### v2.101.0 (2022-06-07)
#### Features
* recalculate the branch head if the deleted branch version was the latest for the branch ([db51d4fe](/../../commit/db51d4fe))
* support deleting branch versions (removing a version from a branch) ([661667b3](/../../commit/661667b3))
* improve error message when request has non UTF-8 characters (#559) ([3addc0c8](/../../commit/3addc0c8))
#### Bug Fixes
* add missing environment policy record for use when recording deployments ([09bb02a6](/../../commit/09bb02a6))
* fix bug where pacticipant with blank name was being created instead of updating existing record ([be24a8ad](/../../commit/be24a8ad))
* ensure pacticipant name is retained when updating with PUT ([eeac47c3](/../../commit/eeac47c3))
### v2.100.0 (2022-05-20)
#### Features
* check for potential duplicate pacticipants in publish contracts endpoint (#558) ([ed714f03](/../../commit/ed714f03))
* add support for "can i merge" matrix query ([bb108ed2](/../../commit/bb108ed2))
* remove inefficient skynet query for tags ([bdc2599c](/../../commit/bdc2599c))
* update text for matrix version description when no version is in an enviroment ([3eb5581d](/../../commit/3eb5581d))
* **pacts for verification**
* update wip and pending descriptions for wip pacts ([b06d4477](/../../commit/b06d4477))
* **matrix**
* add support for selectors specified by branch and environment name when reporting that a version does not exist ([07ff8044](/../../commit/07ff8044))
#### Bug Fixes
* **matrix**
* identify the correct failed version when a selector resolves to multiple versions ([11e7dc1c](/../../commit/11e7dc1c))
### v2.99.0 (2022-05-13)
#### Features
* remove disable_use_branch_heads_for_latest_branch_pacts feature toggle ([5c6f1766](/../../commit/5c6f1766))
* remove new_wip_calculation feature toggle ([add6cb08](/../../commit/add6cb08))
* timeout long running pact content diff requests (#555) ([88abb2cf](/../../commit/88abb2cf))
* change sql_log_level default from debug to none ([9f7aed46](/../../commit/9f7aed46))
#### Bug Fixes
* **ui**
* fix unescaped pacticipant name and main branch in details and network pages ([b8b1d306](/../../commit/b8b1d306))
* return a 400 when invalid JSON is used to create a version ([9af2cfaf](/../../commit/9af2cfaf))
* only log API requests/responses, not web assets, when http_debug_logging_enabled is true ([1f232c08](/../../commit/1f232c08))
* **matrix**
* fix performance issue when querying matrix with one selector ([3a08d128](/../../commit/3a08d128))
* **pacts for verification**
* return the pacts for the branch heads when using the branch selector ([6dac495e](/../../commit/6dac495e))
### v2.98.0 (2022-03-29)
#### Features
* support debug logging of entire request and response ([42eb4a17](/../../commit/42eb4a17))
### v2.97.0 (2022-03-29)
#### Features
* **webhook certificates**
* support setting webhook certificates using environment variables ([82c7a7e5](/../../commit/82c7a7e5))
#### Bug Fixes
* do not set postgres connection driver options if database_statement_timeout is nil ([adec4b00](/../../commit/adec4b00))
### v2.96.0 (2022-03-21)
#### Features
* print final value of configuration attribute rather than source value ([9c0fd3c4](/../../commit/9c0fd3c4))
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure database and basic auth credentials are not coerced to arrays if they contain commas ([5bce7ce4](/../../commit/5bce7ce4))
* allow lazy loading when finding individual pacts ([04e03cb2](/../../commit/04e03cb2))
### v2.95.1 (2022-03-18)
#### Bug Fixes
* **can-i-deploy**
* allow new provider to be introduced to existing consumer without can-i-deploy having circular dependency issues ([e43974ca](/../../commit/e43974ca))
### v2.95.0 (2022-03-16)
#### Features
* add relation for can-i-deploy branch to environment badge ([6ece8e93](/../../commit/6ece8e93))
* add badge url for 'can I deploy latest version of branch to envionment' endpoint ([086b8c10](/../../commit/086b8c10))
#### Bug Fixes
* **pacts for verification**
* do not de-duplicate pacts with the same content but different consumers ([ae3bb541](/../../commit/ae3bb541))
### v2.94.0 (2022-02-22)
#### Features
* add can-i-deploy endpoint for checking if the latest version for a branch can be deployed to a particular environment ([34b145e8](/../../commit/34b145e8))
* truncate tags, branches and versions in UI when they are super long (#513) ([94bbf915](/../../commit/94bbf915))
* **integration dashboard**
* add copy buttons next to the branch, tag and environment labels ([5b86ac88](/../../commit/5b86ac88))
#### Bug Fixes
* Improve Matrix request performance (#537) ([123f8629](/../../commit/123f8629))
* Eagerly load pact publication fields (#536) ([c3f6993b](/../../commit/c3f6993b))
