/** * Pod Language Definition **/ (function($) { var Pod = { 'function-bold' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "B<$1>$2" }, 'function-italic' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "I<$1>$2" }, 'function-code' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "C<$1>$2" }, 'function-h1' : { search: /(.+)([\n]?)/gi, replace: "=head1 $1$2" }, 'function-h2' : { search: /(.+)([\n]?)/gi, replace: "=head2 $1$2" }, 'function-h3' : { search: /(.+)([\n]?)/gi, replace: "=head3 $1$2" }, 'function-link' : { exec: function( txt, selText, $field ) { var results = null; $.GollumEditor.Dialog.init({ title: 'Insert Link', fields: [ { id: 'text', name: 'Link Text', type: 'text', defaultValue: selText }, { id: 'href', name: 'URL', type: 'text' } ], OK: function( res ) { var rep = ''; if ( res['text'] && res['href'] ) { rep = 'L<' + res['text'] + '|' + res['href'] + '>'; } $.GollumEditor.replaceSelection( rep ); } }); } } }; $.GollumEditor.defineLanguage('pod', Pod); var PodHelp = [ { menuName: 'Command Paragraphs', content: [ { menuName: 'Headings', data: '

All command paragraphs start with = (equals sign).

To create headings 1 through 4, begin your command paragraph with =headN, where N is the number of the heading 1 through 4. For example, to make a first-order heading (the largest possible,) write =head1, then on the next line begin your paragraph that you want under the heading.

' }, { menuName: 'Beginning & Ending', data: '

Perl pod blocks should begin with =pod and end with =cut, signifying to Pod parsers that the pod block has begun and ended. These command paragraphs only signal the beginning and end of a pod block.

' }, { menuName: 'Other Formats', data: '

pod also allows blocks in other formats, such as HTML or plain text. To create one of these blocks, use the =format SYNTAX command paragraph, where SYNTAX is the syntax of the block (e.g. html or txt). At the end of your block, use the =end SYNTAX block.

' }, { menuName: 'Encoding', data: '

If you are having encoding troubles, use the =encoding ENC_TYPE command, where ENC_TYPE is the encoding type (e.g. utf8, koi8-r). This will affect the entire document, not just the block below the command.

' } ] }, { menuName: 'Formatting', content: [ { menuName: 'Text', data: '

Formatting text as bold, italic or code works in the S<word> syntax, where S is an abbreviation for the type of text you are trying to create. For example, B<my bold text> becomes my bold text, I<italic text> becomes italic text and C<code here()> becomes code here().

' }, { menuName: 'Hyperlinks', data: '

Writing hyperlinks in pod is much like formatting text, using the same S<> syntax. Instead of B, I or C, use L to begin a hyperlink.

pod allows you to hyperlink to a man page, a Perl documentation page, or another web page. To link to a man or Perl documentation page, simply include the page name in the link (e.g. L<perl(1)> or L<Net::Ping>). If you want to link to a web page, separate the URL and the link text with a pipe (e.g. to link to github.com, write L<GitHub|http://github.com/>).' } ] } ]; $.GollumEditor.defineHelp('pod', PodHelp); })(jQuery);