# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class Cli extend GLI::App program_desc 'A systems management toolkit for Linux' preserve_argv(true) @version = Machinery::VERSION + " (system description format version " + "#{SystemDescription::CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION})" @config = Machinery::Config.new switch :version, negatable: false, desc: "Show version" switch :debug, negatable: false, desc: "Enable debug mode" switch [:help, :h], negatable: false, desc: "Show help" sort_help :manually pre do |global_options,command,options,args| if global_options[:debug] Machinery.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG else Machinery.logger.level = Logger::INFO end validate_command_line(command.arguments, args) true end post do |global_options,command,options,args| if command.is_a?(GLI::Commands::Help) && !global_options[:version] && ARGV == ["help"] Machinery::Ui.puts "\nFor more detailed information, open the man page by typing 'man " \ "machinery'.\nIf you are unable to find a solution within the man page visit our wiki " \ "page\nat https://github.com/SUSE/machinery/wiki" Machinery::Ui.puts "\nMachinery can show hints which guide through a typical workflow." if @config.hints Machinery::Ui.puts "These hints can be switched off by " \ "'#{Hint.program_name} config hints=off'." else Machinery::Ui.puts "These hints can be switched on by " \ "'#{Hint.program_name} config hints=on'." end Hint.print(:get_started) end Machinery::Ui.close_pager end GLI::Commands::Help.skips_post = false def self.validate_command_line(defined, parsed) if defined.any?(&:multiple?) && !defined.any?(&:optional?) && parsed.empty? message = "No arguments given. Nothing to do." raise GLI::BadCommandLine.new(message) elsif !defined.any?(&:multiple?) && parsed.size > defined.size parsed_arguments = "#{parsed.size} #{Machinery.pluralize(parsed.size, "argument")}" defined_arguments = defined.empty? ? "none" : "only: #{defined.map(&:name).join(", ")}" message = "Too many arguments: got #{parsed_arguments}, expected #{defined_arguments}" raise GLI::BadCommandLine.new(message) end end def self.handle_error(e) Machinery::Ui.kill_pager case e when GLI::MissingRequiredArgumentsException Machinery::Ui.error("Option --" + e.message) exit 1 when GLI::UnknownCommandArgument, GLI::UnknownGlobalArgument, GLI::UnknownCommand, GLI::BadCommandLine, OptionParser::MissingArgument, OptionParser::AmbiguousOption Machinery::Ui.error e.to_s + "\n\n" command = ARGV & @commands.keys.map(&:to_s) Machinery::Ui.error "Run '#{Hint.program_name} #{command.first} --help' for more information." exit 1 when Machinery::Errors::MachineryError Machinery.logger.error(e.message) Machinery::Ui.error e.message exit 1 when SystemExit raise when SignalException Machinery.logger.info "Machinery was aborted with signal #{e.signo}." exit 1 when Errno::ENOSPC Machinery::Ui.error("Error: " + e.message) exit 1 else if LocalSystem.os.canonical_name.include? ("SUSE Linux Enterprise") Machinery::Ui.error "Machinery experienced an unexpected error.\n" \ "If this impacts your business please file a service request at " \ "https://www.suse.com/mysupport\n" \ "so that we can assist you on this issue. An active support contract is required.\n" else Machinery::Ui.error "Machinery experienced an unexpected error. Please file a " \ "bug report at: https://github.com/SUSE/machinery/issues/new\n" end if e.is_a?(Cheetah::ExecutionFailed) result = "" result << "#{e.message}\n" result << "\n" if e.stderr && !e.stderr.empty? result << "Error output:\n" result << "#{e.stderr}\n" end if e.stdout && !e.stdout.empty? result << "Standard output:\n" result << "#{e.stdout}\n\n" end if e.backtrace && !e.backtrace.empty? result << "Backtrace:\n" result << "#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}\n\n" end Machinery.logger.error(result) Machinery::Ui.error result exit 1 else Machinery.logger.error("Machinery experienced an unexpected error:") Machinery.logger.error(e.message) Machinery.logger.error(e.backtrace.join("\n")) raise end end true end def self.check_container_name!(image, name) if image == name && !SystemDescription.valid_name?(name) raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new( "Error: System description name '#{name}' is invalid. By default Machinery" \ " uses the image name as description name if the parameter `--name` is not" \ " provided.\nIf the image name contains a slash the `--name=NAME` parameter" \ " is mandatory. Valid characters are 'a-zA-Z0-9_:.-'.