== amee-data-abstraction The amee-data-abstraction gem provides an easy-to-use, highly configurable interface for providing AMEE-driven calculations to Rails applications. Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license (See LICENSE.txt for details) Authors: James Hetherington, James Smith, Andrew Berkeley, George Palmer Copyright: Copyright (c) 2011 AMEE UK Ltd Homepage: http://github.com/AMEE/amee-data-abstraction Documentation: http://rubydoc.info/gems/amee-data-abstraction == INSTALLATION gem install amee-data-abstraction == REQUIREMENTS * ruby 1.8.7 * rubygems >= 1.5 All gem requirements should be installed as part of the rubygems installation process above, but are listed here for completeness. * amee ~> 3.0 * uuidtools = 2.1.2 * quantify = 1.1.0 == USAGE The library provides several useful functions: 1. Abstracts away most of the details for making API calls into an elegant DSL-style configuration. 2. Provides a host of macro-style helper methods for rapidly generating calcualtion templates 3. Models each type of AMEE calculation as a fully configurable Ruby object. 4. Enables the configuring of which inputs (drills and profile item values) and outputs (return values) to handle and display for each calculation type. 5. Enables configuration of default interfaces (select lists, text fields, etc.) for calculation components. 6. Enables customised, human-readable names and other descriptors to be associated with calculations or calculation components (inputs, outputs, etc.). 7. Enables arbitrary metadata to be associated with calculations. 8. Provides support for handling alternative units, including full configurability. === Brief introduction The calculations provided by AMEE categories are represented by instances of the class AMEE::DataAbstraction::Calculation. This class has two subclasses, (1) PrototypeCalculation, which is used to represent a blank calculation template for a particular type of calculation; and (2) OngoingCalculation, instances of which represent actual individual calculations which are made. Calculation objects contain instances of the AMEE::DataAbstraction::Term class. The Term class, and its subclasses Input, Drill, Profile, Metadatum, Usage, and Output, represent components of a calculation such as inputs, outputs (i.e. caluclated values) and arbitrary metadatum. Prototype calculations can be contained within an instance of the class AMEE::DataAbstraction::CalculationSet, in order to provide rapid access to any defined calculation templates and instantiating of a new instance of a real calcualtion. === Example usage Configure a calculation include AMEE::DataAbstraction my_template_calculation = PrototypeCalculation.new { label :electricity # Custom unique label name "Grid electricity supply" # Custom name path "/some/path/in/the/amee/platform" # AMEE platform category path terms_from_amee # helper for initializing and configuring all calculation terms based on AMEE platform } #=> Create a new calculation instance my_calculation = my_template_calculation.begin_calculation #=> Set the calculation inputs params = { :country => 'Sweden', :consumption => { :value => 6000, :unit => 'kWh' }} my_calculation.choose! params Submit to AMEE for calculation my_calculation.calculate! my_calculation[:co2].to_s #=> "2456 kg" === Configuring mutliple application calculation prototypes Typical practice is initialize the calculation prototypes required for an application via a configuration file which creates the required calculation templates within an instance of CalculationSet. If the calculation set is assigned to a global variable or constant, the set of prototypes is available for initializing new calculations and templating view structures (e.g. tables, forms) from anywhere in the application. Adding a configuration to /config or /config/initializers may be appropriate # e.g. /config/initializers/calculations.rb Calculations = AMEE::DataAbstraction::CalculationSet { calculation { label :electricity name "Grid Electricity Supply" path "/some/electricity/associated/path/in/amee" terms_from_amee } calculation { label :transport name "Employee Commuting" path "/some/transport/associated/path/in/amee" terms_from_amee } calculation { label :fuel name "Fuel Consumption" path "/some/fuel/associated/path/in/amee" terms_from_amee } } #=> From this global calculation set, initialize a new calculation my_fuel_calculation = Calculations[:fuel].begin_calculation #=> a_different_transport_calculation = Calculations[:transport].begin_calculation #=> === Configuring a connection to AMEE The AMEE::DataAbstraction module uses the 'amee' ruby gem to interact with AMEE. The standard method for configuring and instantiating a connection to the AMEE API is to provide authentication credentials in the /config/amee.yml file, structured thus: --- production: server: live.amee.com username: password: cache: rails development: server: stage.amee.com username: password: cache: rails test: server: stage.amee.com username: password: