When (/^getting information from the atomic elements table$/) do step %{on the object test page} @object = @page.atomicTable_table end Then (/^the atomic elements table should exist$/) do @page.atomicTable_exists?.should == true @page.atomicTable?.should == true end Then (/^the atomic elements table should be visible$/) do @page.atomicTable_visible?.should == true @page.atomicTable_?.should == true end Then (/^the atomic elements table should be a table object$/) do @object = @page.atomicTable_table @object.should be_instance_of Symbiont::WebObjects::Table end Then (/^the savings value cell for January should exist$/) do @page.janSavings_exists?.should == true @page.janSavings?.should == true end Then (/^the savings value cell for January should be visible$/) do @page.janSavings_visible?.should == true @page.janSavings_?.should == true end Then (/^the savings value cell for January should be a table cell object$/) do @object = @page.janSavings_cell @object.should be_instance_of Symbiont::WebObjects::TableCell end Then (/^the savings value cell for January should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |text| @page.janSavings.should == text end Then (/^the savings value cell for February should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |text| @page.febSavings.should == text end Then (/^the data for row "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", and "([^"]*)"$/) do |row, col1, col2, col3| table_row = @object[row.to_i - 1] table_row[0].text.should == col1 table_row[1].text.should == col2 table_row[2].text.should == col3 end Then (/^the atomic elements table should have "([^\"]*)" rows$/) do |rows| @object.rows.should == rows.to_i end Then (/^row "([^\"]*)" should have "([^\"]*)" columns$/) do |row, cols| @object[row.to_i - 1].columns.should == cols.to_i end Then (/^the data for the first row should be "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", and "([^"]*)"$/) do |col1, col2, col3| @object.first_row[0].text.should == col1 @object.first_row[1].text.should == col2 @object.first_row[2].text.should == col3 end Then (/^the data for the last row should be "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)", and "([^"]*)"$/) do |col1, col2, col3| @object.last_row[0].text.should == col1 @object.last_row[1].text.should == col2 @object.last_row[2].text.should == col3 end Then (/^the symbol for carbon should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |text| @page.atomicTable_object["Carbon"]["Symbol"].text.should == text end