require 'test_helper' require 'elasticsearch/extensions/reindex' class Elasticsearch::Extensions::ReindexIntegrationTest < Elasticsearch::Test::IntegrationTestCase context "The Reindex extension" do setup do @port = (ENV['TEST_CLUSTER_PORT'] || 9250).to_i @logger = @logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| color = case severity when /INFO/ then :green when /ERROR|WARN|FATAL/ then :red when /DEBUG/ then :cyan else :white end ANSI.ansi(severity[0] + ' ', color, :faint) + ANSI.ansi(msg, :white, :faint) + "\n" end @client = host: "localhost:#{@port}", logger: @logger @client.indices.delete index: '_all' @client.index index: 'test1', type: 'd', id: 1, body: { title: 'TEST 1', category: 'one' } @client.index index: 'test1', type: 'd', id: 2, body: { title: 'TEST 2', category: 'two' } @client.index index: 'test1', type: 'd', id: 3, body: { title: 'TEST 3', category: 'three' } @client.indices.refresh index: 'test1' wait_for_status: 'yellow' end should "copy documents from one index to another" do reindex = \ source: { index: 'test1', client: @client }, target: { index: 'test2' }, refresh: true result = reindex.perform assert_equal 0, result[:errors] assert_equal 3, 'test2')['hits']['total'] end should "transform documents with a lambda" do reindex = \ source: { index: 'test1', client: @client }, target: { index: 'test2' }, transform: lambda { |d| d['_source']['category'].upcase! }, refresh: true result = reindex.perform assert_equal 0, result[:errors] assert_equal 3, 'test2')['hits']['total'] assert_equal 'ONE', @client.get(index: 'test2', type: 'd', id: 1)['_source']['category'] end should "return the number of errors" do @client.indices.create index: 'test3', body: { mappings: { d: { properties: { category: { type: 'integer' } }}}} wait_for_status: 'yellow' reindex = \ source: { index: 'test1', client: @client }, target: { index: 'test3', transform: lambda { |d| d['_source']['category'].upcase!; d } }, refresh: true result = reindex.perform assert_equal 3, result[:errors] assert_equal 0, 'test3')['hits']['total'] end should "reindex via the API integration" do @client.reindex source: { index: 'test1' }, target: { index: 'test4' } @client.indices.refresh index: 'test4' assert_equal 3, 'test4')['hits']['total'] end end end