# encoding: ASCII-8BIT
require 'tempfile'
require 'ole/base'
require 'ole/types'
require 'ole/ranges_io'
module Ole # :nodoc:
# This class is the primary way the user interacts with an OLE storage file.
# = TODO
# * the custom header cruft for Header and Dirent needs some love.
# * i have a number of classes doing load/save combos: Header, AllocationTable, Dirent,
# and, in a manner of speaking, but arguably different, Storage itself.
# they have differing api's which would be nice to rethink.
# AllocationTable::Big must be created aot now, as it is used for all subsequent reads.
class Storage
# thrown for any bogus OLE file errors.
class FormatError < StandardError # :nodoc:
# options used at creation time
attr_reader :params
# The top of the ole tree structure
attr_reader :root
# The tree structure in its original flattened form. only valid after #load, or #flush.
attr_reader :dirents
# The underlying io object to/from which the ole object is serialized, whether we
# should close it, and whether it is writeable
attr_reader :io, :close_parent, :writeable
# Low level internals, you probably shouldn't need to mess with these
attr_reader :header, :bbat, :sbat, :sb_file
# +arg+ should be either a filename, or an +IO+ object, and needs to be seekable.
# +mode+ is optional, and should be a regular mode string.
def initialize arg, mode=nil, params={}
params, mode = mode, nil if Hash === mode
params = {:update_timestamps => true}.merge(params)
@params = params
# get the io object
@close_parent, @io = if String === arg
mode ||= 'rb'
[true, open(arg, mode)]
raise ArgumentError, 'unable to specify mode string with io object' if mode
[false, arg]
# do we have this file opened for writing? don't know of a better way to tell
# (unless we parse the mode string in the open case)
# hmmm, note that in ruby 1.9 this doesn't work anymore. which is all the more
# reason to use mode string parsing when available, and fall back to something like
# io.writeable? otherwise.
@writeable = begin
if mode
# this is for the benefit of ruby-1.9
# generates warnings on jruby though... :/
if RUBY_PLATFORM != 'java' and @io.respond_to?(:syswrite)
rescue IOError
# silence undefined warning in clear
@sb_file = nil
# if the io object has data, we should load it, otherwise start afresh
# this should be based on the mode string rather.
@io.size > 0 ? load : clear
# somewhat similar to File.open, the open class method allows a block form where
# the Ole::Storage object is automatically closed on completion of the block.
def self.open arg, mode=nil, params={}
ole = new arg, mode, params
if block_given?
begin yield ole
ensure; ole.close
else ole
# load document from file.
# TODO: implement various allocationtable checks, maybe as a AllocationTable#fsck function :)
# 1. reterminate any chain not ending in EOC.
# compare file size with actually allocated blocks per file.
# 2. pass through all chain heads looking for collisions, and making sure nothing points to them
# (ie they are really heads). in both sbat and mbat
# 3. we know the locations of the bbat data, and mbat data. ensure that there are placeholder blocks
# in the bat for them.
# 4. maybe a check of excess data. if there is data outside the bbat.truncate.length + 1 * block_size,
# (eg what is used for truncate in #flush), then maybe add some sort of message about that. it
# will be automatically thrown away at close time.
def load
# we always read 512 for the header block. if the block size ends up being different,
# what happens to the 109 fat entries. are there more/less entries?
header_block = @io.read 512
@header = Header.new header_block
# create an empty bbat.
@bbat = AllocationTable::Big.new self
bbat_chain = header_block[Header::SIZE..-1].unpack 'V*'
mbat_block = @header.mbat_start
@header.num_mbat.times do
blocks = @bbat.read([mbat_block]).unpack 'V*'
mbat_block = blocks.pop
bbat_chain += blocks
# am i using num_bat in the right way?
@bbat.load @bbat.read(bbat_chain[0, @header.num_bat])
# get block chain for directories, read it, then split it into chunks and load the
# directory entries. semantics changed - used to cut at first dir where dir.type == 0
@dirents = @bbat.read(@header.dirent_start).to_enum(:each_chunk, Dirent::SIZE).
