backlog centric release. Next release will be user/group centric * Released gem, but still requires external database. == 0.0.0 2007-06-14 * First release on RubyForge * Now running at backlog.kubosch.no and datek.no (internal)