\n\nFor example run:\n" \ "#{Hint.program_name} #{ARGV.join(" ")} --name='#{image.tr("/", "_")}'" ) end end on_error do |e| Cli.handle_error(e) end def self.show_filter_note(scopes, filter) if scopes.any? { |scope| !filter.element_filters_for_scope(scope).empty? } Machinery::Ui.puts "\nNote: There are filters being applied during inspection. " \ "(Use `--verbose` option to show the filters)\n\n" end end def self.shift_arg(args, name) if !res = args.shift raise GLI::BadCommandLine.new("You need to provide the required argument #{name}.") end res end def self.process_scope_option(scopes, exclude_scopes) if scopes if exclude_scopes # scope and exclude-scope raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new("You cannot provide the --scope and " \ "--exclude-scope option at the same time.") else # scope only scope_list = parse_scopes(scopes) end else if exclude_scopes # exclude-scope only scope_list = Inspector.all_scopes - parse_scopes(exclude_scopes) else # neither scope nor exclude-scope scope_list = Inspector.all_scopes end end if scope_list.empty? raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new( "No scopes to process. Nothing to do.") end scope_list end def self.parse_scopes(scope_string) unknown_scopes = [] invalid_scopes = [] scopes = [] scope_string.split(",").each do |scope| if !(scope =~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9]*(-[a-z0-9]+)*$/) invalid_scopes << scope next end # convert cli scope naming to internal one scope.tr!("-", "_") if Inspector.all_scopes.include?(scope) && Renderer.for(scope) scopes << scope else unknown_scopes << scope end end if invalid_scopes.length > 0 form = invalid_scopes.length > 1 ? "scopes are" : "scope is" raise Machinery::Errors::UnknownScope.new( "The following #{form} not valid:" \ " '#{invalid_scopes.join("', '")}'." \ " Scope names must start with a letter and contain only lowercase" \ " letters and digits separated by dashes ('-')." ) end if unknown_scopes.length > 0 form = unknown_scopes.length > 1 ? "scopes are" : "scope is" raise Machinery::Errors::UnknownScope.new( "The following #{form} not supported: " \ "#{Machinery::Ui.internal_scope_list_to_string(unknown_scopes)}. " \ "Valid scopes are: #{AVAILABLE_SCOPE_LIST}." ) end Inspector.sort_scopes(scopes.uniq) end def self.supports_filtering(command) if @config.experimental_features command.flag :exclude, negatable: false, desc: "Exclude elements matching the filter criteria" end end def self.check_port_validity(port) if port < 2 || port > 65535 raise Machinery::Errors::ServerPortError.new("The specified port '#{port}' is not " \ "valid. A valid port can be in a range between 2 and 65535.") else if port >= 2 && port <= 1023 && !CurrentUser.new.is_root? raise Machinery::Errors::ServerPortError.new("The specified port '#{port}' needs " \ "root privileges. Otherwise, the server cannot be started. All ports in a range " \ "of 2-1023 need root privileges.") end end end AVAILABLE_SCOPE_LIST = Machinery::Ui.internal_scope_list_to_string( Inspector.all_scopes ) desc "Analyze system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Analyze stored system description. The supported operations are: - config-file-diffs: Generate diffs against the original version from the package for the modified config files LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "analyze" do |c| c.flag [:operation, :o], type: String, required: false, desc: "The analyze operation to perform", arg_name: "OPERATION", default_value: "config-file-diffs" c.action do |global_options,options,args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) case options[:operation] when "config-file-diffs" task = AnalyzeConfigFileDiffsTask.new task.analyze(description) Hint.print(:show_analyze_data, name: name) else raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new( "The operation '#{options[:operation]}' is not supported. " \ "Valid operations are: config-file-diffs." ) end end end desc "Build image from system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Build image from a given system description and store it to the given location. LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "build" do |c| c.flag ["image-dir", :i], type: String, required: true, desc: "Store the image under the specified path", arg_name: "DIRECTORY" c.switch ["enable-dhcp", :d], required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Enable DCHP client on first network card of built image" c.switch ["enable-ssh", :s], required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Enable SSH service in built image" c.action do |global_options,options,args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) task = BuildTask.new task.build( description, File.expand_path(options["image-dir"]), enable_dhcp: options["enable-dhcp"], enable_ssh: options["enable-ssh"] ) end end desc "Compare system descriptions" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Compare system descriptions stored under specified names. Multiple scopes can be passed as comma-separated list. If no specific scopes are given, all scopes are compared. Available scopes: #{AVAILABLE_SCOPE_LIST} LONGDESC arg "NAME1" arg "NAME2" command "compare" do |c| c.flag [:scope, :s], type: String, required: false, desc: "Compare specified scopes", arg_name: "SCOPE_LIST" c.flag ["exclude-scope", :e], type: String, required: false, desc: "Exclude specified scopes", arg_name: "SCOPE_LIST" c.switch "show-all", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Show also common properties" c.switch "html", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Open comparison in HTML format in your web browser." c.switch "pager", required: false, default_value: true, desc: "Pipe output into a pager" c.action do |global_options,options,args| Machinery::Ui.use_pager = options[:pager] name1 = shift_arg(args, "NAME1") name2 = shift_arg(args, "NAME2") if options[:html] begin check_port_validity(@config.http_server_port) rescue Machinery::Errors::ServerPortError => e raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new(e.message + " The port can be " \ "specified in the 'http_server_port' section of the configuration file.") end end store = system_description_store description1 = SystemDescription.load(name1, store) description2 = SystemDescription.load(name2, store) scope_list = process_scope_option(options[:scope], options["exclude-scope"]) task = CompareTask.new opts = { show_html: options["html"], show_all: options["show-all"], ip: "", port: @config.http_server_port } task.compare(description1, description2, scope_list, opts) end end desc "Copy system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Copy a system description. The system description is copied and stored under the provided name. LONGDESC arg "FROM_NAME" arg "TO_NAME" command "copy" do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| from = shift_arg(args, "FROM_NAME") to = shift_arg(args, "TO_NAME") task = CopyTask.new task.copy(system_description_store, from, to) end end desc "Move system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Move a system description. The system description name is changed to the provided name. LONGDESC arg "FROM_NAME" arg "TO_NAME" command "move" do |c| c.action do |_global_options, _options, args| from = shift_arg(args, "FROM_NAME") to = shift_arg(args, "TO_NAME") task = MoveTask.new task.move(system_description_store, from, to) end end desc "Deploy image to OpenStack cloud" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Deploy system description as image to OpenStack cloud. The image will be deployed to the OpenStack cloud. If no --image-dir is specified an image will be built from the description before deployment. LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "deploy" do |c| c.flag ["cloud-config", :c], type: String, required: true, arg_name: "FILE", desc: "Path to file where the cloud config (openrc.sh) is located" c.flag ["image-dir", :i], type: String, required: false, desc: "Directory where the image is located", arg_name: "DIRECTORY" c.switch [:insecure, :s], required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Explicitly allow glanceclient to perform 'insecure SSL' (https) requests." c.flag ["cloud-image-name", :n], type: String, required: false, desc: "Name of the image in the cloud", arg_name: "NAME" c.action do |global_options,options,args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) task = DeployTask.new opts = { image_name: options[:cloud_image_name], insecure: options[:insecure] } opts[:image_dir] = File.expand_path(options["image-dir"]) if options["image-dir"] task.deploy(description, File.expand_path(options["cloud-config"]), opts) end end desc "Export system description as KIWI image description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Export system description as KIWI image description. The description will be placed in a subdirectory at the given location. The image format in the description is 'vmx'. LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "export-kiwi" do |c| c.flag ["kiwi-dir", :k], type: String, required: true, desc: "Location where the description will be stored", arg_name: "DIRECTORY" c.switch :force, default_value: false, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Overwrite existing description" c.action do |global_options,options,args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) exporter = KiwiConfig.new(description) task = ExportTask.new(exporter) task.export( File.expand_path(options["kiwi-dir"]), force: options[:force] ) end end desc "Export system description as AutoYaST profile" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Export system description as AutoYaST profile The profile will be placed in a subdirectory at the given location by the 'autoyast-dir' option. LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "export-autoyast" do |c| c.flag ["autoyast-dir", :a], type: String, required: true, desc: "Location where the autoyast profile will be stored", arg_name: "DIRECTORY" c.switch :force, default_value: false, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Overwrite