#!/usr/bin/env ruby # An example of requiring all the files in a table via the Bootstrap::lift # method. # # First use the blob.rb example in this same directory to load the a.rb file # into an example database: # # ruby blob.rb store a.rb # # Then run this example. # # Require "ONLY" then binary extension, do not +require+ the ruby based code $: << "../ext" require 'amalgalite/amalgalite3' # See what the load path is, notice that it is very small puts "Before $\" : #{$LOADED_FEATURES.inspect}" # tell the binary extension to "require" every file in the filestore.db in the # table 'files' orderd by column 'id'. The 'path' column is added to $LOADED_FEATURES and the # code in 'data' is evaled. Amalgalite::Requires::Bootstrap.lift( "dbfile" => "filestore.db", "table_name" => "rubylibs", "rowid_column" => "id", "filename_column" => "filename", "contents_column" => "contents" ) # Notice that a.rb is in the list of files that has been required puts "After $\" : #{$LOADED_FEATURES.inspect}" # and look we prove that the code was eval'd appropriately a = A.new a.a