# URBANopt Core Gem ## Version 0.8.0 Date Range: 11/23/21 - 04/21/22 - Fixed [#41]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/pull/41 ), Update licenses ## Version 0.7.0 Date Range: 07/02/21 - 11/22/21 - Updated dependencies for OpenStudio 3.3.0 ## Version 0.6.1 Date Range: 04/27/21 - 07/01/21 - Fixed [#37]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/pull/37 ), update rubocop configs to v4 ## Version 0.6.0 Date Range: 12/08/20 - 04/26/21 Updated dependencies for OpenStudio 3.2.0 (Ruby 2.7) ## Version 0.5.1 Date Range: 11/26/20 - 12/08/20 - Fixed [#15]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/issues/15 ), Updated urbanopt-reopt-example-project to simulate and generate results for multiple PVs - Fixed [#30]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/issues/30 ), Update extension-gem dependency ## Version 0.5.0 Date Range: 09/18/20 - 11/25/20 Updated dependencies for OpenStudio 3.1.0 ## Version 0.4.0 Date Range: 06/05/20 - 09/17/20 - Fixed [#7]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/issues/7 ), Remove travis in favor of Jenkins - Fixed [#24]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/issues/24 ), Chore: Add TM to first mention URBANopt on LICENSE file and LICENSE section ## Version 0.3.0 Date Range: 03/31/20 - 06/04/20 - Updated dependencies for ruby 2.5.x and OpenStudio 3.x - Remove old changelog script functionality in favor of new extension-gem functionality (can be run via rake task) ## Version 0.2.0 URBANopt Core Gem version 0.2.0 include minor updates to dependencies and updated copyrights. Date Range: 12/27/19 - 03/31/20 Closed Issues and Features - Fixed [#11]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/pull/11 ), Use URBANopt standard contributing guidelines - Fixed [#13]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/pull/13 ), updating copyrights - Fixed [#14]( https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-core-gem/pull/14 ), set ruby and extension gem versions ## Version 0.1.1 (unreleased) * Update travis tests to include openstudio related tests ## Version 0.1.0 * Initial release of the URBANopt Core Extension * Define the feature and feature_file that will be inherited.