map { |str| Dirent.new self, str }.reject { |d| d.type_id == 0 }
# now reorder from flat into a tree
# links are stored in some kind of balanced binary tree
# check that everything is visited at least, and at most once
# similarly with the blocks of the file.
# was thinking of moving this to Dirent.to_tree instead.
class << @dirents
def to_tree idx=0
return [] if idx == Dirent::EOT
d = self[idx]
d.children = to_tree d.child
raise FormatError, "directory #{d.inspect} used twice" if d.idx
d.idx = idx
to_tree(d.prev) + [d] + to_tree(d.next)
@root = @dirents.to_tree.first
# silence this warning by default, its not really important (issue #5).
# fairly common one appears to be "R" (from office OS X?) which smells
# like some kind of UTF16 snafu, but scottwillson also has had some kanji...
#Log.warn "root name was #{@root.name.inspect}" unless @root.name == 'Root Entry'
unused = @dirents.reject(&:idx).length
Log.warn "#{unused} unused directories" if unused > 0
# FIXME i don't currently use @header.num_sbat which i should
# hmm. nor do i write it. it means what exactly again?
# which mode to use here?
@sb_file = RangesIOResizeable.new @bbat, :first_block => @root.first_block, :size => @root.size
@sbat = AllocationTable::Small.new self
@sbat.load @bbat.read(@header.sbat_start)
def close
flush if @writeable
@io.close if @close_parent
# the flush method is the main "save" method. all file contents are always
# written directly to the file by the RangesIO objects, all this method does
# is write out all the file meta data - dirents, allocation tables, file header
# etc.
# maybe add an option to zero the padding, and any remaining avail blocks in the
# allocation table.
# TODO: long and overly complex. simplify and test better. eg, perhaps move serialization
# of bbat to AllocationTable::Big.
def flush
# update root dirent, and flatten dirent tree
@root.name = 'Root Entry'
@root.first_block = @sb_file.first_block
@root.size = @sb_file.size
@dirents = @root.flatten
# serialize the dirents using the bbat
RangesIOResizeable.open @bbat, 'w', :first_block => @header.dirent_start do |io|
io.write @dirents.map { |dirent| dirent.to_s }.join
padding = (io.size / @bbat.block_size.to_f).ceil * @bbat.block_size - io.size
io.write 0.chr * padding
@header.dirent_start = io.first_block
# serialize the sbat
# perhaps the blocks used by the sbat should be marked with BAT?
RangesIOResizeable.open @bbat, 'w', :first_block => @header.sbat_start do |io|
io.write @sbat.to_s
@header.sbat_start = io.first_block
@header.num_sbat = @bbat.chain(@header.sbat_start).length
# create RangesIOResizeable hooked up to the bbat. use that to claim bbat blocks using
# truncate. then when its time to write, convert that chain and some chunk of blocks at
# the end, into META_BAT blocks. write out the chain, and those meta bat blocks, and its
# done.
# this is perhaps not good, as we reclaim all bat blocks here, which
# may include the sbat we just wrote. FIXME
@bbat.map! do |b|
b == AllocationTable::BAT || b == AllocationTable::META_BAT ? AllocationTable::AVAIL : b
