# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'shared_contexts' require 'support/sh_interceptor' require 'albacore' require 'albacore/task_types/nugets_pack' require 'albacore/nuget_model' include ::Albacore::NugetsPack class ConfigFac def self.create id, curr, gen_symbols = true cfg = Albacore::NugetsPack::Config.new cfg.target = 'mono32' cfg.configuration = 'Debug' cfg.files = Dir.glob(File.join(curr, 'testdata', 'Project', '*.fsproj')) cfg.out = 'spec/testdata/pkg' cfg.exe = 'NuGet.exe' cfg.with_metadata do |m| m.id = id m.authors = 'haf' m.owners = 'haf owner' m.description = 'a nice lib' m.language = 'Danish' m.project_url = 'https://github.com/haf/Reasonable' m.license_url = 'https://github.com/haf/README.md' m.version = '0.2.3' m.release_notes = %{ v10.0.0: - Some notes } m.require_license_acceptance = false m.add_dependency 'Abc.Package', '>= 1.0.2' m.add_framework_dependency 'System.Transactions', '4.0.0' end cfg.gen_symbols if gen_symbols # files: *.{pdb,dll,all compiled files} cfg end end shared_context 'pack_config' do let :id do 'Sample.Nuget' end let :curr do File.dirname(__FILE__) end let :config do cfg = ConfigFac.create id, curr, true end end shared_context 'pack_config no symbols' do let :id do 'Sample.Nuget' end let :curr do File.dirname(__FILE__) end let :config do cfg = ConfigFac.create id, curr, false end end describe Albacore::NugetsPack::Config, 'when setting #nuget_gem_exe' do it 'should be set to path that exists' do subject.nuget_gem_exe expect(subject.exe).to be_a String expect(File.exists?( subject.exe)).to be true end end # testing the command for nuget describe Cmd, "when calling #execute" do include_context 'path testing' let :cmd do Cmd.new 'NuGet.exe', config.opts() end subject do cmd.extend ShInterceptor cmd.execute './spec/testdata/example.nuspec', './spec/testdata/example.symbols.nuspec' #puts "## INVOCATIONS:" #cmd.invocations.each do |i| # puts "#{i}" #end cmd end describe "first invocation" do include_context 'pack_config' it "should run the correct executable" do expect(subject.mono_command(0)).to eq('NuGet.exe') end it "should include the correct parameters" do expect(subject.mono_parameters(0)).to eq(%W[Pack -OutputDirectory #{path 'spec/testdata/pkg'} ./spec/testdata/example.nuspec]) end end describe "second invocation" do include_context 'pack_config' it "should include -Symbols" do expect(subject.mono_parameters(1)).to eq(%W[Pack -OutputDirectory #{path 'spec/testdata/pkg'} -Symbols ./spec/testdata/example.symbols.nuspec]) end end describe "without symbols" do include_context 'pack_config no symbols' subject do cmd.extend ShInterceptor cmd.execute './spec/testdata/example.nuspec' cmd end it 'should not include -Symbols' do expect(subject.mono_parameters(0)).to eq(%W[Pack -OutputDirectory #{path 'spec/testdata/pkg'} ./spec/testdata/example.nuspec]) end it 'should not have a second invocation' do expect(subject.invocations.length).to eq(1) end end end describe Cmd, 'when calling :get_nuget_path_of' do include_context 'pack_config' subject do Cmd.new 'NuGet.exe', config.opts() end let :sample1 do <<EXAMPLE_OUTPUT Attempting to build package from 'MyNuget.Package.nuspec'. Successfully created package 'Y:\\Shared\\build\\pkg\\MyNuget.Package.1.0.0.nupkg'. Successfully created package 'Y:\\Shared\\build\\pkg\\MyNuget.Package.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg'. EXAMPLE_OUTPUT end let :sample2 do <<EXAMPLE_OUTPUT Attempting to build package from 'MyNuget.Package.nuspec'. Successfully created package '/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0.nupkg'. Successfully created package '/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg'. EXAMPLE_OUTPUT end let :sample3 do <<EXAMPLE_OUTPUT Attempting to build package from 'MyNuget.Package.nuspec'. Successfully created package '/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0-alpha3.nupkg'. Successfully created package '/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0-alpha3.symbols.nupkg'. EXAMPLE_OUTPUT end let :sample4 do <<EXAMPLE_OUTPUT Attempting to build package from 'MyNuget.Package.nuspec'. Successfully created package '/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0-alpha.nupkg'. EXAMPLE_OUTPUT end let :sample5 do <<EXAMPLE_OUTPUT Attempting to build package from 'Fröken.nuspec'. Successfully created package '/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/Fröken.1.0.0-alpha.nupkg'. EXAMPLE_OUTPUT end it "should match sample1 with last nupkg mentioned" do match = subject.send(:get_nuget_path_of) { sample1 } expect(match).to eq('Y:\\Shared\\build\\pkg\\MyNuget.Package.