require 'impala' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'mocha' describe 'Impala.connect' do before do Thrift::Socket.expects(:new).with('host', 12345) Thrift::BufferedTransport.expects(:new).once.returns(stub(:open => nil)) Thrift::BinaryProtocol.expects(:new).once Impala::Protocol::ImpalaService::Client.expects(:new).once end it 'should return an open connection when passed a block' do connection = Impala.connect('host', 12345) assert_equal(Impala::Connection, connection.class) assert_equal(true, end it 'should return the results of the query when given a block with a query, and then close tho connection' do Impala::Connection.any_instance.stubs(:query => 'result') Impala::Connection.any_instance.expects(:close).once ret = Impala.connect('host', 12345) do |conn| conn.query('query') end assert_equal('result', ret) end end describe Impala::Connection do describe '#sanitize_query' do before do Impala::Connection.any_instance.stubs(:open) @connection ='test', 1234) end it 'should downcase the command but nothing else' do query = 'SELECT blah FROM Blah' assert_equal('select blah FROM Blah', @connection.send(:sanitize_query, query)) end it 'should reject empty or invalid queries' do assert_raises(Impala::InvalidQueryError) { @connection.send(:sanitize_query, '')} end end describe '#check_result' do before do Impala::Connection.any_instance.stubs(:open) @connection ='test', 1234) @service = stub(:get_state => nil) @connection.instance_variable_set('@service', @service) end it 'should close the handle if an exception is raised, and then re-raise' do handle = stub() @service.expects(:close).with(handle).once @service.expects(:get_state).raises(StandardError) assert_raises(StandardError) { @connection.send(:check_result, handle) } end end describe '#execute' do before do Impala::Connection.any_instance.stubs(:open) Impala::Cursor.stubs(:new) @connection ='test', 1234) @connection.stubs(:open? => true, :sanitize_query => 'sanitized_query', :check_result => nil) end it 'should call Protocol::ImpalaService::Client#executeAndWait with the sanitized query' do query = query.query = 'sanitized_query' query.configuration = [] @service = stub() @service.expects(:executeAndWait).with(query, Impala::Connection::LOG_CONTEXT_ID).once @connection.instance_variable_set('@service', @service) @connection.execute('query') end it 'should call Protocol::ImpalaService::Client#executeAndWait with the hadoop_user and configuration if passed as parameter' do query = query.query = 'sanitized_query' query.hadoop_user = 'impala' query.configuration = %w|NUM_SCANNER_THREADS=8 MEM_LIMIT=3221225472| @service = stub() @service.expects(:executeAndWait).with(query, Impala::Connection::LOG_CONTEXT_ID).once @connection.instance_variable_set('@service', @service) opt = { :user => 'impala', :num_scanner_threads => 8, :mem_limit => 3221225472 } @connection.execute('query', opt) end end end