# currently we use a loop. this could be better, but basically,
# the act of writing out the bat, itself requires blocks which get
# recorded in the bat.
# i'm sure that there'd be some simpler closed form solution to this. solve
# recursive func:
# num_mbat_blocks = ceil(max((mbat_len - 109) * 4 / block_size, 0))
# bbat_len = initial_bbat_len + num_mbat_blocks
# mbat_len = ceil(bbat_len * 4 / block_size)
# the actual bbat allocation table is itself stored throughout the file, and that chain
# is stored in the initial blocks, and the mbat blocks.
num_mbat_blocks = 0
io = RangesIOResizeable.new @bbat, 'w', :first_block => AllocationTable::EOC
# truncate now, so that we can simplify size calcs - the mbat blocks will be appended in a
# contiguous chunk at the end.
# hmmm, i think this truncate should be matched with a truncate of the underlying io. if you
# delete a lot of stuff, and free up trailing blocks, the file size never shrinks. this can
# be fixed easily, add an io truncate
before = @io.size
@io.truncate @bbat.block_size * (@bbat.length + 1)
while true
# get total bbat size. equivalent to @bbat.to_s.length, but for the factoring in of
# the mbat blocks. we can't just add the mbat blocks directly to the bbat, as as this iteration
# progresses, more blocks may be needed for the bat itself (if there are no more gaps), and the
# mbat must remain contiguous.
bbat_data_len = ((@bbat.length + num_mbat_blocks) * 4 / @bbat.block_size.to_f).ceil * @bbat.block_size
# now storing the excess mbat blocks also increases the size of the bbat:
new_num_mbat_blocks = ([bbat_data_len / @bbat.block_size - 109, 0].max * 4 / (@bbat.block_size.to_f - 4)).ceil
if new_num_mbat_blocks != num_mbat_blocks
# need more space for the mbat.
num_mbat_blocks = new_num_mbat_blocks
elsif io.size != bbat_data_len
# need more space for the bat
# this may grow the bbat, depending on existing available blocks
io.truncate bbat_data_len
# now extract the info we want:
ranges = io.ranges
bbat_chain = @bbat.chain io.first_block
bbat_chain.each { |b| @bbat[b] = AllocationTable::BAT }
# tack on the mbat stuff
@header.num_bat = bbat_chain.length
mbat_blocks = (0...num_mbat_blocks).map do
block = @bbat.free_block
@bbat[block] = AllocationTable::META_BAT
@header.mbat_start = mbat_blocks.first || AllocationTable::EOC
# now finally write the bbat, using a not resizable io.
# the mode here will be 'r', which allows write atm.
RangesIO.open(@io, :ranges => ranges) { |f| f.write @bbat.to_s }
# this is the mbat. pad it out.
bbat_chain += [AllocationTable::AVAIL] * [109 - bbat_chain.length, 0].max
@header.num_mbat = num_mbat_blocks
if num_mbat_blocks != 0
# write out the mbat blocks now. first of all, where are they going to be?
mbat_data = bbat_chain[109..-1]
# expand the mbat_data to include the linked list forward pointers.
mbat_data = mbat_data.to_enum(:each_slice, @bbat.block_size / 4 - 1).to_a.
zip(mbat_blocks[1..-1] + [nil]).map { |a, b| b ? a + [b] : a }
# pad out the last one.
mbat_data.last.push(*([AllocationTable::AVAIL] * (@bbat.block_size / 4 - mbat_data.last.length)))
RangesIO.open @io, :ranges => @bbat.ranges(mbat_blocks) do |f|
f.write mbat_data.flatten.pack('V*')
# now seek back and write the header out
@io.seek 0
@io.write @header.to_s + bbat_chain[0, 109].pack('V*')
def clear
# initialize to equivalent of loading an empty ole document.
Log.warn 'creating new ole storage object on non-writable io' unless @writeable
@header = Header.new
@bbat = AllocationTable::Big.new self
@root = Dirent.new self, :type => :root, :name => 'Root Entry'
@dirents = [@root]
@root.idx = 0
@sb_file.close if @sb_file
@sb_file = RangesIOResizeable.new @bbat, :first_block => AllocationTable::EOC
@sbat = AllocationTable::Small.new self
# throw everything else the hell away
@io.truncate 0
# could be useful with mis-behaving ole documents. or to just clean them up.
def repack temp=:file
case temp
when :file
Tempfile.open 'ole-repack' do |io|
repack_using_io io
when :mem; StringIO.open('', &method(:repack_using_io))
else raise ArgumentError, "unknown temp backing #{temp.inspect}"
def repack_using_io temp_io
IO.copy @io, temp_io
Storage.open temp_io, nil, @params do |temp_ole|
#temp_ole.root.type = :dir
Dirent.copy temp_ole.root, root
def bat_for_size size
# note >=, not > previously.
size >= @header.threshold ? @bbat : @sbat
def inspect
"#<#{self.class} io=#{@io.inspect} root=#{@root.inspect}>"
# A class which wraps the ole header
# Header.new can be both used to load from a string, or to create from
# defaults. Serialization is accomplished with the #to_s method.
class Header < Struct.new(
:magic, :clsid, :minor_ver, :major_ver, :byte_order, :b_shift, :s_shift,
:reserved, :csectdir, :num_bat, :dirent_start, :transacting_signature, :threshold,
:sbat_start, :num_sbat, :mbat_start, :num_mbat
PACK = 'a8 a16 v2 a2 v2 a6 V3 a4 V5'
SIZE = 0x4c
# i have seen it pointed out that the first 4 bytes of hex,
# 0xd0cf11e0, is supposed to spell out docfile. hmmm :)
MAGIC = "\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1" # expected value of Header#magic
