require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe GlissandoConverter do describe '.glissando_pitches' do context 'start pitch <= target pitch' do [ [F3,B3], [C4,Gb5], [D2,C5], [F2,F2], [C4.transpose(0.5),D4], [C4.transpose(0.5),D4.transpose(0.5)], [C4.transpose(0.01),F5], [C4.transpose(-0.01),F5.transpose(-0.01)], ].each do |start,finish| context "start at #{start.to_s}, target #{finish.to_s}" do pitches = GlissandoConverter.glissando_pitches(start,finish) it 'should begin with start pitch' do pitches.first.should eq(start) end it 'should move up to next whole (zero-cent) pitches' do (1...pitches.size).each do |i| pitches[i].cent.should eq(0) pitches[i].diff(pitches[i-1]).should be <= 1 end end it 'should end on the whole (zero-cent) pitch below target pitch' do pitches.last.cent.should eq(0) diff = finish.total_cents - pitches.last.total_cents diff.should be <= 100 end end end end context 'start pitch > target pitch' do [ [B3,F3], [Gb5,C4], [C5,D2], [D4,C4.transpose(0.5)], [D4.transpose(0.5),C4.transpose(0.5)], [F5,C4.transpose(0.01)], [F5.transpose(-0.01),C4.transpose(-0.01)], ].each do |start,finish| context "start at #{start.to_s}, target #{finish.to_s}" do pitches = GlissandoConverter.glissando_pitches(start,finish) it 'should move down to next whole (zero-cent) pitches' do (1...pitches.size).each do |i| pitches[i].cent.should eq(0) pitches[i-1].diff(pitches[i]).should be <= 1 end end it 'should end on the whole (zero-cent) pitch above target pitch' do pitches.last.cent.should eq(0) diff = pitches.last.total_cents - finish.total_cents diff.should be <= 100 end end end end end describe '.glissando_elements' do before :all do @dur = Rational(3,2) @acc = false @els = GlissandoConverter.glissando_elements(C4,A4,@dur,@acc) end it 'should return an array of LegatoElement objects' do @els.each {|el| el.should be_a LegatoElement } end it 'should split up duration among elements' do sum = {|el| el.duration }.inject(0,:+) sum.should eq(@dur) end it 'should set accented as given' do els = GlissandoConverter.glissando_elements(C4,A4,1,false) els.each {|el| el.accented.should eq(false) } els = GlissandoConverter.glissando_elements(C4,A4,1,true) els.each {|el| el.accented.should eq(true) } end end end