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg') end it 'should match sample2 with last nupkg mentioned' do match = subject.send(:get_nuget_path_of) { sample2 } expect(match).to eq('/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg') end it 'should match sample3 with last nupkg mentioned' do match = subject.send(:get_nuget_path_of) { sample3 } expect(match).to eq('/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0-alpha3.symbols.nupkg') end it 'should match sample4 with last nupkg mentioned' do match = subject.send(:get_nuget_path_of) { sample4 } expect(match).to eq('/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/MyNuget.Package.1.0.0-alpha.nupkg') end it 'should match sample5 despite non-ASCII' do match = subject.send(:get_nuget_path_of) { sample5 } expect(match).to eq('/home/xyz/Shared/build/pkg/Fröken.1.0.0-alpha.nupkg') end end # testing nuspec task describe NuspecTask, "when testing public interface" do include_context 'pack_config' include_context 'path testing' it "accepts .nuspec files" do expect(NuspecTask.accept?('some.nuspec')).to be true end let (:cmd) do Cmd.new 'NuGet.exe', config.opts() end subject do cmd end before do cmd.extend(ShInterceptor) task = NuspecTask.new cmd, config, './spec/testdata/example.nuspec' task.execute end it "should run the correct executable" do expect(subject.mono_command).to eq 'NuGet.exe' end it "should give the correct parameters" do expect(subject.mono_parameters).to eq %W[Pack -OutputDirectory #{path 'spec/testdata/pkg'} ./spec/testdata/example.nuspec] end end # testing project task describe ProjectTask do include_context 'pack_config no symbols' include_context 'package_metadata_dsl' it 'sanity: should have config with target=mono32' do expect(config.opts().get(:target)).to eq('mono32') end let :projfile do curr = File.dirname(__FILE__) File.join curr, "testdata", "Project", "Project.fsproj" end subject do proj = Albacore::Project.new projfile ProjectTask.new( config.opts() ).send(:create_nuspec, proj, [])[0] # index0 first nuspec Alabacore::Package end has_file 'bin/Debug/Project.dll', 'lib/mono32' end describe ProjectTask, "when testing public interface" do let :projfile do curr = File.dirname(__FILE__) File.join curr, "testdata", "Project.fsproj" end it "can be created" do ProjectTask.new(Map.new(:files => [projfile])) end it "rejects .nuspec files" do expect(ProjectTask.accept?('some.nuspec')).to eq false end end describe ProjectTask, "creating nuget from proj file" do let(:cmdo) { Hash.new } subject do ProjectTask.new(config.opts()) do |cmd| cmd.extend ShInterceptor cmdo[:cmd] = cmd end end before :each do subject.execute end describe 'when generating symbols' do include_context 'pack_config' it 'should have generated a nuspec' do expect(cmdo[:cmd].mono_parameters(0)[-1]).to include('Sample.Nuget.nuspec') end it 'should have generated a symbol nuspec' do expect(cmdo[:cmd].mono_parameters(1)[-1]).to include('Sample.Nuget.symbols.nuspec') end end describe 'when not generating symbols' do include_context 'pack_config no symbols' it 'should have generated a nuspec' do expect(cmdo[:cmd].mono_parameters(0)[-1]).to include('Sample.Nuget.nuspec') end it 'should have done no further calls' do expect(cmdo[:cmd].invocations.length).to eq(1) end it 'should have no further invocations' do begin cmdo[:cmd].mono_parameters(1) rescue RuntimeError end end end end describe ProjectTask, "path_to should accept both relative and absolute paths" do let :proj_task do curr = File.dirname(__FILE__) ProjectTask.new(Map.new( :files => [File.join( curr, "testdata", "Project.fsproj")], :original_path => "/original_path/")) end it "should use original_path to resolve path" do expect(proj_task.path_to( "./bin/something.exe", "./tmp/")).to eq "/original_path/bin/something.exe" end it "should return the absolute path when the path to the exe is absolute" do expect(proj_task.path_to( "/bin/something.exe", "./tmp/")).to eq "/bin/something.exe" end end describe 'encoding functions' do it 'should throw InvalidByteSequenceError by default' do # http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.3/String.html#method-i-encode begin # it's "valid US-ASCII" from the POV of #encode unless # #force_encoding is used [0xef].pack('C*').force_encoding('US-ASCII').encode 'utf-8' fail 'should throw invalid byte sequence error, because it\'s NOT US-ASCII' rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError # yep end end it 'should be replaceable' do subj = [0xef].pack('C*').encode 'utf-8', undef: :replace, invalid: :replace, replace: '' expect(subj).to eq '' end end