require 'open3' module Beaker class Vagrant < Beaker::Hypervisor # Return a random mac address # # @return [String] a random mac address def randmac "080027" + (1..3).map{"%0.2X"%rand(256)}.join end def rand_chunk (2 + rand(252)).to_s #don't want a 0, 1, or a 255 end def randip "10.255.#{rand_chunk}.#{rand_chunk}" end def make_vfile hosts, options = {} #HACK HACK HACK - add checks here to ensure that we have box + box_url #generate the VagrantFile v_file = "Vagrant.configure(\"2\") do |c|\n" hosts.each do |host| host['ip'] ||= randip #use the existing ip, otherwise default to a random ip v_file << " c.vm.define '#{}' do |v|\n" v_file << " v.vm.hostname = '#{}'\n" v_file << " = '#{host['box']}'\n" v_file << " v.vm.box_url = '#{host['box_url']}'\n" unless host['box_url'].nil? v_file << " v.vm.base_mac = '#{randmac}'\n" v_file << " :private_network, ip: \"#{host['ip'].to_s}\", :netmask => \"#{host['netmask'] ||= ""}\"\n" v_file << " end\n" @logger.debug "created Vagrantfile for VagrantHost #{}" end v_file << " c.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|\n" v_file << " vb.customize [\"modifyvm\", :id, \"--memory\", \"#{options['vagrant_memsize'] ||= '1024'}\"]\n" v_file << " end\n" v_file << "end\n", 'w') do |f| f.write(v_file) end end def set_ssh_config host, user f ="#{}") ssh_config = Dir.chdir(@vagrant_path) do result = `vagrant ssh-config #{}` if $?.to_i != 0 raise "Failed to vagrant ssh-config for #{}" end result end #replace hostname with ip ssh_config = ssh_config.gsub(/#{}/, host['ip']) unless not host['ip'] #set the user ssh_config = ssh_config.gsub(/User vagrant/, "User #{user}") f.write(ssh_config) f.rewind host['ssh'] = {:config => f.path()} host['user'] = user @temp_files << f end def get_ip_from_vagrant_file(hostname) ip = '' if File.file?(@vagrant_file) #we should have a vagrant file available to us for reading f = m = /#{hostname}.*?ip:\s*('|")\s*([^'"]+)('|")/m.match(f) if m ip = m[2] @logger.debug("Determined existing vagrant box #{hostname} ip to be: #{ip} ") else raise("Unable to determine ip for vagrant box #{hostname}") end else raise("No vagrant file found (should be located at #{@vagrant_file})") end ip end def initialize(vagrant_hosts, options) require 'tempfile' @options = options @logger = options[:logger] @temp_files = [] @hosts = vagrant_hosts @vagrant_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.basename(__FILE__), '..', '.vagrant', 'beaker_vagrant_files', File.basename(options[:hosts_file]))) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@vagrant_path) @vagrant_file = File.expand_path(File.join(@vagrant_path, "Vagrantfile")) end def provision if @options[:provision] #setting up new vagrant hosts #make sure that any old boxes are dead dead dead vagrant_cmd("destroy --force") if File.file?(@vagrant_file) make_vfile @hosts, @options vagrant_cmd("up") else #set host ip of already up boxes @hosts.each do |host| host[:ip] = get_ip_from_vagrant_file( end end @logger.debug "configure vagrant boxes (set ssh-config, switch to root user, hack etc/hosts)" @hosts.each do |host| default_user = host['user'] set_ssh_config host, 'vagrant' copy_ssh_to_root host, @options #shut down connection, will reconnect on next exec host.close set_ssh_config host, default_user end hack_etc_hosts @hosts end def cleanup @logger.debug "removing temporory ssh-config files per-vagrant box" @temp_files.each do |f| f.close() end @logger.notify "Destroying vagrant boxes" vagrant_cmd("destroy --force") FileUtils.rm_rf(@vagrant_path) end def vagrant_cmd(args) Dir.chdir(@vagrant_path) do result = `vagrant #{args} 2>&1` result.each_line do |line| @logger.debug(line) end if $?.to_i != 0 raise "Failed to exec 'vagrant #{args}'" end end end end end