module Tk # Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity # # The pack command is used to communicate with the packer, a geometry manager # that arranges the children of a parent by packing them in order around the # edges of the parent. module Pack # If the first argument to pack is a window name (any value starting with # "."), then the command is processed in the same way as [configure]. def self.pack(*args) Tk.execute('pack', *args) end # The arguments consist of the names of one or more slave windows followed # by a hash of arguments that specify how to manage the slaves. # See THE PACKER ALGORITHM for details on how the options are used by the # packer. def self.configure(*arguments) Tk.execute('pack', 'configure', *arguments) end # Removes each of the +slaves+ from the packing order for its master and # unmaps their windows. # The +slaves+ will no longer be managed by the packer. def self.forget(*slaves) Tk.execute_only('pack', 'forget', *slaves) end # Returns a hash whose elements are the current configuration state of the # +slave+ given by in the same option-value form that might be specified # to pack configure. # The hash contains`in: master` where master is the +slave+'s master. def info = Tk.execute('pack', 'info', slave) array = info.split.each_slice(2).map{|key, value| case key = key[1..-1].to_sym when :expand [key, Tk.boolean(value)] when :ipadx, :ipady, :padx, :pady [key, value.to_i] when :fill, :side [key, value.to_sym] when :after, :anchor, :before, :in [key, value] else raise "Unknown info pair: %p => %p" % [key, value] end } Hash[array] end # If +boolean+ is true then propagation is enabled for +master+, which must # be a window (see GEOMETRY PROPAGATION below). # If +boolean+ is false, then propagation is disabled for +master+. # In either of these cases nil is returned. # If boolean is omitted then the command returns 0 or 1 to indicate whether # propagation is currently enabled for master. # Propagation is enabled by default. def self.propagate(master, boolean = true) Tk.execute_only('pack', 'propagate', master, boolean) end # Returns a list of all of the slaves in the packing order for master. The # order of the slaves in the list is the same as their order in the packing # order. def self.slaves(master) Tk.execute('pack', 'slaves', master) end def pack(options = {}) Pack.pack(self, options.to_tcl_options) self end def pack_configure(options = {}) Tk.execute_only('pack', 'configure', self, options) self end def pack_forget Pack.forget(self) self end def pack_info end def pack_propagate(boolean = true) Pack.propagate(self, boolean) end def pack_slaves Pack.slaves(self) end end end