require 'knapsack_pro' require 'tty-prompt' def step_for_rspec(prompt) prompt.say "Step for RSpec", color: :yellow prompt.say "Add at the beginning of your spec/spec_helper.rb:" prompt.say %{ require 'knapsack_pro' KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter.bind }, color: :cyan end def step_for_minitest(prompt) prompt.say "Step for Minitest", color: :yellow prompt.say "Add at the beginning of your test/test_helper.rb:" prompt.say %{ require 'knapsack_pro' knapsack_pro_adapter = KnapsackPro::Adapters::MinitestAdapter.bind knapsack_pro_adapter.set_test_helper_path(__FILE__) }, color: :cyan end def step_for_cucumber(prompt) prompt.say "Step for Cucumber", color: :yellow prompt.say "Create file features/support/knapsack_pro.rb and add there:" prompt.say %{ require 'knapsack_pro' KnapsackPro::Adapters::CucumberAdapter.bind }, color: :cyan end def step_for_spinach(prompt) prompt.say "Step for Spinach", color: :yellow prompt.say "Create file features/support/knapsack_pro.rb and add there:" prompt.say %{ require 'knapsack_pro' KnapsackPro::Adapters::SpinachAdapter.bind }, color: :cyan end def step_for_vcr(prompt) prompt.say "Step for VCR/WebMock/FakeWeb gems", color: :yellow prompt.say "Add Knapsack Pro API subdomain to ignore hosts" prompt.say "in spec/spec_helper.rb or wherever is your VCR configuration:" prompt.say %{ require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |config| config.hook_into :webmock # or :fakeweb config.ignore_hosts('localhost', '', '', '') end # add below when you hook into webmock require 'webmock/rspec' WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => ['']) # add below when you use FakeWeb require 'fakeweb' FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = %r[^https?://api\.knapsackpro\.com] }, color: :cyan puts prompt.say "Ensure you have require false in Gemfile for webmock gem when VCR is hook into it. Thanks to that webmock configuration in spec_helper.rb is loaded properly." prompt.say %{ group :test do gem 'vcr' gem 'webmock', require: false gem 'fakeweb', require: false # example when you use fakeweb end }, color: :cyan end def step_for_ci_circle(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for", color: :yellow prompt.say "Update circle.yml in your project:" str = '' answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| str << %{ # Step for #{tool} - bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool}: parallel: true # Caution: there are 8 spaces indentation! } end prompt.say((%{ test: override:} + str), color: :cyan) puts set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) end def step_for_ci_travis(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for", color: :yellow prompt.say "You can parallelize your builds across virtual machines with travis matrix feature." prompt.say "" puts prompt.say "Update .travis.yml" prompt.say %{ script: }, color: :cyan answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| prompt.say %{ # Step for #{tool} - "bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool}" }, color: :cyan end prompt.say %{ env: global: - KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 }, color: :cyan prompt.say %{ matrix: - KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 - KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=1 }, color: :cyan puts prompt.say "If you want more parallel jobs then update accordingly:" tip_ci_node_total_and_index(prompt) puts prompt.say "Open travis settings in web interface to add there Knapsack Pro API token." puts set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) end def step_for_ci_buildkite(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for", color: :yellow prompt.say "Please configure the parallelism parameter in your build step and run the appropiate command in your build:" answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| prompt.say %{ # Step for #{tool} bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool} }, color: :cyan end puts set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) end def step_for_ci_semaphore(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for", color: :yellow prompt.say "Set knapsack pro command for each parallel thread. Here is example:" answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| puts prompt.say "Step for #{tool}" prompt.say %{ # Thread 1 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool} # Thread 2 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool} }, color: :cyan end puts set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) end def step_for_ci_snap_ci(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for", color: :yellow prompt.say "Please configure number of workers for your project in configuration settings in order to enable parallelism." prompt.say "Next thing is to set below commands to be executed in your stage:" answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| prompt.say %{ # Step for #{tool} bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool} }, color: :cyan end puts set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) end def step_for_ci_jenkins(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for Jenkins", color: :yellow prompt.say "Please visit page to see example Jenkinsfile:" prompt.say "" puts end def step_for_ci_other(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Step for other CI provider", color: :yellow prompt.say "Set below global variables on your CI server." puts prompt.say "Git installed on the CI server will be used to determine branch name and current commit hash." prompt.say %{ KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER=git }, color: :cyan puts prompt.say "Path to the project repository on CI server, for instance:" prompt.say %{ KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR=/home/ubuntu/my-app-repository }, color: :cyan puts prompt.say "You can learn more about those variables here:" prompt.say "" puts set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) # set test run command on CI server prompt.say "Set test run command on CI server", color: :yellow prompt.say "You must set command responsible for running tests for each CI node." prompt.say "Let's assume you have 2 CI nodes. Here are commands you need to run for each CI node." answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| puts prompt.say "Step for #{tool}" prompt.say %{ # Command for first CI node $ KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool} # Command for second CI node $ KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=1 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:#{tool} }, color: :cyan end puts prompt.say "If you have more CI nodes then update accordingly:" tip_ci_node_total_and_index(prompt) puts end def tip_ci_node_total_and_index(prompt) prompt.say %{ KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL - total number of your CI nodes KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX - starts from 0, it's index of each CI node }, color: :cyan end def set_api_tokens_on_ci(prompt, answers) prompt.say "Set API token", color: :yellow prompt.say "You must set different API token on your CI server for each test suite you have:" puts str = '' answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| str << "KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_#{tool.upcase}\n" end prompt.say str, color: :cyan prompt.say "You can generate more API tokens after sign in on" puts end namespace :knapsack_pro do task :install do prompt = answers = {} puts prompt.say "Welcome to knapsack_pro gem installer." puts TESTING_TOOLS_CHOICES = { 'RSpec' => :rspec, 'Minitest' => :minitest, 'Cucumber' => :cucumber, 'Spinach' => :spinach, } answers[:testing_tools] = [] while answers[:testing_tools].empty? answers[:testing_tools] = prompt.multi_select("Choose your testing tools:", TESTING_TOOLS_CHOICES) end answers[:has_vcr] = prompt.yes?('Do you use VCR, WebMock or FakeWeb gem?') CI_PROVIDER_CHOICES = { '' => :circle, '' => :travis, '' => :buildkite, '' => :semaphore, '' => :snap_ci, 'Jenkins' => :jenkins, 'other' => :other, } answers[:ci] ="What is your CI provider?", CI_PROVIDER_CHOICES) puts # Instructions how to set up the gem puts puts prompt.say "###### Please follow below instructions to finish configuration ######", color: :green puts answers[:testing_tools].each do |tool| send("step_for_#{tool}", prompt) puts end if answers[:has_vcr] step_for_vcr(prompt) puts end send("step_for_ci_#{answers[:ci]}", prompt, answers) prompt.say "Final step", color: :yellow prompt.say "Now you are ready to use the gem!" puts prompt.say "Please push a new commit to repository so knapsack_pro gem will record time execution of your test suite." puts prompt.say "Go to user dashboard and click build metrics link next to your API token. Click show link on recent build and ensure the time execution data were recorded for all your CI nodes. You should see info that build subsets were collected." puts prompt.say "Your second test suite run on CI will be parallelized with optimal test suite split if first run was recorded correctly." puts puts prompt.say "Later you may want to learn about Queue Mode and how to enable it:" prompt.say "" puts puts prompt.say "You can learn more about custom configuration and other features:" prompt.say "" prompt.say "" puts prompt.say "###### Please follow above instructions to finish configuration ######", color: :green end end