# IFM Map for "Stationfall" by Infocom # This file written by Dave Chapeskie # # $Id: Stationfall.ifm,v 1.4 2003/01/11 21:29:21 dchapes Exp $ title "Stationfall"; ###################################################### # Starting items item "ID Card" tag IDCard; item "Robot Request Form" tag RobotForm; item "Spacecraft Request Form" tag SpacecraftForm; item "thermos" tag Thermos; ###################################################### # Tasks that can be done anywhere task "read diary" tag ReadDiary need Diary; task "read note" tag ReadNote need Note; task "open textbook" need Textbook get Paper; task "read paper" tag ReadPaper need Paper; task "replace detonator's hyperdiode" tag FixDetonator need Detonator MDiode lose MDiode; task "validate form" tag ValidateForm need Stamp CrumpledForm after PressForm; task "read letter" tag ReadLetter need Letter; task "open star" need Star get MDiode; task "set jammer" tag SetJam need Jammer after ReadFreq; task "assemble jammer" tag AssJam need Jammer Fromitz20 lose Fromitz20; ###################################################### # Maps map "Aboard the S.P.S. Duffy"; room "Forms Storage Room"; room "Deck 12" dir n start exit w; room "Cargo Bay Entrance" tag CargoBayEntrance dir e; room "Robot Pool" dir n; item "Rex"; item "Helen"; item "Floyd"; task "request floyd" tag ReqFloyd need RobotForm lose it; room "Cargo Bay" dir e from CargoBayEntrance; room "Spacetruck" tag Spacetruck dir e go in; item "Survival Kit"; task "Launch" tag Launch after ReqFloyd need SpacecraftForm lose it goto Spacetruck2; join Spacetruck to Spacetruck2 oneway after last; ###################################################### map "Level One, Endgame"; room "Elevator"; room "Dome" tag Dome dir w; item "storage bin"; task "open bin" tag OpenBin need Key lose it; room "Top of Air Shaft" dir w go in style special after OpenBin; room "Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Botton of Air Shaft" dir s go down; room "Computer Control" tag CC dir se go down; task "jam the exercise machine" need Jammer after AssJam SetJam; task "destroy the machines" tag Break need Jammer follow last; room "Shaft at Level Nine" dir n; room "Factory" dir ne from CC go up style special after Break; item "pyramid"; task "get by Floyd" need Gun; task "render pyramid harmless" need PlFoil lose it follow last finish; ###################################################### map "Level Two"; room "Mess Hall" tag MessHall; item "cup of coffee"; room "Main Storage" tag MainStorage dir s se e ne ne; link MessHall to MainStorage dir n ne e se; item "detonator" tag Detonator; room "Meeting Room 1" dir ne e from MessHall; room "Meeting Room 2" dir s; room "Library" tag Library dir s; link Library to MessHall dir w; item "nonfilm reader"; task "read mauve spool" need MauveSpool drop it; task "read puce spool" need PuceSpool drop it; task "read lilac spool" need LilacSpool drop it; room "Elevator" dir e from MessHall; ###################################################### map "Level Three"; room "Level Three" tag Level3; room "Laundry" dir nw w; item "dryer"; item "presser"; task "press crumpled form" tag PressForm need CrumpledForm; room "Gym" dir n from Level3; item "excercise machine"; task "read sign" tag ReadFreq note "remeber the frequency"; room "Elevator" dir e from Level3; room "Theatre" dir s from Level3; room "Chapel" dir sw w from Level3; item "puce nanofilm spool" tag PuceSpool; item "seven pointed star" tag Star; item "eternal flame"; item "M-Series Hyperdiode" tag MDiode hidden; task "turn off flame" tag FlameOff; task "lure balloon creature with spray can" tag LureBalloon2 after FlameOff follow LureBalloon need SprayCan; task "use balloon to get star" after LureBalloon2 give Star; ###################################################### map "Level Four"; room "Level Four" tag Level4; room "Docking Bay #3" dir w; item "lilac nanofilm spool" tag LilacSpool; room "Female Barracks" dir n ne from Level4; room "Barracks SanFac" dir se s; room "Male Barracks" tag MBarracks dir s sw; link MBarracks to Level4 dir nw; room "Elevator" dir e from Level4; ###################################################### map "Level Five, Scientific Sub-Module, Village"; room "Spacetruck2" tag Spacetruck2; room "Docking Bay #2" dir n go out; room "Level Five" tag Level5 dir e; room "South Junction" tag SJunction dir se; room "Commander's Office" tag COffice dir se; item "log reader"; task "read Commander's Log" need LogTape drop it get Stamp; room "Commander's Quarters" dir e; item "log tape" tag LogTape; item "safe"; item "validation stamp" tag Stamp hidden; item "key" tag Key hidden; task "drill medium hole in safe" tag DrillHole need MedBit Drill lose MedBit; task "blow safe" need Detonator Timer Thermos Explosive lose Detonator Timer Explosive drop Thermos after DrillHole FixDetonator get Key safe; room "Briefing Room" dir s from COffice link SCon; room "South Connection" tag SCon dir s s from SJunction exit s; room "Robot Shop" dir w; item "medium drill bit" tag MedBit; item "heating chamber"; item "Oliver"; task "floyd, get drill bit" get MedBit; room "File Room" dir sw from SJunction; room "Workshop" dir n from Level5; room "Storage" dir n need Headlamp; item "jammer" tag Jammer; room "North Connection" tag NCon dir e link NJunction exit n; room "Elevator" dir e from Level5; room "North Junction" tag NJunction dir ne from Level5; room "Sick Bay" tag SickBay dir e; room "Brig" dir e need IDCard style special after ChangeID; room "East Junction" tag EJunction dir se from NJunction link SJunction; room "East Connection" tag ECon dir e link SickBay exit e; task "use form" tag UsedAccessForm need CrumpledForm lose it after ValidateForm; room "Comm Center" dir s; room "Station Control" dir e from SJunction link ECon COffice; room "The PX" dir e from NCon link NJunction; item "dispenser"; item "timer" tag Timer hidden; task "buy timer" tag BuyTimer need Coin lose it; task "lead ostrich here" tag LeadOst2 after LeadOst need Nip; task "retrive timer" after BuyTimer LeadOst2 need Nip lose it give Timer; ###################################################### room "Tube" dir n n from NCon; room "Engineering Lab" tag EngLab dir n; room "Engineering Office" dir n; item "diary" tag Diary; room "Astro Lab" tag AstLab dir w from EngLab; item "twenty-prong fromitz board" tag Fromitz20; room "Astro Office" dir n; room "Scientist's Quarters" dir w from AstLab; room "Bio Lab" tag BioLab dir e from EngLab go down; room "Bio Office" dir n; item "note" tag Note; room "Holding Tank Level" dir e from BioLab go down; ###################################################### room "Grimy Passage" dir s s from SCon style special after UsedAccessForm; room "Main Street" tag MainStreet dir s; room "Mayor's Office" dir nw go up; item "textbook" tag Textbook; item "paper" tag Paper hidden; room "Travel Agency" dir w from MainStreet; room "Bank" dir se link MainStreet; item "platinum detector" tag PlDetector; room "Alley" tag Alley dir se se from MainStreet; room "Missionary" dir n; room "Pawn Shop" dir sw from Alley; item "spray can" tag SprayCan; room "Loan Shark" dir e link Alley; item "strong box"; item "coin" tag Coin hidden; task "shoot box" need Gun get Coin; room "\"Doc\" Schuster" dir e link Alley; item "ostrich"; item "letter" tag Letter; task "lead ostrich" tag LeadOst need Nip; room "Junk Yard" tag JunkYard leave IDCard dir e e e e e from Alley; item "pair of magnetic boots" tag Boots; room "Shady Dan's" dir n n n n go up; item "innocuous machine"; task "change rank" tag ChangeID need IDCard; room "Trading Post" tag TradingPost dir nw nw; item "instruction sheet"; item "twelve-prong fromitz board"; room "Warehouse" tag