existing profile" c.action do |_global_options, options, args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) exporter = Autoyast.new(description) task = ExportTask.new(exporter) task.export( File.expand_path(options["autoyast-dir"]), force: options[:force] ) end end def self.define_inspect_command_options(c) c.flag [:name, :n], type: String, required: false, arg_name: "NAME", desc: "Store system description under the specified name" c.flag [:scope, :s], type: String, required: false, desc: "Show specified scopes", arg_name: "SCOPE_LIST" c.flag ["exclude-scope", :e], type: String, required: false, desc: "Exclude specified scopes", arg_name: "SCOPE_LIST" c.flag "skip-files", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Do not consider given files or directories during inspection. " \ "Either provide one file or directory name or a list of names separated by commas." c.switch ["extract-files", :x], required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Extract changed configuration files and unmanaged files from inspected system" c.switch "extract-changed-config-files", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Extract changed configuration files from inspected system" c.switch "extract-unmanaged-files", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Extract unmanaged files from inspected system" c.switch "extract-changed-managed-files", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Extract changed managed files from inspected system" c.switch :show, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Print inspection result" c.switch :verbose, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Display the filters which are used during inspection" end def self.parse_inspect_command_options(host, options) scope_list = process_scope_option(options[:scope], options["exclude-scope"]) name = options[:name] || host if !scope_list.empty? inspected_scopes = " for #{Machinery::Ui.internal_scope_list_to_string(scope_list)}" end Machinery::Ui.puts "Inspecting #{host}#{inspected_scopes}..." inspect_options = {} if options["show"] inspect_options[:show] = true end if options["verbose"] inspect_options[:verbose] = true end if options["extract-files"] || options["extract-changed-config-files"] inspect_options[:extract_changed_config_files] = true end if options["extract-files"] || options["extract-changed-managed-files"] inspect_options[:extract_changed_managed_files] = true end if options["extract-files"] || options["extract-unmanaged-files"] inspect_options[:extract_unmanaged_files] = true end filter = FilterOptionParser.parse("inspect", options) if options["verbose"] && !filter.empty? Machinery::Ui.puts "\nThe following filters are applied during inspection:" Machinery::Ui.puts filter.to_array.join("\n") + "\n\n" else show_filter_note(scope_list, filter) end [name, scope_list, inspect_options, filter] end desc "Inspect running system" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Inspect running system and generate system descripton from inspected data. Multiple scopes can be passed as comma-separated list. If no specific scopes are given, all scopes are inspected. Available scopes: #{AVAILABLE_SCOPE_LIST} LONGDESC arg "HOSTNAME" command "inspect" do |c| supports_filtering(c) define_inspect_command_options(c) c.flag ["remote-user", :r], type: String, required: false, default_value: @config.remote_user, desc: "Defines the user which is used to access the inspected system via SSH."\ "This user needs sudo access on the remote machine or be root.", arg_name: "USER" c.flag ["ssh-port", :p], type: Integer, required: false, desc: "The SSH port of the remote server.", arg_name: "SSH-PORT" c.flag ["ssh-identity-file", :i], type: String, required: false, desc: "The private SSH key location what can be used to authenticate with the remote system.", arg_name: "SSH-KEY" c.action do |_global_options, options, args| host = shift_arg(args, "HOSTNAME") system = System.for(host, remote_user: options["remote-user"], ssh_port: options["ssh-port"], ssh_identity_file: options["ssh-identity-file"]) inspector_task = InspectTask.new name, scope_list, inspect_options, filter = parse_inspect_command_options(host, options) inspector_task.inspect_system( system_description_store, system, name, CurrentUser.new, scope_list, filter, inspect_options ) Hint.print(:show_data, name: name) if options[:show] == false if !options["extract-files"] || Inspector.all_scopes.count != scope_list.count Hint.print(:do_complete_inspection, name: name, host: host) end end end desc "Inspect container image" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Inspect container image and generate system descripton from inspected data. Right now we only support docker images. Multiple scopes can be passed as comma-separated list. If no specific scopes are given, all scopes are inspected. Available scopes: #{AVAILABLE_SCOPE_LIST} LONGDESC arg "(IMAGENAME|IMAGEID)" command "inspect-container" do |c| supports_filtering(c) define_inspect_command_options(c) c.action do |_global_options, options, args| image = shift_arg(args, "(IMAGENAME|IMAGEID)") system = DockerSystem.new(image) inspector_task = InspectTask.new name, scope_list, inspect_options, filter = parse_inspect_command_options(image, options) check_container_name!