--- permalink: assets/js/search.mjs --- import { stringLookup } from "./strings.mjs"; import { expandContainingDropdowns } from "./dropdownExpander.mjs"; import AnimationUtil from "./AnimationUtil.mjs"; import AsyncUtil from "./AsyncUtil.mjs"; import UrlHelper from "./UrlHelper.mjs"; const PAGE_DATA_URL = `{{ "/assets/search_data.json" | relative_url }}`; const MATCHING_TITLE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT = 15; const ALREADY_SEEN_PRIORITY_DECREMENT = 100; const SEARCH_CONTEXT_LEN = 40; /// Handles fetching page data, caching it, etc. class Searcher { constructor() { this.cachedData_ = null; } async getPageData_() { if (this.cachedData_ == null) { let response = await fetch(PAGE_DATA_URL); // If the server responded, but something went wrong, if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( `While fetching search data from “${PAGE_DATA_URL}”:` + ` Server responded with code ${response.status}/${response.statusText}.` ); } let json = await (response).json(); this.cachedData_ = json; } return this.cachedData_; } filterContent_(content) { return content // Remove tags that have attributes < 20 characters long (total) .replaceAll(/[<][/]?\w+\s*[^>]{0,20}[>]/g, "") // Remove tags with known attributes .replaceAll(/[<]\w+(?:\s+(?:href|class|id|src)\s*[=]\s*["'].*['"])+[>]/g, "") // Replace escape sequences .replaceAll(/[&]lt;/g, "<") .replaceAll(/[&]gt;/g, ">") .replaceAll(/[&]ldquo;/g, '"') .replaceAll(/[&]rdquo;/g, '"') .replaceAll(/[&]amp;/g, "&") .replaceAll(/\s+/g, ' '); } /// Get the container element for the [n]th search /// result for [query] in the given [elem]. /// Returns an Element. getNthResultIn(elem, query, n) { var recurse = (elem) => { let isElement = elem.tagName != undefined; if (n < 0) { return null; } // The element must actually contain the query. // [elem] may not be an Element (we only require that it be a Node), // so use textContent. let searchText = this.filterContent_(isElement ? elem.innerHTML : elem.textContent); searchText = searchText.toLowerCase(); if (searchText.indexOf(query) == -1) { return null; } // If the current node is a leaf, if (elem.childNodes.length == 0) { let numMatches = searchText.split(query).length - 1; n -= numMatches; // If we've considered enough matches, if (n < 0) { return elem; } } for (const child of elem.childNodes) { let res = recurse(child); if (res) { let resIsElement = res.tagName != undefined; if (isElement && !resIsElement) { return elem; } return res; } } return null; }; return recurse(elem); } async runSearch(query) { let data = await this.getPageData_(); let results = []; query = query .replaceAll(/\s+/g, ' ') .toLowerCase(); for (const page of data) { // Remove HTML tags. let content = this.filterContent_(page.content); content += '\n' + (page.title ?? ""); let pageData = { title: page.title, url: page.url, numMatches: 0, titleMatches: (page.title?.toLowerCase()?.indexOf(query) != -1) }; // TODO: Improve search! let toSearch = content.toLowerCase(); let matchLoc = toSearch.indexOf(query); let startPos = 0; let index = 0; while (matchLoc !== -1 && startPos < toSearch.length) { let context = content.substring( matchLoc - SEARCH_CONTEXT_LEN, matchLoc + SEARCH_CONTEXT_LEN ); // If content was clipped, if (matchLoc - SEARCH_CONTEXT_LEN > 0) { context = '…' + context; } if (matchLoc + SEARCH_CONTEXT_LEN < content.length) { context += '…'; } results.push({ index, context, pageData, }); index ++; pageData.numMatches ++; startPos = matchLoc + query.length; matchLoc = toSearch.indexOf(query, startPos); } } // Prioritize results let includedPages = {}; for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { let result = results[i]; result.priority = result.pageData.numMatches; if (result.pageData.titleMatches) { result.priority += MATCHING_TITLE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT; } // If we already are including a copy of the page, this result // is just for another match in the same page. Deprioritize if (includedPages[result.pageData.title]) { result.priority -= ALREADY_SEEN_PRIORITY_DECREMENT; } includedPages[result.pageData.title] = true; } results.sort((a, b) => { return b.priority - a.priority; }); return results; } } /// Scrolls to and shows the search result for the