# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/http/all/http.rbi # # http-4.3.0 module HTTP def self.[](headers); end extend HTTP::Chainable end class HTTP::Error < StandardError end class HTTP::ConnectionError < HTTP::Error end class HTTP::RequestError < HTTP::Error end class HTTP::ResponseError < HTTP::Error end class HTTP::StateError < HTTP::ResponseError end class HTTP::TimeoutError < HTTP::Error end class HTTP::HeaderError < HTTP::Error end module HTTP::Timeout end class HTTP::Timeout::Null def <<(data); end def close(*args, &block); end def closed?(*args, &block); end def connect(socket_class, host, port, nodelay = nil); end def connect_ssl; end def initialize(options = nil); end def options; end def readpartial(size, buffer = nil); end def rescue_readable(timeout = nil); end def rescue_writable(timeout = nil); end def socket; end def start_tls(host, ssl_socket_class, ssl_context); end def write(data); end extend Forwardable end class HTTP::Timeout::PerOperation < HTTP::Timeout::Null def connect(socket_class, host, port, nodelay = nil); end def connect_ssl; end def initialize(*args); end def readpartial(size, buffer = nil); end def write(data); end end class HTTP::Timeout::Global < HTTP::Timeout::Null def <<(data); end def connect(socket_class, host, port, nodelay = nil); end def connect_ssl; end def initialize(*args); end def log_time; end def perform_io; end def read_nonblock(size, buffer = nil); end def readpartial(size, buffer = nil); end def reset_counter; end def reset_timer; end def wait_readable_or_timeout; end def wait_writable_or_timeout; end def write(data); end def write_nonblock(data); end end class HTTP::Headers def ==(other); end def [](name); end def []=(name, value); end def add(name, value); end def delete(name); end def each; end def empty?(*args, &block); end def get(name); end def hash(*args, &block); end def include?(name); end def initialize; end def initialize_copy(orig); end def inspect; end def keys; end def merge!(other); end def merge(other); end def normalize_header(name); end def self.[](object); end def self.coerce(object); end def set(name, value); end def to_a; end def to_h; end def to_hash; end extend Forwardable include Enumerable end module HTTP::Headers::Mixin def [](*args, &block); end def []=(*args, &block); end def headers; end extend Forwardable end module HTTP::Chainable def accept(type); end def auth(value); end def basic_auth(opts); end def branch(options); end def build_request(*args); end def connect(uri, options = nil); end def cookies(cookies); end def default_options; end def default_options=(opts); end def delete(uri, options = nil); end def encoding(encoding); end def follow(options = nil); end def get(uri, options = nil); end def head(uri, options = nil); end def headers(headers); end def nodelay; end def options(uri, options = nil); end def patch(uri, options = nil); end def persistent(host, timeout: nil); end def post(uri, options = nil); end def put(uri, options = nil); end def request(*args); end def through(*proxy); end def timeout(options); end def trace(uri, options = nil); end def use(*features); end def via(*proxy); end end class HTTP::URI def ==(other); end def authority(*args, &block); end def authority=(*args, &block); end def dup; end def eql?(other); end def fragment(*args, &block); end def fragment=(*args, &block); end def hash; end def host(*args, &block); end def host=(*args, &block); end def http?; end def https?; end def initialize(options_or_uri = nil); end def inspect; end def join(*args, &block); end def normalize(*args, &block); end def normalized_authority(*args, &block); end def normalized_fragment(*args, &block); end def normalized_host(*args, &block); end def normalized_password(*args, &block); end def normalized_path(*args, &block); end def normalized_port(*args, &block); end def normalized_query(*args, &block); end def normalized_scheme(*args, &block); end def normalized_user(*args, &block); end def omit(*args, &block); end def origin(*args, &block); end def origin=(*args, &block); end def password(*args, &block); end def password=(*args, &block); end def path(*args, &block); end def path=(*args, &block); end def port; end def port=(*args, &block); end def query(*args, &block); end def query=(*args, &block); end def query_values(*args, &block); end def query_values=(*args, &block); end def request_uri(*args, &block); end def request_uri=(*args, &block); end def scheme(*args, &block); end def scheme=(*args, &block); end def self.form_encode(form_values, sort = nil); end def self.parse(uri); end def to_s; end def to_str; end def user(*args, &block); end def user=(*args, &block); end extend Forwardable end class HTTP::Options def []=(option, val); end def argument_error!