Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do set(:create_database_on_cold, true) set(:copy_compression, :gzip) set(:exclude_tables, []) # Returns the file extension used for the compression method in # question. def compression_extension case copy_compression when :gzip, :gz then "tar.gz" when :bzip2, :bz2 then "tar.bz2" when :zip then "zip" else raise ArgumentError, "invalid compression type #{compression.inspect}" end end # Returns the command necessary to compress the given directory # into the given file. The command is returned as an array, where # the first element is the utility to be used to perform the compression. def compress(directory, file) case copy_compression when :gzip, :gz then ["tar", "czf", file, directory] when :bzip2, :bz2 then ["tar", "cjf", file, directory] when :zip then ["zip", "-qr", file, directory] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid compression type #{copy_compression.inspect}" end end # Returns the command necessary to decompress the given file, # relative to the current working directory. It must also # preserve the directory structure in the file. The command is returned # as an array, where the first element is the utility to be used to # perform the decompression. def decompress(file) case copy_compression when :gzip, :gz then ["tar", "xzf", file] when :bzip2, :bz2 then ["tar", "xjf", file] when :zip then ["unzip", "-q", file] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid compression type #{copy_compression.inspect}" end end class Capistrano::Configuration def execute(command, failure_message = "Command failed") puts "Executing: #{command}" system(command) || raise(failure_message) end end namespace :database do desc <<-DESC create the production database DESC task :create, :roles => :db do run "cd #{current_path} && rake db:create RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} --trace" end desc "Push db remotely" task :push_db_remotely, :roles => :db do default_character_set = Object.const_defined?(:DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET) ? Object::DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET : "utf8" local_env = ENV['LOCAL_ENV'] || "development" all_db_info = YAML.load("config/database.yml")) local_db_info = all_db_info[local_env] remote_db_info = all_db_info[rails_env.to_s] raise "Missing database.yml entry for #{local_env}" unless local_db_info raise "Missing database.yml entry for #{rails_env.to_s}" unless remote_db_info puts %{ ! WARNING !: The remote database '#{remote_db_info["database"]}' will be replaced with the contents of the local database '#{local_db_info["database"]}'. A dump of the remote db will be placed in your remote home directory just prior to it being replaced. 1) current REMOTE_DB ===> backed up to dump file, in ~/ 2) LOCAL_DB ===> REMOTE_DB ...old REMOTE_DB contents are overwritten!!! Even so, this is a very significant and potentially destructive operation. Please step back and contemplate what you're about to do. If you're really sure you want to continue, type "REPLACE #{remote_db_info["database"].upcase}": } if ($stdin.gets.strip != "REPLACE #{remote_db_info["database"].upcase}") puts "No action taken, exiting" exit(1) else puts "You confirmed that you want to continue, here we go" end dump_file_name = "#{local_db_info["database"]}.sql" local_dump_file_gz_path = "/tmp/#{dump_file_name}.gz" execute "time mysqldump -e -q --single-transaction --default_character_set=#{default_character_set} \ -u #{local_db_info["username"]} --password=#{local_db_info["password"]} \ --database #{local_db_info["database"]} | gzip > #{local_dump_file_gz_path}" upload "#{local_dump_file_gz_path}", "#{dump_file_name}.gz", :via => :scp execute "echo ^G^G^G^G^G" run "gzip -df ~/#{dump_file_name}.gz" run "perl -pi -e 's|#{local_db_info["database"]}|#{remote_db_info["database"]}|g' ~/#{dump_file_name}" run "time mysqldump -e -q --single-transaction --default_character_set=#{default_character_set} \ -u #{remote_db_info["username"]} --password=#{remote_db_info["password"]} \ --database #{remote_db_info["database"]} | gzip > ~/#{remote_db_info["database"]}_#{"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")}.sql.gz" remote_host = remote_db_info["host"] || "localhost" run "mysqladmin -u #{remote_db_info["username"]} --password=#{remote_db_info["password"]} -h #{remote_host} drop #{remote_db_info["database"]} -f" run "mysqladmin -u #{remote_db_info["username"]} --password=#{remote_db_info["password"]} -h #{remote_host} create #{remote_db_info["database"]} --default_character_set=#{default_character_set}" run "time mysql -u #{remote_db_info["username"]} --password=#{remote_db_info["password"]} -h #{remote_host} --database #{remote_db_info["database"]} --default_character_set=#{default_character_set} < ~/#{dump_file_name}" run "rm ~/#{dump_file_name}" end # ganked from pivotal desc "Pull db locally" task :pull_db_locally, :roles => :db do all_db_info = YAML.load("config/database.yml")) db_info = all_db_info[rails_env.to_s] raise "Missing database.yml entry for #{rails_env.to_s}" unless db_info database = db_info["database"] tables = ENV['TABLES'] ? ENV['TABLES'].split(',').join(' ') : '' dump_file = "/tmp/#{database}.sql" # look to see if a mysqldump process is already running run "ps aux | grep #{dump_file} | wc -l" do |channel, stream, data| if data.strip.to_i > 1 puts "It appears that mysqldump is already running on the server - is another pull task being run? Aborting to avoid clobbering the dumpfile." exit 1 end end db_dump_found = false run "if [ -f #{dump_file}.gz ]; then echo exists; else echo not_found; fi" do |channel, stream, data| puts "Result: #{channel[:server]} -> #{dump_file}.gz ( #{data} )" db_dump_found = data.strip == 'exists' ? true : false break if stream == :err end db_host = db_info["host"] host = "" host_arg = " -h #{db_host}" if db_host db_dump_cmd = "mysqldump -e -q --single-transaction \ -u #{db_info["username"]} --password=#{db_info["password"]} \ #{host_arg} #{db_info["database"]} #{tables} | gzip > #{dump_file}.gz" if db_dump_found run "ls -l #{dump_file}.gz" puts %{ ! INFO !: The remote database dump '#{dump_file}.gz' already exists If you would like to use the existing database dump type "USE EXISTING": } if ($stdin.gets.strip != "USE EXISTING") puts "Ignoring existing file and regenerating #{dump_file}.gz" run db_dump_cmd else puts "You confirmed that you want to use the existing file [#{dump_file}.gz], here we go" end else run db_dump_cmd end get "#{dump_file}.gz", "#{dump_file}.gz" run "rm #{dump_file}.gz" unless ENV['LEAVE_ON_SERVER'] target_env = ENV['LOCAL_ENV'] || "development" target_db_info = all_db_info[target_env] target_db_login = "-u #{target_db_info["username"]} --password=#{target_db_info["password"]}" target_db_login += " -h #{target_db_info["host"]}" if target_db_info["host"] gunzip_cmd = "gunzip -c #{dump_file}.gz" sed_cmd = "sed 's/#{db_info["database"]}/#{target_db_info["database"]}/g' > #{dump_file}" execute("#{gunzip_cmd} | #{sed_cmd}", "gunzip/sed of #{dump_file}.gz failed") unless ENV['TABLES'] execute("mysqladmin #{target_db_login} drop #{target_db_info["database"]} -f", "mysqladmin drop failed") execute("mysqladmin #{target_db_login} create #{target_db_info["database"]}", "mysqladmin create failed") end execute("mysql #{target_db_login} --database #{target_db_info["database"]} < #{dump_file}", "mysql import failed") execute("rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=#{target_env}", "migrate failed") execute("rm #{dump_file}", "rm of local unzipped #{dump_file} failed") end end namespace :deploy do task :cold do update database.create if create_database_on_cold migrate start end end end