# what you get if creating new header from scratch.
# AllocationTable::EOC isn't available yet. meh.
EOC = 0xfffffffe
MAGIC, 0.chr * 16, 59, 3, "\xfe\xff", 9, 6,
0.chr * 6, 0, 1, EOC, 0.chr * 4,
4096, EOC, 0, EOC, 0
def initialize values=DEFAULT
values = values.unpack(PACK) if String === values
def to_s
to_a.pack PACK
def validate!
raise FormatError, "OLE2 signature is invalid" unless magic == MAGIC
if num_bat == 0 or # is that valid for a completely empty file?
# not sure about this one. basically to do max possible bat given size of mbat
num_bat > 109 && num_bat > 109 + num_mbat * (1 << b_shift - 2) or
# shouldn't need to use the mbat as there is enough space in the header block
num_bat < 109 && num_mbat != 0 or
# given the size of the header is 76, if b_shift <= 6, blocks address the header.
s_shift > b_shift or b_shift <= 6 or b_shift >= 31 or
# we only handle little endian
byte_order != "\xfe\xff"
raise FormatError, "not valid OLE2 structured storage file"
# relaxed this, due to test-msg/qwerty_[1-3]*.msg they all had
# 3 for this value.
# transacting_signature != "\x00" * 4 or
if threshold != 4096 or
num_mbat == 0 && mbat_start != AllocationTable::EOC or
reserved != "\x00" * 6
Log.warn "may not be a valid OLE2 structured storage file"
# +AllocationTable+'s hold the chains corresponding to files. Given
# an initial index, AllocationTable#chain follows the chain, returning
# the blocks that make up that file.
# There are 2 allocation tables, the bbat, and sbat, for big and small
# blocks respectively. The block chain should be loaded using either
# Storage#read_big_blocks or Storage#read_small_blocks
# as appropriate.
# Whether or not big or small blocks are used for a file depends on
# whether its size is over the Header#threshold level.
# An Ole::Storage document is serialized as a series of directory objects,
# which are stored in blocks throughout the file. The blocks are either
# big or small, and are accessed using the AllocationTable.
# The bbat allocation table's data is stored in the spare room in the header
# block, and in extra blocks throughout the file as referenced by the meta
# bat. That chain is linear, as there is no higher level table.
# AllocationTable.new is used to create an empty table. It can parse a string
# with the #load method. Serialization is accomplished with the #to_s method.
class AllocationTable < Array
# a free block (I don't currently leave any blocks free), although I do pad out
# the allocation table with AVAIL to the block size.
AVAIL = 0xffffffff
EOC = 0xfffffffe # end of a chain
# these blocks are used for storing the allocation table chains
BAT = 0xfffffffd
META_BAT = 0xfffffffc
attr_reader :ole, :io, :block_size
def initialize ole
@ole = ole
@sparse = true
def load data
replace data.unpack('V*')
def truncate
# this strips trailing AVAILs. come to think of it, this has the potential to break
# bogus ole. if you terminate using AVAIL instead of EOC, like I did before. but that is
# very broken. however, if a chain ends with AVAIL, it should probably be fixed to EOC
# at load time.
temp = reverse
not_avail = temp.find { |b| b != AVAIL } and temp = temp[temp.index(not_avail)..-1]
def truncate!
