class Skr.Components.SkuLines extends Lanes.React.Component propTypes: lines: Lanes.PropTypes.Collection.isRequired commands: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired location: Lanes.PropTypes.Model.isRequired queryBuilder: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired saveImmediately: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired getDefaultProps: -> queryBuilder: (a) -> a componentWillMount: -> @createQuery(@props.lines) componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) -> @createQuery(nextProps.lines) if nextProps.lines createQuery: (lines) -> @query = new Lanes.Models.Query(@props.queryBuilder({ title: 'Lines' defaultSort: false src: lines, fields: [ { id:'id', visible: false } { id: 'sku_code', fixedWidth: 150 } { id: 'description', flex: 2 } { id: 'uom', title: 'UOM', query: false, fixedWidth: 100, format: (v, r, q) -> v?.combined sortBy: (a, b) -> Lanes.u.comparator(a.uom_size, b.uom_size) or Lanes.u.comparator(a.uom_code, b.uom_code) } { id: 'qty', textAlign: 'center', fixedWidth: 100 } { id: 'price', textAlign: 'right', fixedWidth: 130, format: (v, r, q) -> v?.toFixed(2) } ] })) onSkuChange: (sku, options) -> options.model.set({sku}) _.defer => _.dom(@, 'input[name="qty"]').focusAndSelect() if @isMounted() editors: -> sku_code: ({model, props}) => options = { with: {in_location:} include: ['sku_locs', 'uoms'] } uom: ({model}) -> onSelectionChange: (model) -> return Promise.resolve() unless model and not model.isNew() and @props.commands.isEditing() new _.Promise (res, rej) -> model.withAssociations([ 'sku_loc', 'sku', 'uom_choices' ]).then -> res(model) render: ->