--- layout: default title: Comparing Code - Play Rock Paper Scissors Game permalink: /comparing_code.html --- # Comparing Beginner's RPS Code to Advanced RPS Code **Table of Contents** - [Comparing Beginner's RPS Code to Advanced RPS Code](#comparing-beginners-rps-code-to-advanced-rps-code) - [Beginner's Code](#beginners-code) - [Beginner's Code Pros](#beginners-code-pros) - [Beginner's Code Cons](#beginners-code-cons) - [Beginner's Analysis](#beginners-analysis) - [What Beginner's Code Looks Like](#what-beginners-code-looks-like) - [Advanced Code](#advanced-code) - [Advanced Code Pros](#advanced-code-pros) - [Advanced Code Cons](#advanced-code-cons) - [Advanced Analysis](#advanced-analysis) - [What Advanced Code Looks Like](#what-advanced-code-looks-like) ## Beginner's Code ### Beginner's Code Pros + Simple - Easy to understand * Short ### Beginner's Code Cons + Unorganized - Lacks modularization * Many `if`/`elsif`/`else` statements ### Beginner's Analysis It is common for beginners to use many repetitive statements when coding a simple Ruby app. In this case, using many `if`/`elsif`/`else` statements is typical beginner code formatting when programming a rock-paper-scissors game. The beginner's code might also show redundancy by programming more than what needs to be coded (this situation is different for advanced Ruby programmers). Most beginners' code lacks modularization and a solid code structure; thus making it very unorganized. While beginners' code might look simple and easy to understand, it is not always the most efficient. In this particular case, the advanced code is longer and more confusing, though it has more modularization and professionalism attached to it (in some cases, it will actually run faster than the beginner's code). ### What Beginner's Code Looks Like [//]: # "`% ruby beginner-rps.rb`" ```bash % ruby beginner-rps.rb ``` ```ruby options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] computer_choice = options[rand(options.length)] puts "What's your choice?" puts "rock, paper, or scissors" user_input = gets.chomp.downcase # read user input and convert to lower case loop do if (user_input == "rock" || user_input == "paper" || user_input == "scissors") if (user_input == computer_choice) puts "We got the same, let's keep playing!" elsif (user_input == "rock" && computer_choice == "scissors") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " , you win! :)" elsif (user_input == "rock" && computer_choice == "paper") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " ,computer wins :(" elsif (user_input == "paper" && computer_choice == "scissors") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " ,computer wins :(" elsif (user_input == "paper" && computer_choice == "rock") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " , you win! :)" elsif (user_input == "scissors" && computer_choice == "rock") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " ,computer wins :(" elsif (user_input == "scissors" && computer_choice == "paper") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " , you win! :)" else puts "Invalid choice, enter Rock, Paper, or Scissors" puts "What's your choice?" user_input = gets.chomp.downcase end end break end ``` ## Advanced Code ### Advanced Code Pros + Organized - Modularized * Structured ### Advanced Code Cons + Long - Hard to understand ### Advanced Analysis An advanced coder's code could be longer or shorter than a beginner's code. Advanced code usually has seldom repetition and more subtle programming. Advanced coders tend to shy away from many `if`, `elsif`, & `else` statements. This is primarily due to the way an advanced coder thinks. One might replace multiple `elsif`s with a `case` statement --adding more structure and organization to the code--. Subtlety is usually painted all over advanced ruby code. While this does make the code harder to understand, it certainly adds more structure professionalism to the code. ### What Advanced Code Looks Like [//]: # (`% ruby advanced-rps.rb`) ```shell % ruby advanced-rps.rb ``` ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin |====================================| | Req Ruby Ver | Req Ruby Gems Ver | |--------------|---------------------| | >= v2.0.0 | >= v2.6.0 | |====================================| =end class PlayRockPaperScissorsGame module RockPaperScissors VERSION = "2.8.9" end # import the colorize gem require "colorized_string" ColorizedString.colors # import colors; ex: red, green, blue from colorize gem ColorizedString.modes # import modes; ex: bold, italic, underline from colorize gem module Constants NTRY_TO_SYM = { # define entry to symbol (key to value) 'p' => :PAPER , 'paper' => :PAPER , 'r' => :ROCK , 'rock' => :ROCK , 's' => :SCISSORS, 'scissors' => :SCISSORS } VALID_ENTRIES = NTRY_TO_SYM.keys COMPUTER_CHOICES = NTRY_TO_SYM.values WINNERS = [ # format: player choice, computer choice [:SCISSORS, :PAPER ], [:PAPER , :ROCK ], [:ROCK , :SCISSORS] ] LOSERS = WINNERS.map { |player_choice,computer_choice| [computer_choice,player_choice] } # this will take the original WINNERS array and flip the symbols, thus returning a loss for the user/player INIT_STRINGS = [ ColorizedString["You are about to enter a rock-paper-scissors best of 3 match."].colorize(:green), ColorizedString["Press the return/enter key to continue..."].colorize(:green) , "" ] end protected_methods :Constants class << self # define a self calling method within the parent class def continue(str1,str2,str3) puts str1 print str2 gets # press enter or return to continue puts str3 end end continue(Constants::INIT_STRINGS[0], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[1], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[2]) def initialize # initialize variables @player_score = @computer_score = @ties = 0 end def play(winning_score) while @player_score < winning_score && @computer_score < winning_score puts ColorizedString["Player score: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) + ColorizedString["Computer score: #{@computer_score}, Ties: #{@ties}."].colorize(:blue) player = PrivateMethods.player_choice computer = Constants::COMPUTER_CHOICES.sample # chooses a "random" option puts ColorizedString["\nPlayer chooses #{player.to_s.downcase}."].colorize(:blue) puts ColorizedString["Computer chooses #{computer.to_s.downcase}."].colorize(:blue) case PrivateMethods.player_outcome [player, computer] when :WIN puts ColorizedString["#{player.to_s.capitalize} beats #{computer.to_s.downcase}, player wins the round."].colorize(:red) @player_score += 1 # @player_score = @player_score + 1 when :LOSE puts ColorizedString["#{computer.to_s.capitalize} beats #{player.to_s.downcase}, computer wins the round."].colorize(:red) @computer_score += 1 else puts ColorizedString["Tie, choose again"].colorize(:red) @ties += 1 end end puts ColorizedString["\nFinal score: player: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) + ColorizedString["computer: #{@computer_score} (ties: #{@ties})."].colorize(:blue) case PrivateMethods.final_outcome(@player_score, @computer_score) when :WIN puts ColorizedString["Player wins!"].colorize(:red) when :LOSE puts ColorizedString["Computer wins!"].colorize(:red) else puts ColorizedString["It's a tie!"].colorize(:red) end gets end module PrivateMethods class << self def player_choice loop do print ColorizedString["Choose: Rock (r), Paper (p), or Scissors (s): "].colorize(:green) choice = gets.chomp.downcase if Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM.key?(choice) return Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM[choice] elsif choice != Constants::VALID_ENTRIES puts ColorizedString["That entry is invalid. Please re-enter."].colorize(:red) else return nil end end end def player_outcome(plays) # plays = [player_choice, computer_choice] return :WIN if Constants::WINNERS.include?(plays) return :LOSE if Constants::LOSERS.include?(plays) return :TIE if !:WIN | !:LOSE end def final_outcome(pl,co) return :WIN if pl > co return :LOSE if pl < co # there will never be a tie fore the final outcome due to the code in the play() method end end end private_methods :PrivateMethods end PlayRockPaperScissorsGame.new.play(2) # call the play method and pass in 3 (0, 1, 2) for the winning score ```