# Authy Devise [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/twilio/authy-devise.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/twilio/authy-devise) This is a [Devise](https://github.com/plataformatec/devise) extension to add Two-Factor Authentication with Authy to your rails application. ## Pre-requisites To use the Authy API you will need a Twilio Account, [sign up for a free account here](https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio). Create an [Authy Application in the Twilio console](https://www.twilio.com/console/authy/applications) and take note of the API key. ## Demo See [this repo for a full demo of using `authy-devise`](https://github.com/twilio/authy-devise-demo). ## Getting started First get your Authy API key from [the Twilio console](https://www.twilio.com/console/authy/applications). We recommend you store your API key as an environment variable. ```bash $ export AUTHY_API_KEY=YOUR_AUTHY_API_KEY ``` Next add the gem to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'devise' gem 'devise-authy' ``` And then run `bundle install` Add `Devise Authy` to your App: rails g devise_authy:install --haml: Generate the views in Haml --sass: Generate the stylesheets in Sass ### Configuring Models Configure your Devise user model: rails g devise_authy [MODEL_NAME] or add the following line to your `User` model ```ruby devise :authy_authenticatable, :database_authenticatable ``` Update the default routes to point to something like: ```ruby devise_for :users, :path_names => { :verify_authy => "/verify-token", :enable_authy => "/enable-two-factor", :verify_authy_installation => "/verify-installation", :authy_onetouch_status => "/onetouch-status" } ``` Then run the migrations: rake db:migrate Now whenever a user wants to enable two-factor authentication they can go to: http://your-app/users/enable-two-factor And when the user logs in they will be redirected to: http://your-app/users/verify-token ## Custom Views If you want to customise your views, you can modify the files that are located at: app/views/devise/devise_authy/enable_authy.html.erb app/views/devise/devise_authy/verify_authy.html.erb app/views/devise/devise_authy/verify_authy_installation.html.erb ### Request a phone call The default views come with a button to force a request for an SMS message. You can also add a button that will request a phone call instead. Simply add the helper method to your view: <%= authy_request_phone_call_link %> ## Custom Redirect Paths (eg. using modules) If you want to customise the redirects you can override them within your own controller like this: ```ruby class MyCustomModule::DeviseAuthyController < Devise::DeviseAuthyController protected def after_authy_enabled_path_for(resource) my_own_path end def after_authy_verified_path_for(resource) my_own_path end def after_authy_disabled_path_for(resource) my_own_path end def invalid_resource_path my_own_path end end ``` And tell the router to use this controller ```ruby devise_for :users, controllers: {devise_authy: 'my_custom_module/devise_authy'} ``` ## I18n The install generator also copies a `Devise Authy` i18n file which you can find at: config/locales/devise.authy.en.yml ## Session variables If you want to know if the user is signed in using Two-Factor authentication, you can use the following session variable: ```ruby session["#{resource_name}_authy_token_checked"] # Eg. session["user_authy_token_checked"] ``` ## OneTouch support To enable [Authy push authentication](https://www.twilio.com/authy/features/push), you need to modify the Devise config file `config/initializers/devise.rb` and add configuration: ``` config.authy_enable_onetouch = true ``` ## Running Tests To prepare the tests run the following commands: ```bash $ cd spec/rails-app $ bundle install $ RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` Now on the project root run the following commands: ```bash $ bundle exec rspec spec/ ``` ## Backporting to Rails 3 While we are not currently supporting Rails 3, there's an active fork that maintains the backwards compatibility. https://github.com/gcosta/authy-devise ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Authy Inc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.