require 'httparty' require 'json' module BunnyApp class Client include HTTParty attr_accessor :headers USER_AGENT = "BunnyApp Ruby v#{BunnyApp::VERSION}".freeze def initialize self.class.base_uri BunnyApp.base_uri self.class.default_options.update(verify: verify_ssl) BunnyApp.access_token ||= fetch_access_token @headers = { 'User-Agent' => USER_AGENT, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{BunnyApp.access_token}" } @headers['host'] = host_header unless host_header.nil? end def fetch_access_token body = URI.encode_www_form({ grant_type: 'client_credentials', client_id: BunnyApp.client_id, client_secret: BunnyApp.client_secret, scope: BunnyApp.scope }) headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } res ='/oauth/token', headers:, body:) case res.code.to_s when /2[0-9][0-9]/ # HTTP 2xx BunnyApp.retryable = true res['access_token'] when /40[0-9]/ raise AuthorizationError, res.parsed_response['error_description'] else raise ResponseError, res.body end end def query(query, variables, retries = 0) body = { query:, variables: }.to_json @headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{BunnyApp.access_token}" res ='/graphql', headers: @headers, body:) case res.code.to_s when /2[0-9][0-9]/ # HTTP 2xx response_body = JSON.parse(res.body) raise ResponseError, (response_body['errors'].map { |error| error['message'] }) if response_body['errors'] response_body when /401/ # Access Token Expired raise AuthorizationError, 'Invalid access token' unless BunnyApp.retryable raise AuthorizationError, 'Invalid api credentials' if retries >= 1 BunnyApp.access_token = fetch_access_token retries += 1 query(query, variables, retries) when /403/ # HTTP 403 raise AuthorizationError, res.parsed_response['error_decscription'] else # HTTP 400, 500 etc puts "Bunny SDK Response Error Headers: #{res.headers}" puts "Bunny SDK Response Error Body: #{res.body}" raise ResponseError, res.body end end # Performs the api request within a new Thread, so it is non blocking. # Consider it fire and forget def query_async(query, variables) do query(query, variables) end end def verify_ssl return true unless ENV['IGNORE_SSL'] end def host_header ENV.fetch('BUNNY_HOST_HEADER', nil) end end end