(message); end def body; end def body=(arg0); end def cookies; end def cookies=(arg0); end def dup; end def encoding; end def encoding=(arg0); end def feature(name); end def features; end def features=(features); end def follow; end def follow=(value); end def form; end def form=(arg0); end def headers; end def headers=(arg0); end def initialize(options = nil); end def json; end def json=(arg0); end def keep_alive_timeout; end def keep_alive_timeout=(arg0); end def merge(other); end def nodelay; end def nodelay=(arg0); end def params; end def params=(arg0); end def persistent; end def persistent=(value); end def persistent?; end def proxy; end def proxy=(arg0); end def response; end def response=(arg0); end def self.available_features; end def self.def_option(name, reader_only: nil, &interpreter); end def self.default_socket_class; end def self.default_socket_class=(arg0); end def self.default_ssl_socket_class; end def self.default_ssl_socket_class=(arg0); end def self.default_timeout_class; end def self.default_timeout_class=(arg0); end def self.defined_options; end def self.new(options = nil); end def self.register_feature(name, impl); end def socket_class; end def socket_class=(arg0); end def ssl; end def ssl=(arg0); end def ssl_context; end def ssl_context=(arg0); end def ssl_socket_class; end def ssl_socket_class=(arg0); end def timeout_class; end def timeout_class=(arg0); end def timeout_options; end def timeout_options=(arg0); end def to_hash; end def with_body(value); end def with_cookies(value); end def with_encoding(value); end def with_features(value); end def with_follow(value); end def with_form(value); end def with_headers(value); end def with_json(value); end def with_keep_alive_timeout(value); end def with_nodelay(value); end def with_params(value); end def with_persistent(value); end def with_proxy(value); end def with_response(value); end def with_socket_class(value); end def with_ssl(value); end def with_ssl_context(value); end def with_ssl_socket_class(value); end def with_timeout_class(value); end def with_timeout_options(value); end end module HTTP::Features end class HTTP::Features::AutoInflate < HTTP::Feature def stream_for(connection); end def supported_encoding?(response); end def wrap_response(response); end end class HTTP::Request def body; end def connect_using_proxy(socket); end def default_host_header_value; end def headline; end def host(*args, &block); end def include_proxy_authorization_header; end def include_proxy_headers; end def initialize(opts); end def inspect; end def port; end def prepare_body(body); end def prepare_headers(headers); end def proxy; end def proxy_authorization_header; end def proxy_connect_header; end def proxy_connect_headers; end def redirect(uri, verb = nil); end def scheme; end def socket_host; end def socket_port; end def stream(socket); end def uri; end def uri_normalizer; end def using_authenticated_proxy?; end def using_proxy?; end def verb; end def version; end extend Forwardable include HTTP::Headers::Mixin end class HTTP::Request::Body def ==(other); end def each(&block); end def initialize(source); end def rewind(io); end def size; end def source; end def validate_source_type!; end end class HTTP::Request::Body::ProcIO def initialize(block); end def write(data); end end class HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate < HTTP::Feature def deflated_body(body); end def initialize(**arg0); end def method; end def wrap_request(request); end end class HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate::CompressedBody < HTTP::Request::Body def compress_all!; end def compressed_each; end def each(&block); end def initialize(uncompressed_body); end def size; end end class HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate::GzippedBody < HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate::CompressedBody def compress(&block); end end class HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate::GzippedBody::BlockIO def initialize(block); end def write(data); end end class HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate::DeflatedBody < HTTP::Features::AutoDeflate::CompressedBody def compress; end end class HTTP::Features::Logging < HTTP::Feature def initialize(logger: nil); end def logger; end def wrap_request(request); end def wrap_response(response); end end class HTTP::Features::Logging::NullLogger def debug(*_args); end def debug?; end def error(*_args); end def error?; end def fatal(*_args); end def fatal?; end def info(*_args); end def info?; end def warn(*_args); end def warn?; end end class HTTP::Features::Instrumentation < HTTP::Feature def initialize(instrumenter: nil, namespace: nil); end def instrumenter; end def name; end def wrap_request(request); end def wrap_response(response); end end class HTTP::Features::Instrumentation::NullInstrumenter def finish(_name, _payload); end def instrument(name, payload = nil); end def start(_name, _payload); end end class HTTP::Features::NormalizeUri < HTTP::Feature def initialize(normalizer: nil); end def normalizer; end end class HTTP::Feature def initialize(opts = nil); end def wrap_request(request); end def wrap_response(response); end end class HTTP::Response def body; end def charset(*args, &block); end def chunked?; end def code(*args, &block); end def connection(*args, &block); end def content_length; end def content_type; end def cookies; end def flush; end def initialize(opts); end def inspect; end def mime_type(*args, &block); end def parse(as = nil); end def proxy_headers; end def readpartial(*args, &block); end def reason(*args, &block); end def status; end def to_a; end def to_s(*args, &block); end def to_str(*args, &block); end def uri; end def version; end extend Forwardable include HTTP::Headers::Mixin end class HTTP::Response::Parser def <<(data); end def add(data); end def finished?; end def headers; end def headers?; end def