=== http_spew 0.5.0 / 2016-10-31 20:43 UTC This release requires Ruby 2.1 or later. 13 changes since 0.4.1: gemspec: require kcar >= 0.3.1 test/helper: explicit redirect for Ruby 2.0.0 update packaging + docs (website) allow all future GPL versions add benchmark scripts relax dependency on unicorn declare empty classes with constant assignment test_upload: use object_id to check matches use frozen string literals for Ruby 2.1+ merge into kcar project and mailing list dedicated mailing list rely on opt_str_freeze in more places use monotonic clock for timing === http_spew 0.4.1 / 2012-09-23 00:01 UTC Fix formatting of user-supplied headers. === http_spew 0.4.0 / 2011-11-03 00:23 UTC Bump kgio dependency to the latest version to remove need for IO#wait. === http_spew 0.3.0 - ContentMD5 improvements / 2011-05-11 23:29 UTC There are minor changes to HTTP_Spew::ContentMD5: * allow optional input param to initialize * update bytes_digested for incomplete xfers Still not API-stable, but maybe it's closer... === http_spew 0.2.0 - bugfixes and improvements / 2011-05-10 22:19 UTC InputSpray may now be layered on top of ContentMD5 successfully. Improved multi-threading abilities and tests. Do not consider the API remotely stable, yet. === HTTP spew 0.1.0 - initial release / 2011-02-24 08:50 UTC Might as well...