given [query] /// If neither [query] nor [resultIndex] are given, attempt to get them from /// the page's arguments (i.e. from https://example.com/...?search=...,n=...). function focusSearchResult(searcher, elem, query, resultIndex) { if (query === undefined && resultIndex === undefined) { let urlArgs = UrlHelper.getPageArgs(); let pageHash = UrlHelper.getPageHash(); if (urlArgs === null) { return; } // The page's hash also causes scrolling. Don't focus // if the page has a hash. if (pageHash != null) { return; } query = urlArgs.query; resultIndex = parseInt(urlArgs.index); if (isNaN(resultIndex)) { console.warn("Unable to navigate to result. Given idx is NaN"); return; } } resultIndex ??= 0; if (query === undefined) { return; } let result = searcher.getNthResultIn(elem, query, resultIndex); if (result) { console.log("Scrolling", result, "into view..."); expandContainingDropdowns(result); result.focus(); result.scrollIntoView(); } } /// Set up inputs/events using the given [searcher]. If [null], a new /// [Searcher] is created. function handleSearch(searcher) { const searchInput = document.querySelector(".search-container > #search_input"); const searchBtn = document.querySelector(".search-container > #search_btn"); const searchResults = document.querySelector("#sidebar .search-results"); searchInput.setAttribute("placeholder", stringLookup(`search_site_placeholder`)); searchBtn.disabled = true; searcher ??= new Searcher(); focusSearchResult(searcher, document.querySelector("main")); const showResults = (query, results) => { let descriptionElem = document.createElement("div"); descriptionElem.innerText = stringLookup(`found_search_results`, results.length); descriptionElem.classList.add(`results-description`); searchResults.replaceChildren(descriptionElem); for (const result of results) { let link = document.createElement("a"); let context = document.createElement("div"); context.classList.add('context'); link.innerText = result.pageData.title ?? stringLookup(`untitled`); link.href = result.pageData.url + `?query=${escape(query)},index=${result.index}`; context.innerText = result.context; link.appendChild(context); searchResults.appendChild(link); } AnimationUtil.expandInVert(searchResults); searchResults.classList.remove(`hidden`); return { descriptionElem }; }; const showError = (error) => { let errorDescription = document.createElement("div"); errorDescription.innerText = stringLookup(`search_error`, `${error}`); searchResults.replaceChildren(errorDescription); AnimationUtil.expandInVert(searchResults); searchResults.classList.remove(`hidden`); return { errorDescription }; }; const hideResults = () => { AnimationUtil.collapseOutVert(searchResults); searchResults.classList.add(`hidden`); }; const areSearchResultsHidden = () => searchResults.classList.contains('hidden'); let lastQuery; const updateSearchBtn = () => { let searchText = searchInput.value; let newLabel = stringLookup(`search_disabled_no_content`); let shouldDisable = (searchText == ""); shouldDisable &&= !searchBtn.classList.contains('close_search'); searchBtn.disabled = shouldDisable; if (!shouldDisable) { newLabel = stringLookup(`search_site_action`, searchText); } // The search button's action is to search if (lastQuery == searchText && !areSearchResultsHidden()) { searchBtn.classList.add('close_search'); newLabel = stringLookup(`hide_search_results_action`, searchText); } else { searchBtn.classList.remove('close_search'); } searchBtn.setAttribute("title", newLabel); }; searchBtn.onclick = async () => { let query = searchInput.value; // If the user hasn't changed the input from their last search, // we want to close the search view. Otherwise, if (query != lastQuery || areSearchResultsHidden()) { lastQuery = searchInput.value; try { let results = await searcher.runSearch(query); showResults(query, results); } catch (e) { console.error(e); showError(e); } } else { hideResults(); } updateSearchBtn(); }; // Enter: causes searching to happen searchInput.addEventListener("keyup", (evt) => { if (evt.key == "Enter") { searchBtn.click(); } updateSearchBtn(); }); searchInput.addEventListener("input", (evt) => { updateSearchBtn(); }); updateSearchBtn(); } export default handleSearch; export { handleSearch, Searcher };