#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems'; require 'require_relative' require_relative 'cmd-helper' require_relative '../../processor/command/help' class TestCommandHelp < Test::Unit::TestCase include UnitHelper def setup common_setup @name = File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb').split(/-/)[2] @my_cmd = @cmds[@name] end def check_help(should_not_have, *args) @cmdproc.instance_variable_set('@msgs', []) @cmdproc.instance_variable_set('@errmsgs', []) arg_str = args.join(' ') @my_cmd.run([@name] + args) shoulda = should_not_have ? ['no ', ''] : ['', 'no '] msgs = @cmdproc.instance_variable_get('@msgs') errmsgs = @cmdproc.instance_variable_get('@errmsgs') assert_equal(should_not_have, msgs.empty?, "Expecting %shelp for %s.\n Got %s" % [shoulda[0], arg_str, msgs]) assert_equal(!should_not_have, errmsgs.empty?, "Expecting %serror for %s.\n Got %s" % [shoulda[1], arg_str, msgs]) end def test_help_command # Test we can run 'help *cmd* for each command @cmds.keys.each do |cmd_name| check_help(false, cmd_name) end # Test we can run 'help *alias* for each alias @cmdproc.aliases.keys.each do |alias_name| check_help(false, alias_name) end # double-check specific commands and aliases %w(kill n help).each do |cmd_pat| check_help(false, cmd_pat) end # Test patterns %w(* k.* ki).each do |cmd_pat| check_help(false, cmd_pat) end # Test categories %w(running stack).each do |cmd_pat| check_help(false, cmd_pat) end # # Test sub help and subhelp patterns # [%w(info file), %w(show *)].each do |args| # check_help(false, args) # end # Test invalid commands %w(bogus abcd.*).each do |cmd_pat| check_help(true, cmd_pat) end # invalid help subcommands [%w(info fdafds), %w(fedafdsa *)].each do |args| check_help(true, *args) end # screwball error check_help(true, '["info",') end # FIXME: Do better than this. def check_subcmd_help(cmd_name, subcmd, *args) def subcmd.msg(mess) @msgs << mess end subcmd.instance_variable_set('@msgs', []) subcmd.instance_variable_set('@errmsgs', []) subcmd.help(cmd_name) assert subcmd.instance_variable_get('@msgs') # subcmd.help end def test_help_subcommand # Get list of commands with subcmds cmd_names = @cmds.values.map do |c| c.instance_variable_defined?(:@subcmds) ? c.name : nil end.compact cmd_names.each do |cmd_name| check_subcmd_help(cmd_name, @cmds[cmd_name].subcmds) end end def test_help_complete assert_equal(%w(break breakpoints), @my_cmd.complete('br')) assert_equal(%w(directory disable display), @my_cmd.complete('di')) end end