## Batch contents * A root directory named with the LCCN of the publication. * Contained in the publication directory, two four-page issues, each with its own directory, named with the `YYYYMMDDEE` convention, where: - `YYYY` represents the 4-digit year - `MM` represents the 2-digit month - `DD` represents the 2-digit day - `EE` represents the 2-digit edition number (default is 01) * In each issue directory, page TIFF files are named in such a way that lexical ordering is observed ("page1.tiff" is before "page2.tiff" in both string evaluation and in human readability). ### Batch details * _Contained herein are images created from like issue PDFs in `../pdf_batch`._ * These page images were extracted via Ghostscript, with the following command syntax: ``` gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sOutputFile=page%d.tiff -r400 -f $PDFFILE ``` * Like the PDF equivalents, containing one-bit monochrome CCITT "Group 4" compressed images, these TIFF images use same compression and bit depth.