replace truncate
def to_s
table = truncate
# pad it out some
num = @ole.bbat.block_size / 4
# do you really use AVAIL? they probably extend past end of file, and may shortly
# be used for the bat. not really good.
table += [AVAIL] * (num - (table.length % num)) if (table.length % num) != 0
table.pack 'V*'
# rewrote this to be non-recursive as it broke on a large attachment
# chain with a stack error
def chain idx
a = []
until idx >= META_BAT
raise FormatError, "broken allocationtable chain" if idx < 0 || idx > length
a << idx
idx = self[idx]
Log.warn "invalid chain terminator #{idx}" unless idx == EOC
# Turn a chain (an array given by +chain+) of blocks (optionally
# truncated to +size+) into an array of arrays describing the stretches of
# bytes in the file that it belongs to.
# The blocks are Big or Small blocks depending on the table type.
def blocks_to_ranges chain, size=nil
# truncate the chain if required
chain = chain[0, (size.to_f / block_size).ceil] if size
# convert chain to ranges of the block size
ranges = chain.map { |i| [block_size * i, block_size] }
# truncate final range if required
ranges.last[1] -= (ranges.length * block_size - size) if ranges.last and size
def ranges chain, size=nil
chain = self.chain(chain) unless Array === chain
blocks_to_ranges chain, size
# quick shortcut. chain can be either a head (in which case the table is used to
# turn it into a chain), or a chain. it is converted to ranges, then to rangesio.
def open chain, size=nil, &block
RangesIO.open @io, :ranges => ranges(chain, size), &block
def read chain, size=nil
open chain, size, &:read
# catch any method that may add an AVAIL somewhere in the middle, thus invalidating
# the @sparse speedup for free_block. annoying using eval, but define_method won't
# work for this.
[:map!, :collect!].each do |name|
eval <<-END
def #{name}(*args, &block)
@sparse = true
def []= idx, val
@sparse = true if val == AVAIL
def free_block
if @sparse
i = index(AVAIL) and return i
@sparse = false
push AVAIL
length - 1
# must return first_block. modifies +blocks+ in place
def resize_chain blocks, size
new_num_blocks = (size / block_size.to_f).ceil
old_num_blocks = blocks.length
if new_num_blocks < old_num_blocks
# de-allocate some of our old blocks. TODO maybe zero them out in the file???
(new_num_blocks...old_num_blocks).each { |i| self[blocks[i]] = AVAIL }
self[blocks[new_num_blocks-1]] = EOC if new_num_blocks > 0
blocks.slice! new_num_blocks..-1
elsif new_num_blocks > old_num_blocks
# need some more blocks.
last_block = blocks.last
(new_num_blocks - old_num_blocks).times do
block = free_block
# connect the chain. handle corner case of blocks being [] initially
self[last_block] = block if last_block
blocks << block
last_block = block
self[last_block] = EOC
# update ranges, and return that also now
class Big < AllocationTable
def initialize(*args)
@block_size = 1 << @ole.header.b_shift
@io = @ole.io
# Big blocks are kind of -1 based, in order to not clash with the header.
def blocks_to_ranges chain, size=nil
#super chain.map { |b| b + 1 }, size
# duplicated from AllocationTable#blocks_to_ranges to avoid chain.map
# which was decent part of benchmark profile
chain = chain[0, (size.to_f / block_size).ceil] if size
ranges = chain.map { |i| [block_size * (i + 1), block_size] }
ranges.last[1] -= (ranges.length * block_size - size) if ranges.last and size
class Small < AllocationTable
def initialize(*args)
