Feature: bugreports
As a CSL cite processor hacker
I want the test bugreports_GreekStyleTwoEditors to pass
@citation @bugreports
Scenario: Greek Style Two Editors
Given the following style:
And the following input:
[{"author":[{"family":"Άγρας","given":"Τέλλος"}],"container-title":"Ποιήματα και πεζά","editor":[{"family":"Σαββίδης","given":"Γ. Π."},{"family":"Καρυωτάκης","given":"Κώστας"}],"id":"ITEM-1","issued":{"date-parts":[["1998"]]},"title":"Ο Καρυωτάκης και οι Σάτιρες","translator":[{"family":"Dimitriadis","given":"Andreas"}],"type":"chapter"}]
When I cite all items
Then the result should be:
Τέλλος Άγρας, «Ο Καρυωτάκης και οι Σάτιρες», στο: Γ. Π. Σαββίδης και Κώστας Καρυωτάκης (επιμ.), Ποιήματα και πεζά, μτφ. Andreas Dimitriadis, 1998.