http_version; end def initialize; end def on_body(_response, chunk); end def on_header_field(_response, field); end def on_header_value(_response, value); end def on_headers_complete(_reposse); end def on_message_complete(_response); end def read(size); end def reset; end def status_code; end end class HTTP::Connection def close; end def expired?; end def failed_proxy_connect?; end def finish_response; end def headers(*args, &block); end def http_version(*args, &block); end def initialize(req, options); end def keep_alive?; end def proxy_response_headers; end def read_headers!; end def read_more(size); end def readpartial(size = nil); end def reset_timer; end def send_proxy_connect_request(req); end def send_request(req); end def set_keep_alive; end def start_tls(req, options); end def status_code(*args, &block); end extend Forwardable end class HTTP::Redirector def endless_loop?; end def initialize(opts = nil); end def max_hops; end def perform(request, response); end def redirect_to(uri); end def strict; end def too_many_hops?; end end class HTTP::Redirector::TooManyRedirectsError < HTTP::ResponseError end class HTTP::Redirector::EndlessRedirectError < HTTP::Redirector::TooManyRedirectsError end class HTTP::Client def build_request(verb, uri, opts = nil); end def close; end def initialize(default_options = nil); end def make_request_body(opts, headers); end def make_request_headers(opts); end def make_request_uri(uri, opts); end def perform(request, options); end def persistent?(*args, &block); end def request(verb, uri, opts = nil); end def verify_connection!(uri); end extend Forwardable include HTTP::Chainable end class HTTP::Request::Writer def add_body_type_headers; end def add_headers; end def chunked?; end def connect_through_proxy; end def each_chunk; end def encode_chunk(chunk); end def initialize(socket, body, headers, headline); end def join_headers; end def send_request; end def stream; end def write(data); end end class HTTP::Request::UnsupportedMethodError < HTTP::RequestError end class HTTP::Request::UnsupportedSchemeError < HTTP::RequestError end class HTTP::ContentType < Struct def charset; end def charset=(_); end def mime_type; end def mime_type=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.charset(str); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.mime_type(str); end def self.new(*arg0); end def self.parse(str); end end module HTTP::MimeType def self.[](type); end def self.adapters; end def self.aliases; end def self.normalize(type); end def self.register_adapter(type, adapter); end def self.register_alias(type, shortcut); end end class HTTP::MimeType::Adapter def decode(*arg0); end def encode(*arg0); end def self.allocate; end def self.decode(*args, &block); end def self.encode(*args, &block); end def self.new(*arg0); end extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods include Singleton end class HTTP::MimeType::JSON < HTTP::MimeType::Adapter def decode(str); end def encode(obj); end end class HTTP::Response::Status < Delegator def __getobj__; end def __setobj__(obj); end def accepted?; end def already_reported?; end def bad_gateway?; end def bad_request?; end def client_error?; end def code; end def conflict?; end def continue?; end def created?; end def expectation_failed?; end def failed_dependency?; end def forbidden?; end def found?; end def gateway_timeout?; end def gone?; end def http_version_not_supported?; end def im_used?; end def informational?; end def inspect; end def insufficient_storage?; end def internal_server_error?; end def length_required?; end def locked?; end def loop_detected?; end def method_not_allowed?; end def misdirected_request?; end def moved_permanently?; end def multi_status?; end def multiple_choices?; end def network_authentication_required?; end def no_content?; end def non_authoritative_information?; end def not_acceptable?; end def not_extended?; end def not_found?; end def not_implemented?; end def not_modified?; end def ok?; end def partial_content?; end def payload_too_large?; end def payment_required?; end def permanent_redirect?; end def precondition_failed?; end def precondition_required?; end def processing?; end def proxy_authentication_required?; end def range_not_satisfiable?; end def reason; end def redirect?; end def request_header_fields_too_large?; end def request_timeout?; end def reset_content?; end def see_other?; end def self.[](object); end def self.coerce(object); end def self.symbolize(str); end def server_error?; end def service_unavailable?; end def success?; end def switching_protocols?; end def temporary_redirect?; end def to_s; end def to_sym; end def too_many_requests?; end def unauthorized?; end def unavailable_for_legal_reasons?; end def unprocessable_entity?; end def unsupported_media_type?; end def upgrade_required?; end def uri_too_long?; end def use_proxy?; end def variant_also_negotiates?; end end class HTTP::Response::Inflater def connection; end def initialize(connection); end def readpartial(*args); end def zstream; end end class HTTP::Response::Body def connection; end def each; end def empty?(*args, &block); end def find_encoding(encoding); end def initialize(stream, encoding: nil); end def inspect; end def readpartial(*args); end def stream!; end def to_s; end def to_str; end extend Forwardable include Enumerable end