@block_size = 1 << @ole.header.s_shift
@io = @ole.sb_file
# like normal RangesIO, but Ole::Storage specific. the ranges are backed by an
# AllocationTable, and can be resized. used for read/write to 2 streams:
# 1. serialized dirent data
# 2. sbat table data
# 3. all dirents but through RangesIOMigrateable below
# Note that all internal access to first_block is through accessors, as it is sometimes
# useful to redirect it.
class RangesIOResizeable < RangesIO
attr_reader :bat
attr_accessor :first_block
def initialize bat, mode='r', params={}
mode, params = 'r', mode if Hash === mode
first_block, size = params.values_at :first_block, :size
raise ArgumentError, 'must specify first_block' unless first_block
@bat = bat
self.first_block = first_block
# we now cache the blocks chain, for faster resizing.
@blocks = @bat.chain first_block
super @bat.io, mode, :ranges => @bat.ranges(@blocks, size)
def truncate size
# note that old_blocks is != @ranges.length necessarily. i'm planning to write a
# merge_ranges function that merges sequential ranges into one as an optimization.
@bat.resize_chain @blocks, size
@pos = size if @pos > size
self.ranges = @bat.ranges(@blocks, size)
self.first_block = @blocks.empty? ? AllocationTable::EOC : @blocks.first
# don't know if this is required, but we explicitly request our @io to grow if necessary
# we never shrink it though. maybe this belongs in allocationtable, where smarter decisions
# can be made.
# maybe its ok to just seek out there later??
max = @ranges.map { |pos, len| pos + len }.max || 0
@io.truncate max if max > @io.size
# like RangesIOResizeable, but Ole::Storage::Dirent specific. provides for migration
# between bats based on size, and updating the dirent.
class RangesIOMigrateable < RangesIOResizeable
attr_reader :dirent
def initialize dirent, mode='r'
@dirent = dirent
super @dirent.ole.bat_for_size(@dirent.size), mode,
:first_block => @dirent.first_block, :size => @dirent.size
def truncate size
bat = @dirent.ole.bat_for_size size
if bat.class != @bat.class
# bat migration needed! we need to backup some data. the amount of data
# should be <= @ole.header.threshold, so we can just hold it all in one buffer.
# backup this
pos = [@pos, size].min
self.pos = 0
keep = read [@size, size].min
# this does a normal truncate to 0, removing our presence from the old bat, and
# rewrite the dirent's first_block
super 0
@bat = bat
# just change the underlying io from right under everyone :)
@io = bat.io
# important to do this now, before the write. as the below write will always
# migrate us back to sbat! this will now allocate us +size+ in the new bat.
self.pos = 0
write keep
self.pos = pos
# now just update the file
@dirent.size = size
# forward this to the dirent
def first_block
def first_block= val
@dirent.first_block = val
# A class which wraps an ole directory entry. Can be either a directory
# (Dirent#dir?) or a file (Dirent#file?)
# Most interaction with Ole::Storage is through this class.
# The 2 most important functions are Dirent#children, and
# Dirent#data.
# was considering separate classes for dirs and files. some methods/attrs only
# applicable to one or the other.
# As with the other classes, #to_s performs the serialization.
class Dirent < Struct.new(
:name_utf16, :name_len, :type_id, :colour, :prev, :next, :child,
:clsid, :flags, # dirs only
:create_time_str, :modify_time_str, # files only
:first_block, :size, :reserved
include RecursivelyEnumerable
PACK = 'a64 v C C V3 a16 V a8 a8 V2 a4'
SIZE = 128
# this is temporary
0 => :empty,
1 => :dir,
2 => :file,
5 => :root
# something to do with the fact that the tree is supposed to be red-black
0 => :red,
1 => :black
# used in the next / prev / child stuff to show that the tree ends here.
# also used for first_block for directory.
EOT = 0xffffffff
0.chr * 2, 2, 0, # will get overwritten
0.chr * 16, 0, nil, nil,
AllocationTable::EOC, 0, 0.chr * 4
# This returns all the children of this +Dirent+. It is filled in
# when the tree structure is recreated.
attr_reader :children
attr_reader :name
attr_reader :ole, :type, :create_time, :modify_time
attr_reader :parent
# i think its just used by the tree building
attr_accessor :idx
# these are for internal use and are used for faster lookup.
attr_reader :name_lookup
attr_writer :parent
protected :name_lookup, :parent=
def initialize ole, values=DEFAULT, params={}
@ole = ole
values, params = DEFAULT, values if Hash === values
values = values.unpack(PACK) if String === values
# extra parsing from the actual struct values
@name = params[:name] || Types::Variant.load(Types::VT_LPWSTR, name_utf16[0...name_len])
@type = if params[:type]
unless TYPE_MAP.values.include?(params[:type])
raise ArgumentError, "unknown type #{params[:type].inspect}"
TYPE_MAP[type_id] or raise FormatError, "unknown type_id #{type_id.inspect}"
# further extra type specific stuff
if file?
