define("dojox/mobile/bookmarkable", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/hash", "dijit/registry", "./TransitionEvent", "./View", "./viewRegistry" ], function(array, connect, lang, win, hash, registry, TransitionEvent, View, viewRegistry){ // module: // dojox/mobile/bookmarkable var b = { // summary: // Utilities to make the view transitions bookmarkable. // settingHash: [private] Boolean // Whether the browser URL needs to be updated to include the hash. settingHash: false, // transitionInfo: Array // An array containing information about the transition. transitionInfo: [], getTransitionInfo: function(/*String*/ fromViewId, /*String*/ toViewId){ // summary: // Returns an array containing the transition information. return this.transitionInfo[fromViewId.replace(/^#/, "") + ":" + toViewId.replace(/^#/, "")]; // Array }, addTransitionInfo: function(/*String*/ fromViewId, /*String*/ toViewId, /*Object*/args){ // summary: // Adds transition information. this.transitionInfo[fromViewId.replace(/^#/, "") + ":" + toViewId.replace(/^#/, "")] = args; }, findTransitionViews: function(/*String*/moveTo){ // summary: // Searches for a starting view and a destination view. if(!moveTo){ return []; } var view = registry.byId(moveTo.replace(/^#/, "")); if(!view){ return []; } for(var v = view.getParent(); v; v = v.getParent()){ // search for the topmost invisible parent node if(v.isVisible && !v.isVisible()){ view = v; } } // fromView, toView return [view.getShowingView(), view]; // Array }, onHashChange: function(value){ // summary: // Called on "/dojo/hashchange" events. if(this.settingHash){ this.settingHash = false; return; } var params = this.handleFragIds(value); params.hashchange = true; new TransitionEvent(win.body(), params).dispatch(); }, handleFragIds: function(/*String*/fragIds){ // summary: // Analyzes the given hash (fragment id). // description: // Given a comma-separated list of view IDs, this method // searches for a transition destination, and makes all the // views in the hash visible. var arr, moveTo; if(!fragIds){ moveTo =; arr = this.findTransitionViews(moveTo); }else{ var ids = fragIds.replace(/^#/, "").split(/,/); for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){ // Search for a transition destination view. var view = registry.byId(ids[i]); // Skip a visible view. Visible view can't be a destination candidate. if(view.isVisible()){ continue; } // Check if all the ancestors are in the fragIds. // If not, obviously the view was NOT visible before the previous transition. // That means the previous transition can't happen from that view, // which means the view can't be a destination. var success = true; for(var v = viewRegistry.getParentView(view); v; v = viewRegistry.getParentView(v)){ if(array.indexOf(ids, === -1){ success = false; break; } } if(!success){ // Simply make the view visible without transition. array.forEach(view.getSiblingViews(), function(v){ = (v === view) ? "" : "none"; }); continue; } arr = this.findTransitionViews(ids[i]); if(arr.length === 2){ moveTo = ids[i]; // The destination found. But continue the loop to make // the other views in the fragIds visible. } } } var args = this.getTransitionInfo(arr[0].id, arr[1].id); var dir = 1; if(!args){ args = this.getTransitionInfo(arr[1].id, arr[0].id); dir = -1; } return { moveTo: "#" + moveTo, transitionDir: args ? args.transitionDir * dir : 1, transition: args ? args.transition : "none" }; }, setFragIds: function(/*Widget*/toView){ // summary: // Updates the hash (fragment id) in the browser URL. // description: // The hash value consists of one or more visible view ids // separated with commas. var arr = array.filter(viewRegistry.getViews(), function(v){ return v.isVisible(); }); this.settingHash = true; hash(, function(v){ return; }).join(",")); } }; connect.subscribe("/dojo/hashchange", null, function(){ b.onHashChange.apply(b, arguments); }); lang.extend(View, { getTransitionInfo: function(){ b.getTransitionInfo.apply(b, arguments); }, addTransitionInfo: function(){ b.addTransitionInfo.apply(b, arguments); }, handleFragIds: function(){ b.handleFragIds.apply(b, arguments); }, setFragIds: function(){ b.setFragIds.apply(b, arguments); } }); return b; });