(image, name) begin system.start inspector_task.inspect_system( system_description_store, system, name, CurrentUser.new, scope_list, filter, inspect_options ) ensure system.stop end Hint.print(:show_data, name: name) unless options[:show] if !options["extract-files"] || Inspector.all_scopes.count != scope_list.count Hint.print(:do_complete_inspection, name: name, docker_container: image) end end end desc "List system descriptions" long_desc <<-LONGDESC List all system descriptions and their stored scopes, when no NAME parameter is specified. List only the specified system descriptions and its stored scopes, when NAME parameter is given. The date of modification for each scope can be shown with the verbose option. LONGDESC arg "NAME", [:multiple, :optional] command "list" do |c| c.switch :verbose, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Display additional information about origin of scopes" c.switch :short, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "List only description names" c.switch :html, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Open overview of all system descriptions in HTML format in your web browser" c.action do |global_options,options,args| if options[:html] begin check_port_validity(@config.http_server_port) rescue Machinery::Errors::ServerPortError => e raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new(e.message + " The port can be " \ "specified in the 'http_server_port' section of the configuration file.") end end opts = { ip: "", port: @config.http_server_port }.merge(options) task = ListTask.new task.list(system_description_store, args, opts) end end desc "Shows man page" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Shows the man page of the machinery tool. LONGDESC command "man" do |c| c.action do task = ManTask.new task.man end end desc "Remove system descriptions" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Removes all specified descriptions stored under the specified names. The success of a removal can be shown with the verbose option. LONGDESC arg "NAME", [:multiple, :optional] command "remove" do |c| c.switch :all, negatable: false, desc: "Remove all system descriptions" c.switch :verbose, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Explain what is being done" c.action do |global_options,options,args| if !options[:all] && args.empty? raise GLI::BadCommandLine.new, "You need to either specify `--all` or a list of system descriptions" end task = RemoveTask.new task.remove(system_description_store, args, verbose: options[:verbose], all: options[:all]) end end desc "Show system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Show system description stored under the specified name. Multiple scopes can be passed as comma-separated list. If no specific scopes are given, all scopes are shown. Available scopes: #{AVAILABLE_SCOPE_LIST} LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "show" do |c| supports_filtering(c) c.flag [:scope, :s], type: String, required: false, desc: "Show specified scopes", arg_name: "SCOPE_LIST" c.flag ["exclude-scope", :e], type: String, required: false, desc: "Exclude specified scopes", arg_name: "SCOPE_LIST" c.switch "pager", required: false, default_value: true, desc: "Pipe output into a pager" c.switch "show-diffs", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Show diffs of configuration files changes." c.switch "html", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Open system description in HTML format in your web browser." c.switch "verbose", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Show the filters that were applied before showing the description." c.action do |global_options,options,args| Machinery::Ui.use_pager = options["pager"] if options[:html] begin check_port_validity(@config.http_server_port) rescue Machinery::Errors::ServerPortError => e raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new(e.message + " The port can be " \ "specified in the 'http_server_port' section of the configuration file.") end end name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") if name == "localhost" && !CurrentUser.new.is_root? Machinery::Ui.puts "You need root rights to access the system description of your locally inspected system." end description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) scope_list = process_scope_option(options[:scope], options["exclude-scope"]) filter = FilterOptionParser.parse("show", options) inspected_filters = description.filter_definitions("inspect") if options[:verbose] details = "" if description[:environment].system_type == "docker" details += "\n Type of inspected container: #{description[:environment].system_type}\n" end if !inspected_filters.empty? details += "\n The following filters were applied during inspection:" details += "\n * " + inspected_filters.join("\n * ") + "\n\n" end if !filter.empty? details += "\n The following filters were applied before showing the description:" details += "\n * " + filter.to_array.join("\n * ") + "\n\n" end Machinery::Ui.puts "# Inspection details\n" + details unless details.empty? end task = ShowTask.new opts = { show_diffs: options["show-diffs"], show_html: options["html"], ip: "", port: @config.http_server_port } task.show(description, scope_list, filter, opts) end end desc "Validate system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Validate system description stored under the specified name. LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "validate" do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") if name == "localhost" && !CurrentUser.new.is_root? Machinery::Ui.puts "You need root rights to access the system description of your locally inspected system." end task = ValidateTask.new task.validate(system_description_store, name) end end desc "Upgrade format of system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Upgrade the format of one or all system descriptions. LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "upgrade-format" do |c| c.switch :all, negatable: false, desc: "Upgrade all system descriptions" c.switch :force, default_value: false, required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Keep backup after migration and ingnore validation errors" c.action do |global_options,options,args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") if !options[:all] task = UpgradeFormatTask.new task.upgrade( system_description_store, name, all: options[:all], force: options[:force] ) end end desc "Show or change machinery's configuration" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Show or change machinery's configuration. The value of a key is shown when no value argument is passed. If neither the key argument nor the value argument are specified a list of all keys and their values are shown. ALTERNATIVE SYNOPSIS: machinery [global options] config [KEY][=VALUE] LONGDESC arg "KEY", :optional arg "VALUE", :optional command "config" do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| if args[0] && args[0].include?("=") if args[1] raise GLI::BadCommandLine, "Too many arguments: got 2 arguments, expected only: KEY=VALUE" else key, value = args[0].split("=") end else key = args[0] value = args[1] end task = ConfigTask.new(@config) task.config(key, value) if key == "hints" && (value == "false" || value == "off") Machinery::Ui.puts "Hints can be switched on again by " \ "'#{Hint.program_name} config hints=on'." end end end desc "Start a web server for viewing system descriptions" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Starts a web server which serves an HTML view of all system descriptions and an overview page listing all descriptions. LONGDESC command "serve" do |c| c.flag [:port, :p], type: Integer, required: false, default_value: @config.http_server_port, desc: "Listen on port PORT. Ports can be selected in a range between 2-65535. Ports between 2 and 1023 can only be chosen when `machinery` will be executed as `root` user.", arg_name: "PORT" c.switch "public", required: false, negatable: false, desc: "Makes the server reachable from all IP addresses." c.action do |_global_options, options, args| begin check_port_validity(options[:port]) rescue Machinery::Errors::ServerPortError => e raise Machinery::Errors::InvalidCommandLine.new(e.message + " The port can be " \ "either specified in the 'http_server_port' section of the configuration file " \ "or via the --port option.") end task = ServeHtmlTask.new task.serve( system_description_store, port: options[:port], public: options[:public] ) end end if @config.experimental_features desc "Containerize a system description" long_desc <<-LONGDESC Detects workloads from a system description and creates a recommendation for a corresponding container setup LONGDESC arg "NAME" command "containerize" do |c| c.flag ["output-dir", :o], type: String, required: true, desc: "Location where the container files will be stored", arg_name: "DIRECTORY" c.action do |_global_options, options, args| name = shift_arg(args, "NAME") description = SystemDescription.load(name, system_description_store) task = ContainerizeTask.new task.containerize(description, File.expand_path(options["output-dir"])) end end end def self.system_description_store if ENV.has_key?("MACHINERY_DIR") SystemDescriptionStore.new(ENV["MACHINERY_DIR"]) else SystemDescriptionStore.new end end end