# encoding: UTF-8 Given /^应用正在运行$/ do macro %Q|the app is running| end # -- Touch --# Then /^我点按屏幕左(\d+)上(\d+)$/ do |x, y| macro %Q|I press on screen #{x} from the left and #{y} from the top| end Then /^我点按"([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| macro %Q|I press "#{name}"| end Then /^我点按"([^\"]*)"右(\d+)%下(\d+)$/ do |name,x,y| macro %Q|I press #{x}% right and #{y}% down from "#{name}"| end Then /^我点按第(\d+)个按钮$/ do |index| macro %Q|I press button number #{index}| end Then /^我点按"([^\"]*)"按钮$/ do |name| macro %Q|I press the "#{name}" button| end Then /^我点按第(\d+)个文本框$/ do |index| macro %Q|I press text field number #{index}| end Then /^我点按文本框"([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| macro %Q|I press the "#{name}" text field| end #Note in tables views: this means visible cell index! Then /^我点按第(\d+)个列表项$/ do |index| macro %Q|I press list item number #{index}| end Then /^我点按列表项"([^\"]*)"$/ do |cell_name| macro %Q|I press list item "#{cell_name}"| end Then /^我切换开关$/ do macro %Q|I toggle the switch| end Then /^我切换"([^\"]*)"开关$/ do |name| macro %Q|I toggle the "#{name}" switch| end Then /^我点按用户的位置$/ do macro %Q|I touch the user location| end Then /^我点按(?:完成|搜索|done|search)$/ do macro %Q|I touch done| end ## -- Entering text -- ## Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"中输入"([^\"]*)"$/ do |field_name, text_to_type| macro %Q|I enter "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{field_name}" field| end Then /^我在文本框"([^\"]*)"中输入"([^\"]*)"$/ do |field_name, text_to_type| macro %Q|I enter "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{field_name}" text field| end # alias Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"中填写"([^\"]*)"$/ do |text_field, text_to_type| macro %Q|I fill in "#{text_field}" with "#{text_to_type}"| end Then /^我用软键盘在文本框"([^\"]*)"中输入"([^\"]*)"$/ do |field_name, text_to_type| macro %Q|I use the native keyboard to enter "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{field_name}" text field| end Then /^我在文本框中填写:$/ do |table| step %Q|I fill in text fields as follows:|, table end Then /^我在第(\d+)个文本框中输入"([^\"]*)"$/ do |index, text| macro %Q|I enter "#{text}" into text field number #{index}| end Then /^我用软键盘在第(\d+)个文本框中输入"([^\"]*)"$/ do |index, text_to_type| macro %Q|I use the native keyboard to enter "#{text_to_type}" into text field number #{index}| end When /^我清除"([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| macro %Q|I clear "#{name}"| end Then /^我清除第(\d+)个文本框$/ do |index| macro %Q|I clear text field number #{index}| end # -- See -- # Then /^我等到看见"([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I wait to see "#{expected_mark}"| end Then /^我等到看不见"([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I wait until I don't see "#{expected_mark}| end Then /^我等到"([^\"]*)"出现$/ do |name| macro %Q|I wait for "#{name}" to appear| end Then /^我等到"([^\"]*)"按钮出现$/ do |name| macro %Q|I wait for the "#{name}" button to appear| end Then /^我等到看见标题是"([^\"]*)"的导航条$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I wait to see a navigation bar titled "#{expected_mark}"| end Then /^我等待"([^\"]*)"文本框$/ do |placeholder_or_view_mark| macro %Q|I wait for the "#{placeholder_or_view_mark}" text field| end Then /^我等待(\d+)个文本框$/ do |count| macro %Q|I wait for #{count} text field| end Then /^我等$/ do macro %Q|I wait| end Then /^我等啊等$/ do macro %Q|I wait and wait| end Then /^我等啊等啊等...$/ do macro %Q|I wait and wait and wait...| end When /^我等([\d\.]+)秒$/ do |num_seconds| macro %Q|I wait for #{num_seconds} seconds| end Then /^我后退$/ do macro %Q|I go back| end Then /^(?:我)?