title: "KCC" site_name: KCC Gem Theme public-url: "https://www.kcc.edu" url: 'URL is needed for robots.txt to work properly' ## NO TRAILING SLASHES!!/<--nope port: 3000 timezone: America/Chicago google-tag_key: Google Tag Manager key goes here theme_config: true # This key should only be in the theme's _config.yml file and nowhere else # Otherwise you will get JS errors core_site: true # translate: true ## Uncomment to activate Google Translate Powers (unfortunately no cowpowers)!! collections: tabs: output: false accordions: output: false contacts: output: true permalink: pretty description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" # Delete this comment and place description on this line baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog #include: # - "_pages" # - "_posts" # include future posts? (true or false) future: true # Build settings markdown: kramdown include: - "_accordions/" - "_tabs/" exclude: - "node_modules" - "npm-debug.log" - "package.json" - "package-lock.json" - "README.md" - "Gemfile" - "Gemfile.lock" - "LICENSE.txt" - "webpack.config.js" - "*.gem" - "*.gemspec" - "ruby-version.txt" - "buildtools/" - "postcss.config.js" uploads_dir: # specifies the default uploads directory for uploads in CloudCannon - "uploads/" ## ================================================ ## ## Global/Main Navigation configuration for kcc.edu ## ## ================================================ ## navigation: ## Add a navigation key to any project using kcc-gem-theme to locally override these settings - link_text: Academics # @link_text becomes the main navigational categories link_href: 'academics' image: # The image element built into each dropdown menu source: 'assets/img/menu-academics.jpg' # Points to the image file # YOU ALWAYS NEED ALT TEXT!!! alt: >- Student in an electrical technology lab standing in front of electrical equipment mounted to a wall dropdown: # Defines the 'academics' items in the dropdown ## IMPORTANT: The first item in the 'dropdown' list is not sorted but stays as the first dropdown item... ## After the first item, the dropdown list is sorted alphabetically by the 'text' key. - text: Academic Programs ## Text for the first dropdown item (stays at the top) href: 'academics' ## Relative link that the first dropdown item should point to - text: Class Schedule href: 'schedule' # Relative link with hashes and queries work too 'page/#hash' or 'page/?id=some-heading#hash' - text: Academic Calendar href: 'calendar' - text: Continuing Education href: 'https://continuinged.kcc.edu/' ## Absolute URL with protocol works too - text: Illinois High School Diploma (GED) href: 'https://adulted.kcc.edu/programs/ged/' - text: Commencement href: 'commencement' - text: Final Exam Schedule href: 'final-exams' - text: Register for Classes href: 'register' - text: Academic Catalog href: 'https://kcc.smartcatalogiq.com/current/Academic-Catalog' - text: "Exam Make-ups" href: exam-makeups ## Admissions ## - link_text: Admissions link_href: admissions image: source: 'assets/img/menu-admission.jpg' alt: 'Smiling student inside the KCC main entrance' dropdown: - text: Admissions href: admissions - text: Placement Testing href: 'testing' - text: Apply href: 'https://apply.kcc.edu' - text: Request Information href: 'https://info.kcc.edu/' - text: Visit/Explore href: 'https://visit.kcc.edu' - text: 'Start in High School' href: 'high-school' - text: Request KCC Transcripts href: '#request-your-transcript' - text: 'Veterans Services' href: 'veterans' - text: 'Credit for Prior Learning' href: 'credit-for-prior-learning' ## Tuition & Aid - link_text: Tuition & Aid link_href: 'tuition-and-aid' image: source: 'assets/img/menu_fafsa-early-bird-web-banner-23.jpg' alt: >- The early bird gets the money. FAFSA available before Dec. 31. Apply at fafsa.gov. More details and workshop info at www.kcc.edu/finaid dropdown: - text: Tuition & Aid href: 'tuition-and-aid' - text: Financial Aid href: 'financial-aid' - text: Net Price Calculator href: 'net-price-calculator' - text: 'Cost to Attend KCC' href: '#cost-to-attend' - text: 'Tuition Payment & Deadlines' href: '#tuition-payment-and-deadlines' - text: 'Financial Aid Forms' href: 'financial-aid/#financial-aid-forms' - text: 'Student Employment' href: 'financial-aid/#student-employment' ## Student Resources ## - link_text: Student Resources link_href: 'student-resources' image: source: 'assets/img/menu-student-resources.jpg' alt: >- KCC Veteran Services staff from left-to-right; Kendra Souligne, Hassel Hernandez, Jason Rodriguez, and Megan Ponton. dropdown: - text: Student Resources href: 'student-resources' - text: Bookstore href: 'http://books.kcc.edu' - text: Clubs & Organizations href: 'clubs' - text: 'Center for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion' href: 'edi' - text: Fitness Center href: 'https://athletics.kcc.edu/facilities/fitness-center' - text: Advising href: 'advising' - text: Transfer Services href: 'transfer' - text: 'Counseling & Referral Services' href: 'counseling-and-referral-services' - text: Disability Services href: 'disability-services' - text: Student Representatives href: 'student-representatives' - text: Student Complaint Policy href: 'student-complaint-policy' - text: Start the Semester Right href: 'welcome' - text: KCC Food Pantry href: 'food-pantry' - text: Tutoring href: 'https://library.kcc.edu/tutoring/' - text: TRIO Student Support Services href: 'trio' - text: Career Services href: 'https://continuinged.kcc.edu/career-services/' - text: Food Services href: 'food-services' - text: Workforce Services href: 'https://wioa.kcc.edu/' - text: Student Handbook href: handbook - text: Support Resources href: support-resources ## Community ## - link_text: Community link_href: 'community' image: source: 'assets/img/menu-community.jpg' alt: 'The Criminal Justice Club posing on the metal sculpture in front of the KCC main entrance' dropdown: - text: Community href: 'community' - text: Adult & Community Education href: 'https://adulted.kcc.edu/' - text: Continuing Education href: 'https://continuinged.kcc.edu' - text: Sustainability href: 'sustainability' - text: Arts & Culture href: 'arts-and-culture' - text: Workforce Services href: 'https://wioa.kcc.edu/' - text: Community Testing Center href: testing-center - text: Wheels of Opportunity href: 'wheels' ## About KCC ## - link_text: About KCC link_href: 'about' link_nav: 'about' image: source: 'assets/img/menu-about-kcc.jpg' alt: 'Two students posing in front of the KCC main entrance' dropdown: - text: About KCC href: 'about' - text: Newsroom href: 'https://news.kcc.edu' - text: Leadership href: 'leadership' - text: Board of Trustees href: board-of-trustees - text: Human Resources href: 'human-resources' - text: Job Openings href: 'human-resources/job-openings' - text: Directories href: 'directories' - text: Information Technology Services href: 'its' - text: Marketing href: 'marketing' - text: 'Institutional Effectiveness' href: 'institutional-effectiveness' - text: 'Police & Safety' href: 'police-and-safety' - text: 'Student Code of Conduct' href: 'code-of-conduct' - text: 'Title IX' href: 'title-ix' - text: 'Contact Us' href: 'contact-us' - text: Web Services href: 'marketing/web-services' - text: Consumer Info and Disclosures href: 'consumer-info' - text: ICCB Salary and Benefits Portal href: 'http://iccbdbsrv.iccb.org/salarysearch/home.cfm' - text: COVID-19 Response href: 'https://coronavirus.kcc.edu'