[{:func_name=>"gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "sigma"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma, using\n" + "the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_ugaussian_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"]], :desc=> "These functions compute results for the unit Gaussian distribution. They\n" + "are equivalent to the functions above with a standard deviation of one,\n" + "sigma = 1."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_gaussian_tail_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "sigma"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Gaussian tail distribution with standard deviation sigma and\n" + "lower limit a, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_ugaussian_tail_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"]], :desc=> "These functions compute results for the tail of a unit Gaussian\n" + "distribution. They are equivalent to the functions above with a standard\n" + "deviation of one, sigma = 1."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["double", "x"], ["double", "y"], ["double", "sigma_x"], ["double", "sigma_y"], ["double", "rho"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x,y) at\n" + "(x,y) for a bivariate Gaussian distribution with standard\n" + "deviations sigma_x, sigma_y and correlation coefficient\n" + "rho, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_multivariate_gaussian_pdf", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_vector *", "x"], ["const gsl_vector *", "mu"], ["const gsl_matrix *", "L"], ["double *", "result"], ["gsl_vector *", "work"]], :desc=> "These functions compute p(x) or \\log{p(x)} at the point x, using mean vector\n" + "mu and variance-covariance matrix specified by its Cholesky factor L using the formula\n" + "above. Additional workspace of length k is required in work."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_multivariate_gaussian_log_pdf", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_vector *", "x"], ["const gsl_vector *", "mu"], ["const gsl_matrix *", "L"], ["double *", "result"], ["gsl_vector *", "work"]], :desc=> "These functions compute p(x) or \\log{p(x)} at the point x, using mean vector\n" + "mu and variance-covariance matrix specified by its Cholesky factor L using the formula\n" + "above. Additional workspace of length k is required in work."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_exponential_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "mu"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for an exponential distribution with mean mu, using the formula\n" + "given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_laplace_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Laplace distribution with width a, using the formula\n" + "given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_exppow_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for an exponential power distribution with scale parameter a\n" + "and exponent b, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_cauchy_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Cauchy distribution with scale parameter a, using the formula\n" + "given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_rayleigh_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "sigma"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter sigma, using the\n" + "formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "sigma"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Rayleigh tail distribution with scale parameter sigma and\n" + "lower limit a, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_landau_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for the Landau distribution using an approximation to the formula given\n" + "above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_gamma_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a gamma distribution with parameters a and b, using the\n" + "formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_flat_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a uniform distribution from a to b, using the formula\n" + "given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_lognormal_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "zeta"], ["double", "sigma"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a lognormal distribution with parameters zeta and sigma,\n" + "using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_chisq_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "nu"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a chi-squared distribution with nu degrees of freedom, using\n" + "the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_fdist_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "nu1"], ["double", "nu2"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for an F-distribution with nu1 and nu2 degrees of freedom,\n" + "using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_tdist_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "nu"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a t-distribution with nu degrees of freedom, using the formula\n" + "given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_beta_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a beta distribution with parameters a and b, using the\n" + "formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_logistic_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a logistic distribution with scale parameter a, using the\n" + "formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_pareto_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Pareto distribution with exponent a and scale b, using\n" + "the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_weibull_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Weibull distribution with scale a and exponent b,\n" + "using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_gumbel1_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Type-1 Gumbel distribution with parameters a and b,\n" + "using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_gumbel2_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["double", "x"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density p(x) at x\n" + "for a Type-2 Gumbel distribution with parameters a and b,\n" + "using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_dirichlet_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["size_t", "K"], ["const double", "alpha[]"], ["const double", "theta[]"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability density \n" + "$p(\\theta_1, \\ldots , \\theta_K)$\n" + "p(\\theta_1, ... , \\theta_K)\n" + "at theta[K] for a Dirichlet distribution with parameters \n" + "alpha[K], using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_dirichlet_lnpdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["size_t", "K"], ["const double", "alpha[]"], ["const double", "theta[]"]], :desc=> "This function computes the logarithm of the probability density \n" + "$p(\\theta_1, \\ldots , \\theta_K)$\n" + "p(\\theta_1, ... , \\theta_K)\n" + "for a Dirichlet distribution with parameters \n" + "alpha[K]."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_discrete_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["size_t", "k"], ["const gsl_ran_discrete_t *", "g"]], :desc=> "Returns the probability P[k] of observing the variable k.\n" + "Since P[k] is not stored as part of the lookup table, it must be\n" + "recomputed; this computation takes O(K), so if K is large\n" + "and you care about the original array P[k] used to create the\n" + "lookup table, then you should just keep this original array P[k]\n" + "around."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_poisson_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "mu"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a Poisson distribution with mean mu, using the formula\n" + "given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_bernoulli_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "p"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining\n" + "k from a Bernoulli distribution with probability parameter\n" + "p, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_binomial_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "p"], ["unsigned int", "n"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a binomial distribution with parameters p and n, using\n" + "the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_multinomial_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["size_t", "K"], ["const double", "p[]"], ["const unsigned int", "n[]"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability \n" + "$P(n_1, n_2, \\ldots, n_K)$\n" + "P(n_1, n_2, ..., n_K)\n" + "of sampling n[K] from a multinomial distribution \n" + "with parameters p[K], using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_multinomial_lnpdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["size_t", "K"], ["const double", "p[]"], ["const unsigned int", "n[]"]], :desc=> "This function returns the logarithm of the probability for the\n" + "multinomial distribution $P(n_1, n_2, \\ldots, n_K)$\n" + "P(n_1, n_2, ..., n_K) with parameters p[K]."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_negative_binomial_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "p"], ["double", "n"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a negative binomial distribution with parameters p and\n" + "n, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_pascal_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "p"], ["unsigned int", "n"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a Pascal distribution with parameters p and\n" + "n, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_geometric_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "p"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a geometric distribution with probability parameter p, using\n" + "the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_hypergeometric_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["unsigned int", "k"], ["unsigned int", "n1"], ["unsigned int", "n2"], ["unsigned int", "t"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a hypergeometric distribution with parameters n1, n2,\n" + "t, using the formula given above."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_ran_logarithmic_pdf", :func_type=>"double", :args=>[["unsigned int", "k"], ["double", "p"]], :desc=> "This function computes the probability p(k) of obtaining k\n" + "from a logarithmic distribution with probability parameter p,\n" + "using the formula given above."}]