# Global config settings for the MasterView plugin. # # This code is run at plugin load time, after the base rails framework # has been loaded and configured, but before any application-specific config # in +environment.rb+ is run. # # The MasterView configuration specification is referenced through +config+. # # General settings can be overridden for specific environments by providing # additional settings values in +config/masterview/environments/#{environment}.rb+. # # See Rails::Configuration for details on the available configuration settings. # # MasterView templates are used to generate pages handled by the content controller in this application #config.template_src_dir_abs_path( File.join( config.root_path, 'app/views-masterview-templates' ) ) config.template_dst_dir_path = 'app/views/content' # generate a more concise generated-file warning comment that the standard MV comment config.generated_file_comment = "# -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" config.generated_file_comment << "\n# DO NOT EDIT - generated by MasterView from template file:\n" config.generated_file_comment << '# #{template_path}' # carefully avoid premature substitution eval config.generated_file_comment << "\n# -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"