=begin Copyright 2010-2015 Tasos Laskos This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end require Arachni::Options.paths.lib + 'element/base' module Arachni::Element # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos class Body < Base include Capabilities::WithAuditor def initialize( url ) super url: url @initialization_options = url end # Matches an array of regular expressions against a string and logs the # result as an issue. # # @param [Array] patterns # Array of regular expressions to be tested. # @param [Block] block # Block to verify matches before logging, must return `true`/`false`. def match_and_log( patterns, &block ) [patterns].flatten.each do |pattern| auditor.page.body.scan( pattern ).flatten.uniq.compact.each do |proof| next if block_given? && !block.call( proof ) auditor.log( signature: pattern, proof: proof, vector: self ) end end end end end