module DataMapper
module Is
# = dm-is-select
# A DataMapper plugin that makes getting the options from a Model easier.
module Select
# Defines the field to use for the select menu
# ==== Params
# * :field_name => the name of the field values shown in select
# * :options
# * :is_tree => whether if the current Model is an is :tree model. (Defaults to false)
# ==== Examples
# is :select, :name
# => creates a options array on the :name attribute of the model
# is :select, :name, :is_tree => true
# => creates a options array with the results ordered in hierarchical order
# parent > child > grandchild for each parent
# @api public
def is_select(select_field = :name, options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "The :select_field, must be an existing attribute in the Model. Got [ #{select_field.inspect} ]" unless properties.any?{ |p| == select_field.to_sym }
@select_options = {
# add specical features if we are working with Tree Model
:is_tree => false
@select_field = select_field
# Add class & Instance methods
extend DataMapper::Is::Select::ClassMethods
# include DataMapper::Is::Select::InstanceMethods
module ClassMethods
attr_reader :select_field, :select_options
# Provides the Model content in a ready to use options array
# ==== Params
# * :options
# * :prompt [String/Boolean] => The text shown on the field in the browser. (Defaults to "Select NameOfYourModel")
# * :divider [Boolean] => Whether to add a divider/separator between the prompt and the main options. (Defaults to +true+)
# * :order [Array] => A normal DM order declaration. (Defaults to [:name] or the name of the select_field declared)
# * :show_root [Boolean] => Whether to add the Top Level Parent in the choices. (Defaults to +true+)
# * :root_text [String] => The text to show as the Parent item in select list. (Defaults to "Top Level NameOfYourModel")
# ==== Examples
# Category.items_for_select_menu
# => [ [nil, 'Select Category'], [nil, '---'], [1, 'Category 1'] ,....]
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:prompt => "Custom Prompt")
# => [ [nil, 'Custom Prompt'],...]
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:prompt => false)
# => [ [1, 'Category 1'] ,...]
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:divider => false )
# => array without the [nil, '---'] node
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:order => [ :id.desc ] )
# => array with the order reversed. (Prompts & divider always comes first)
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:publish_status => "on", :order => [ :id.desc ] )
# => returns only those items that matches the query params or just an empty Select Menu
# If your model is a Tree:
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:root_text => "Custom Root Text") # sets the text for the Top Level (root) Parent
# => [ ..., [0, 'Custom Root Text'],...]
# Category.items_for_select_menu(:show_root => false) # removes the Top Level (root) Parent from the
# @api public
def items_for_select_menu(options = {})
# clean out the various parts
html_options = options.only(:prompt, :divider, :show_root, :root_text)
sql_options = options.except(:prompt, :divider, :show_root, :root_text)
# puts "sql_options=[#{sql_options.inspect}] [#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}]"
# puts "html_options=[#{html_options.inspect}] [#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}]"
options = {
:prompt => "Select #{}",
:divider => true,
:show_root => true,
:root_text => "Top Level #{}",
sql_options = {
:order => [self.select_field.to_sym],
mi = self.select_options[:is_tree] ?
all({ :parent_id => 0 }.merge(sql_options) ) :
res = []
if options[:prompt]
res << [nil, options[:prompt]]
res << ['nil', " ------ "] if options[:divider]
if self.select_options[:is_tree]
if options[:show_root]
res << [0, options[:root_text]]
res << ['nil'," ------ "] if options[:divider]
if self.select_options[:is_tree]
mi.each do |x|
res << [, x.send(self.select_field)]
unless x.children.blank?
x.children.each do |child|
res << [, "-- #{child.send(self.select_field)}"]
child.children.each do |grand_child|
res << [, "-- -- #{grand_child.send(self.select_field)}"]
end unless child.children.blank?
mi.each do |x|
res << [, x.send(self.select_field)]
end # ClassMethods
# module InstanceMethods
# end # InstanceMethods
end # Select
end # Is
end # DataMapper