module DocStorage
# The +SimpleDocument+ class represents a simple RFC 822-like document,
# suitable for storing text associated with some metadata (e.g. a blog
# article with a title and a publication date). The +SimpleDocument+ class
# allows to create the document programatically, parse it from a file,
# manipulate its structure and save it to a file.
# Each document consist of _headers_ and a _body_. Headers are a dictionary,
# mapping string names to string values. Body is a free-form text. The header
# names can contain only alphanumeric characters and a hyphen ("-") and they
# are case sensitive. The header values can contain any text.
# == Document Format
# In serialized form, a simple document looks like this:
# Title: My blog article
# Datetime: 2009-11-01 18:03:27
# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vel lorem
# massa. Sed blandit orci id leo blandit ut fermentum lacus ullamcorper.
# Suspendisse metus sapien, consectetur vitae imperdiet vel, ornare a metus.
# In imperdiet euismod mi, nec volutpat lorem porta id.
# Headers are first, each on its own line. Header names are separated from
# values by a colon (":") and any amount of whitespace, trailing whitespace
# after values is ignored. Values containing special characters (especially
# newlines or leading/trailing whitepsace) must be enclosed in single or
# double quotes. Quoted values can contain usual C-like escape sequences (e.g.
# "\n", "\xFF", etc.). Duplicate headers are allowed with later value
# overwriting the earlier one. Other than that, the order of headers does not
# matter. The body is separated from headers by empty line.
# Documents without any headers are perfectly legal and so are documents with
# an empty body. However, the separating line must be always present. This
# means that an empty file is not a valid document, but a file containing a
# single newline is.
# == Example Usage
# require "lib/doc_storage"
# # Create a new document with headers and body
# document =
# {
# "Title" => "Finishing the documentation",
# "Priority" => "urgent"
# },
# "We should finish the documentation ASAP."
# )
# # Load from a file
# document = DocStorage::SimpleDocument.load_file("examples/simple.txt")
# # Document manipulation
# document.headers["Tags"] = "example"
# document.body += "Nulla mi dui, pellentesque et accumsan vitae, mattis et velit."
# # Save the modified document
# document.save_file("examples/simple_modified.txt")
class SimpleDocument
# document headers (+Hash+)
attr_accessor :headers
# document body (+String+)
attr_accessor :body
class << self
def parse_header_value(value)
case value[0..0]
when '"', "'"
quote = value[0..0]
if value[-1..-1] != quote
raise SyntaxError, "Unterminated header value: #{value.inspect}."
inner_text = value[1..-2]
if inner_text.gsub("\\" + quote, "").include?(quote)
raise SyntaxError, "Badly quoted header value: #{value.inspect}."
inner_text = inner_text.
gsub(/\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/) { $1.to_i(16).chr }.
gsub(/\\([0-7]{3})/) { $1.to_i(8).chr }.
gsub("\\0", "\0").
gsub("\\a", "\a").
gsub("\\b", "\b").
gsub("\\t", "\t").
gsub("\\n", "\n").
gsub("\\v", "\v").
gsub("\\f", "\f").
gsub("\\r", "\r").
gsub("\\\"", "\"").
gsub("\\'", "'")
if inner_text !~ /^(\\\\|[^\\])*$/
raise SyntaxError, "Invalid escape sequence in header value: #{value.inspect}."
inner_text.gsub("\\\\", "\\")
def parse_headers(io, detect_boundary)
result = {}
headers_terminated = false
until io.eof?
line = io.readline
case line
when /^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+):(.*)\n$/
result[$1] = parse_header_value($2.strip)
when "\n"
headers_terminated = true
raise SyntaxError, "Invalid header: #{line.sub(/\n$/, "").inspect}."
raise SyntaxError, "Unterminated headers." unless headers_terminated
if detect_boundary && !result.has_key?("Boundary")
raise SyntaxError, "No boundary defined."
def parse_body(io, boundary)
if boundary
result = ""
until io.eof?
line = io.readline
if line == "--#{boundary}\n"
# Trim last newline from the body as it belongs to the boudnary
# logically. This behavior is implemented to allow bodies with
# no trailing newline).
return result[0..-2]
result += line
def load_from_io(io, boundary)
headers = parse_headers(io, boundary == :detect)
boundary = headers["Boundary"] if boundary == :detect
body = parse_body(io, boundary), body)
# Loads a simple document from its serialized form and returns a new
# +SimpleDocument+ instance.
# The +source+ can be either an +IO+-like object or a +String+. In the
# latter case, it is assumed that the string contains a serialized
# document (not a file name).
# The +boundary+ determines how the end of the document body is detected:
# * If +boundary+ is +nil+, the document is read until the end of file.
# * If +boundary+ is :detect, the document is read until the
# end of file or until a line containing only a boundary
# string is read. The boundary string is the value of the
# "Boundary" header prefixed with "--".
# * Otherwise, it is assumed that +boundary+ contains a boundary string
# without the "--" prefix (the "Boundary" header value is ignored for
# the purpose of boundary detection). The document is read until the
# end of file or until a line containing only the boundary string is
# read.
# The +boundary+ parameter is provided mainly for parsing parts of
# multipart documents (see the +MultipartDocument+ class documentation)
# and usually should not be used.
# If any syntax error occurs, a +SyntaxError+ exception is raised. This
# can happen when an invalid header is encountered, headers are not
# terminated (no empty line separating headers and body is parsed before
# the end of file) or if no "Boundary" header is found when detecting a
# boundary.
# See the +SimpleDocument+ class documentation for a detailed document
# format description.
def load(source, boundary = nil)
source.is_a?(String) ? : source,
# Loads a simple document from a file and returns a new +SimpleDocument+
# instance. This method is just a thin wrapper around
# SimpleDocument#load -- see its documentation for description of the
# behavior and parameters of this method.
# See the +SimpleDocument+ class documentation for a detailed document
# format description.
def load_file(file, boundary = nil), "r") { |f| load(f, boundary) }
# Creates a new +SimpleDocument+ with given headers and body.
def initialize(headers, body)
@headers, @body = headers, body
# Tests if two documents are equal, i.e. whether they have the same class
# and equal headers and body (in the == sense).
def ==(other)
other.instance_of?(self.class) &&
@headers == other.headers &&
@body == other.body
# Returns string representation of this document. The result is in the
# format described in the +SimpleDocument+ class documentation.
# Raises +SyntaxError+ if any document header has invalid name.
def to_s
@headers.keys.each do |name|
if name !~ /\A[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\Z/
raise SyntaxError, "Invalid header name: #{name.inspect}."
serialized_headers = @headers.keys.sort.inject("") do |acc, key|
value_is_simple = @headers[key] !~ /\A\s+/ &&
@headers[key] !~ /\s+\Z/ &&
@headers[key] !~ /[\n\r]/
value = value_is_simple ? @headers[key] : @headers[key].inspect
acc + "#{key}: #{value}\n"
serialized_headers + "\n" + @body
# Saves this document to an +IO+-like object. The result is in the format
# described in the +SimpleDocument+ class documentation.
# Raises +SyntaxError+ if any document header has invalid name.
def save(io)
# Saves this document to a file. The result is in the format described in
# the +SimpleDocument+ class documentation.
# Raises +SyntaxError+ if any document header has invalid name.
def save_file(file), "w") { |f| save(f) }