module TreasureData module Command SUPPORTED_FORMATS = %W[json.gz line-json.gz] def table_export(op) from = nil to = nil s3_bucket = nil aws_access_key_id = nil aws_secret_access_key = nil file_format = "json.gz" # default op.on('-f', '--from TIME', 'export data which is newer than or same with the TIME') {|s| from = export_parse_time(s) } op.on('-t', '--to TIME', 'export data which is older than the TIME') {|s| to = export_parse_time(s) } op.on('-b', '--s3-bucket NAME', 'name of the destination S3 bucket (required)') {|s| s3_bucket = s } op.on('-k', '--aws-key-id KEY_ID', 'AWS access key id to export data (required)') {|s| aws_access_key_id = s } op.on('-s', '--aws-secret-key SECRET_KEY', 'AWS secret access key to export data (required)') {|s| aws_secret_access_key = s } op.on('-F', '--file-format FILE_FORMAT', 'file format for exported data, either json.gz (default) or line-json.gz') { |s| raise ArgumentError, "#{s} is not a supported file format" unless SUPPORTED_FORMATS.include?(s) file_format = s } db_name, table_name = op.cmd_parse unless s3_bucket $stderr.puts "-b, --s3-bucket NAME option is required." exit 1 end unless aws_access_key_id $stderr.puts "-k, --aws-key-id KEY_ID option is required." exit 1 end unless aws_secret_access_key $stderr.puts "-s, --aws-secret-key SECRET_KEY option is required." exit 1 end client = get_client get_table(client, db_name, table_name) client = get_ssl_client s3_opts = {} s3_opts['from'] = from.to_s if from s3_opts['to'] = to.to_s if to s3_opts['file_format'] = file_format s3_opts['bucket'] = s3_bucket s3_opts['access_key_id'] = aws_access_key_id s3_opts['secret_access_key'] = aws_secret_access_key job = client.export(db_name, table_name, "s3", s3_opts) $stderr.puts "Export job #{job.job_id} is queued." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} " + Config.cl_options_string + "job:show #{job.job_id}' to show the status." end private def export_parse_time(time) if time.to_i.to_s == time.to_s # UNIX time return time.to_i else require 'time' begin return Time.parse(time).to_i rescue $stderr.puts "invalid time format: #{time}" exit 1 end end end end end