fluent-plugin-wendelin ====================== This is output plugin for [Fluentd][] to forward data to [Wendelin][] system. [Fluentd]: http://fluentd.org/ [Wendelin]: http://wendelin.io/ Configuration ------------- A sample configuration to setup ingestion of data for a tag to Wendelin: ```apache @type wendelin @id wendelin_out streamtool_uri /erp5/portal_ingestion_policies/ user password # all parameters of BufferedOutput & Output classes are supported too, e.g. # `buffer_type`, `flush_interval`, `num_threads`, `log_level`, etc - see # their code near: # # https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/blob/master/lib/fluent/output.rb#L182 # # logging setup description: # # http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/logging buffer_type memory #buffer_path "#{ENV['HOME']/var}" flush_interval 5s ``` See *example/to_wendelin.conf* for fully setup example. TODO ---- - make content to be posted over HTTP as raw (instead of urlencode data). - HTTPS certificates are currently not verified. - X.509 certificates instead of user / password. - cleanup