Warehouse dir s s s go down link Alley; room "Airlock" tag Airlock dir s go down; task "wear suit and boots" tag WearSuit need Suit Boots; task "remove suit and boots" tag RemoveSuit need Suit Boots; room "In Space" dir s go down style special after WearSuit before RemoveSuit need Suit Boots Headlamp; item "explosive" tag Explosive; task "put explosive in thermos" tag ExpCold need Thermos give Explosive; room "Greasy Straw" dir ne e ne from MainStreet link TradingPost; ###################################################### room "Makeshit Connector" dir e e from ECon style special after UsedAccessForm; room "Broadway" tag Broadway dir e; room "Grocery" tag Grocery dir s link TradingPost; room "Saloon" dir se link TradingPost; room "Casino" tag Casino dir e e; item "roulette wheel"; item "pair of dice"; task "spin wheel" tag SpinWheel; room "Opium Den" dir n style special after SpinWheel; room "Flop House" dir ne from Casino go up style special after SpinWheel; item "Locker"; item "space suit" tag Suit hidden; task "open locker" get Suit; room "Studio" dir w from TradingPost; item "J-series hyperdiode"; room "Barbershop" dir e from Grocery link Broadway; item "mirror"; item "platinum foil" tag PlFoil hidden; task "detect platinum and break mirror" need PlDetector get PlFoil; room "Field Office" dir e from Broadway; item "headlamp" tag Headlamp keep; room "Rec Shop" dir ne from Broadway; item "simulation booth"; room "Recruitment Office" dir n from Broadway; room "Fortune Teller" dir nw from Broadway go down; item "crystal ball"; room "Pet Store" dir sw from Broadway link TradingPost; item "cage"; item "balloon creature" tag Balloon; item "ostrich nip" tag Nip hidden; task "open hatch in ceiling" get Nip after ReadLetter; task "lure balloon creature with spray can" tag LureBalloon need SprayCan; ###################################################### map "Level Six"; room "Level Six" tag Level6; room "Docking Bay #1" dir nw w; room "Alien Ship" dir n go in; item "skeleton"; task "decode dots" after ReadDiary ReadNote ReadPaper; room "Auxiliary Barracks" dir n n from Level6; room "Auxiliary SanFac" dir e s; room "Elevator" dir e from Level6; room "Officer Quarters A" dir s s s from Level6; room "Officer SanFac" tag OSanFac dir se; room "Officer Quarters C" dir ne; room "End of Corridor" tag EndCor dir n n; link Level6 to EndCor dir se; task "use id" tag UseID need IDCard after ChangeID; room "Officer Quarters B" dir sw s link OSanFac; room "Armory" dir n from EndCor after UseID; item "fusor-beam zapgun" tag Gun; room "Shipping Room" dir e from EndCor; ###################################################### map "Level Seven"; room "Elevator"; room "Printing Plant" tag Level7 dir w exit s; item "trash can"; item "mauve nanofile spool" tag MauveSpool; task "open trashcan" tag O_trashcan get CrumpledForm; item "crumpled form" tag CrumpledForm; room "Paper Recycling Plant" dir nw; item "drill" tag Drill; item "small drill bit"; ###################################################### # join all the elevators join Dome to MessHall cmd to "D" cmd from "U"; join MessHall to Level3 cmd to "D" cmd from "U"; join Level3 to Level4 cmd to "D" cmd from "U"; join Level4 to Level5 cmd to "D" cmd from "U"; join Level5 to Level6 cmd to "D" cmd from "U"; join Level6 to Level7 cmd to "D" cmd from "U"; # Force the space suit to be removed before leaving the airlock link Airlock hidden oneway; # modify existing link to be oneway, hide it # so that the arrow doesn't show up on the map link Airlock to Warehouse after RemoveSuit; # It makes more sense to go straight to the Commander's Office task "Get log tape" follow Launch give LogTape in COffice; # Prevent the ID Card from getting scrambled item Boots after UseID; link JunkYard after UseID; # We don't need it anymore so let it get scrambled task UseID lose IDCard safe;