截屏$/ do macro %Q|I take screenshot| end DIRs = {"左" => "left", "右" => "right", "上" => "up", "下" => "down"} Then /^我向(左|右|上|下)划$/ do |dir| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I swipe #{dir}| end Then /^我向(左|右|上|下)划第(\d+)个$/ do |dir, index| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I swipe #{dir} on number #{index}| end Then /^我向(左|右|上|下)划第(\d+)个的x:(\d+),y:(\d+)$/ do |dir, index, x, y| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I swipe #{dir} on number #{index} at x #{x} and y #{y}| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上向(左|右|上|下)划$/ do |mark, dir| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I swipe #{dir} on "#{mark}"| end Then /^我划动第(\d+)个格子$/ do |index| macro %Q|I swipe on cell number #{index}| end ##pinch## Then /^我双指(放大|缩小)$/ do |in_out| in_out = in_out == "放大" and "in" or "out" macro %Q|I pinch to zoom #{in_out}| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上双指(放大|缩小)$/ do |name, in_out| in_out = in_out == "放大" and "in" or "out" macro %Q|I pinch to zoom #{in_out} on "#{name}"| end # Note "up/left/right" seems to be missing on the web base Then /^我向(上|下|左|右)滚动$/ do |dir| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I scroll #{dir}| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上向(上|下|左|右)滚动$/ do |name, dir| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I scroll #{dir} on "#{name}"| end ### Playback ### Then /^我回放记录"([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename| macro %Q|I playback recording "#{filename}"| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上回放记录"([^\"]*)"$/ do |name, filename| macro %Q|I playback recording "#{filename}" on "#{name}"| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上回放记录"([^\"]*)",偏移(\d+),(\d+)$/ do |name, filename, x, y| macro %Q|I playback recording "#{filename}" on "#{name}" with offset #{x},#{y}| end Then /^我反向回放记录"([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename| macro %Q|I reverse playback recording "#{filename}"| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上反向回放记录"([^\"]*)"$/ do |name, filename| macro %Q|I reverse playback recording "#{filename}" on "#{name}"| end Then /^我在"([^\"]*)"上反向回放记录"([^\"]*)",偏移(\d+),(\d+)$/ do |name, filename, x, y| macro %Q|I reverse playback recording "#{filename}" on "#{name}" with offset #{x},#{y}| end ### Device orientation ### Then /^我向(左|右)旋转设备$/ do |dir| dir = DIRs[dir] macro %Q|I rotate device #{dir}| end Then /^我把应用切到后台(\d+)秒$/ do |secs| macro %Q|I send app to background for #{secs} seconds| end ### Assertions ### Then /^我应该看到"([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I should see "#{expected_mark}"| end Then /^我应该看不到"([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I should not see "#{expected_mark}"| end Then /^我应该看到"([^\"]*)"按钮$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I should see a "#{expected_mark}" button| end Then /^我应该看不到"([^\"]*)"按钮$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I should not see a "#{expected_mark}" button| end Then /^我看不到文字"([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %Q|I don't see the text "#{text}"| end Then /^我看不到"([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %Q|I don't see the "#{text}"| end Then /^我看到文字"([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %Q|I see the text "#{text}"| end Then /^我看到"([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %Q|I see the "#{text}"| end Then /^我应该看到以"([^\"]*)"开头的文字$/ do |text| macro %Q|I should see text starting with "#{text}"| end Then /^我应该看到包含"([^\"]*)"的文字$/ do |text| macro %Q|I should see text containing "#{text}"| end Then /^我应该看到以"([^\"]*)"结尾的文字$/ do |text| macro %Q|I should see text ending with "#{text}"| end Then /^我看到(\d+)个文本框$/ do |count| macro %Q|I see #{count} text fields| end Then /^我应该看到"([^\"]*)"文本框$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I should see a "#{expected_mark}" text field| end Then /^我应该看不到"([^\"]*)"文本框$/ do |expected_mark| macro %Q|I should not see a "#{expected_mark}" text field| end Then /^我应该看到地图$/ do macro %Q|I should see a map| end Then /^我应该看到用户的位置$/ do macro %Q|I should see the user location| end ### Date Picker ### # time_str can be in any format that Time can parse Then(/^我修改日期选择器的时间为"([^"]*)"$/) do |time_str| macro %Q|I change the date picker time to "#{time_str}"| end # date_str can be in any format that Date can parse Then(/^我修改日期选择器的日期为"([^"]*)"$/) do |time_str| macro %Q|I change the date picker date to "#{date_str}"| end # date_str can be in any format that Date can parse Then(/^我修改日期选择器日期为"([^"]*)",时间为"([^"]*)"$/) do |date_str, time_str| macro %Q|I change the date picker time to "#{time_str}"| macro %Q|I change the date picker date to "#{date_str}"| end