default_time = @ole.params[:update_timestamps] ? Types::FileTime.now : nil
@create_time ||= default_time
@modify_time ||= default_time
@create_time = Types::Variant.load(Types::VT_FILETIME, create_time_str) if create_time_str
@modify_time = Types::Variant.load(Types::VT_FILETIME, create_time_str) if modify_time_str
@children = nil
@name_lookup = nil
@create_time = nil
@modify_time = nil
self.size = 0 unless @type == :root
@children = []
@name_lookup = {}
@parent = nil
# to silence warnings. used for tree building at load time
# only.
@idx = nil
def name= name
if @parent
map = @parent.instance_variable_get :@name_lookup
map.delete @name
map[name] = self
@name = name
def children= children
@children = []
children.each { |child| self << child }
def open mode='r'
raise Errno::EISDIR unless file?
io = RangesIOMigrateable.new self, mode
@modify_time = Types::FileTime.now if io.mode.writeable?
if block_given?
begin yield io
ensure; io.close
else io
def read limit=nil
open { |io| io.read limit }
def file?
type == :file
def dir?
# to count root as a dir.
# maybe need some options regarding case sensitivity.
def / name
def [] idx
if String === idx
#warn 'String form of Dirent#[] is deprecated'
self / idx
# move to ruby-msg. and remove from here
def time
#warn 'Dirent#time is deprecated'
create_time || modify_time
def each_child(&block)
# flattens the tree starting from here into +dirents+. note it modifies its argument.
def flatten dirents=[]
@idx = dirents.length
dirents << self
if file?
self.prev = self.next = self.child = EOT
children.each { |child| child.flatten dirents }
self.child = Dirent.flatten_helper children
# i think making the tree structure optimized is actually more complex than this, and
# requires some intelligent ordering of the children based on names, but as long as
# it is valid its ok.
# actually, i think its ok. gsf for example only outputs a singly-linked-list, where
# prev is always EOT.
def self.flatten_helper children
return EOT if children.empty?
i = children.length / 2
this = children[i]
this.prev, this.next = [(0...i), (i+1..-1)].map { |r| flatten_helper children[r] }
def to_s
tmp = Types::Variant.dump(Types::VT_LPWSTR, name)
tmp = tmp[0, 62] if tmp.length > 62
tmp += 0.chr * 2
self.name_len = tmp.length
self.name_utf16 = tmp + 0.chr * (64 - tmp.length)
# type_id can perhaps be set in the initializer, as its read only now.
self.type_id = TYPE_MAP.to_a.find { |id, name| @type == name }.first
# for the case of files, it is assumed that that was handled already
# note not dir?, so as not to override root's first_block
self.first_block = Dirent::EOT if type == :dir
if file?
# this is messed up. it changes the time stamps regardless of whether the file
# was actually touched. instead, any open call with a writeable mode, should update
# the modify time. create time would be set in new.
if @ole.params[:update_timestamps]
self.create_time_str = Types::Variant.dump Types::VT_FILETIME, @create_time
self.modify_time_str = Types::Variant.dump Types::VT_FILETIME, @modify_time
self.create_time_str = 0.chr * 8
self.modify_time_str = 0.chr * 8
to_a.pack PACK
def inspect
str = "#'
def << child
child.parent = self
@name_lookup[child.name] = child
@children << child
# remove the Dirent +child+ from the children array, truncating the data
# by default.
def delete child, truncate=true
# remove from our child array, so that on reflatten and re-creation of @dirents, it will be gone
unless @children.delete(child)
raise ArgumentError, "#{child.inspect} not a child of #{self.inspect}"
child.parent = nil
# free our blocks
child.open { |io| io.truncate 0 } if child.file?
def self.copy src, dst
# copies the contents of src to dst. must be the same type. this will throw an
# error on copying to root. maybe this will recurse too much for big documents??
raise ArgumentError, 'differing types' if src.file? and !dst.file?
dst.name = src.name
if src.dir?
src.children.each do |src_child|
dst_child = Dirent.new dst.ole, :type => src_child.type
dst << dst_child
Dirent.copy src_child, dst_child
src.open do |src_io|
dst.open { |dst_io| IO.copy src_io, dst_io }