module Shoppe module ApplicationHelper def navigation_manager_link(item) link_to item.description, item.url(self), item.link_options.merge(:class => ? 'active' : 'inactive') end def status_tag(status) content_tag :span, t("shoppe.orders.statuses.#{status}"), :class => "status-tag #{status}" end def attachment_preview(attachment, options = {}) if attachment.present? and attachment.token.present? do |s| if attachment.image? style = "style='background-image:url(#{attachment.file.thumb.url})'" else style = '' end s << "
" s << "
" s << "
" s << "#{attachment.file_name}" s << "" s << link_to(t('helpers.attachment_preview.delete', :default => 'Delete this file?'), attachment_path(attachment.token), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => t('helpers.attachment_preview.delete_confirm', :default => "Are you sure you wish to remove this attachment?")}) s << "" s << "
" s << "
" end.html_safe elsif !options[:hide_if_blank] "
".html_safe end end def settings_label(field) "".html_safe end def settings_field(field, options = {}) default = I18n.t("shoppe.settings.defaults")[field.to_sym] value = (params[:settings] && params[:settings][field]) || Shoppe.settings[field.to_s] type = I18n.t("shoppe.settings.types")[field.to_sym] || 'string' case type when 'boolean' do |s| value = default if value.blank? s << "
" s << radio_button_tag("settings[#{field}]", 'true', value == true, :id => "settings_#{field}_true") s << label_tag("settings_#{field}_true", t("shoppe.settings.options.#{field}.affirmative", :default => 'Yes')) s << radio_button_tag("settings[#{field}]", 'false', value == false, :id => "settings_#{field}_false") s << label_tag("settings_#{field}_false", t("shoppe.settings.options.#{field}.negative", :default => 'No')) s << "
" end.html_safe else text_field_tag "settings[#{field}]", value, options.merge(:placeholder => default, :class => 'text') end end end end