* **hal-browser**
* properties accordion should be collapsed by default (#544) ([19466121](/../../commit/19466121))
### v2.93.4 (2022-02-21)
#### Bug Fixes
* **matrix page**
* set correct base URL for links when a path is specified in the base URL ([8305456b](/../../commit/8305456b))
* handle DateTimes that come back from Sqlite as Strings ([1312a049](/../../commit/1312a049))
### v2.93.3 (2022-02-02)
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure webhook_certificates setting is honoured in webhook ([7933a526](/../../commit/7933a526))
* ensure disable_ssl_verification setting is honoured in webhook ([08bc758c](/../../commit/08bc758c))
* ensure webhook_certificates setting is honoured in webhook ([8a720cdb](/../../commit/8a720cdb))
* ensure disable_ssl_verification setting is honoured in webhook ([0728b3d7](/../../commit/0728b3d7))
* **hal-browser**
* fixing vulnerability by upgrading HAL browser dependencies ([a6b06f66](/../../commit/a6b06f66))
### v2.93.2 (2021-12-23)
#### Bug Fixes
* Improve SortContent performance on large contracts (#538) ([1914c01f](/../../commit/1914c01f))
### v2.93.1 (2021-12-21)
#### Bug Fixes
* optimise query for calculating the latest overall pacts ([f44aaa70](/../../commit/f44aaa70))
### v2.93.0 (2021-12-07)
#### Features
* remove feature flag for new_wip_calculations ([972ceadd](/../../commit/972ceadd))
* call the database clean within a transaction ([408c84ef](/../../commit/408c84ef))
#### Bug Fixes
* fix clean performance fix (#530) ([6c71e57b](/../../commit/6c71e57b))
* fix performance issue loading latest version for pacticipant ([c575d132](/../../commit/c575d132))
### v2.92.0 (2021-11-27)
#### Features
* allow SQL caller logging to be enabled ([861d8f21](/../../commit/861d8f21))
* use a separate table to track the successful verifications of pact versions for each provider version tag (feature toggled with "new_wip_calculation") ([df0acfa3](/../../commit/df0acfa3))
#### Bug Fixes
* **cleanup**
* Improve delete orphans SQL query (#527) ([853354ea](/../../commit/853354ea))
* cast PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_CONNECTION_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT to an integer ([8816c61f](/../../commit/8816c61f))
### v2.91.0 (2021-11-15)
#### Features
* add environments to matrix response ([fd50f22c](/../../commit/fd50f22c))
* remove feature toggle around change to return the pact for the latest tagged version, rather than the latest pact that has a version with the tag ([fac3fc8a](/../../commit/fac3fc8a))
#### Bug Fixes
* load images from the correct path when the Pact Broker application is run from a non root context ([a268ef25](/../../commit/a268ef25))
### v2.90.0 (2021-11-12)
#### Features
* do not let clean task delete currently deployed or currently released+supported versions ([b05f0b67](/../../commit/b05f0b67))
* allow webhook certificates to be configured in the pact_broker.yml file ([7c60c955](/../../commit/7c60c955))
#### Bug Fixes
* handle conflict check for pacts where the interactions are missing in one or the other ([71844f0f](/../../commit/71844f0f))
* fix error that occurs in some versions of Sqlite when running 20210702_drop_unused_columns_from_deployed_versions.rb ([0daa4459](/../../commit/0daa4459))
* correct logic when redacting database URL without a password ([30d66cf7](/../../commit/30d66cf7))
* set resolved environment for environment selectors ([f02474b7](/../../commit/f02474b7))
* **deps**
* upgrade to bootstrap v4.6.1 ([0433107c](/../../commit/0433107c))
### v2.89.1 (2021-10-28)
#### Bug Fixes
* **clean**
* honour max_age when set in clean selector ([828420d4](/../../commit/828420d4))
* null safe navigation in case a branch head does not exist for a branch version ([4b259a81](/../../commit/4b259a81))
### v2.89.0 (2021-10-15)
#### Features
* add applicationInstance to deployed version resource as a replacement for target ([9bfafc8a](/../../commit/9bfafc8a))
* apply allow_dangerous_contract_modification setting when publishing using the /contracts/publish endpoint ([956227fe](/../../commit/956227fe))
* add support for matchingBranch property in consumer version selectors ([48068d29](/../../commit/48068d29))
#### Bug Fixes
* set missing provider branch name parameter for contract_requiring_verification_published webhooks ([777ccdd2](/../../commit/777ccdd2))
* correct misnamed database port configuration property causing the PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_PORT not to be respected ([3d14013a](/../../commit/3d14013a))
### v2.88.0 (2021-10-11)
#### Features
* include relations for each consumer version that a pact version belongs to when retrieved using the URL from the 'pacts for verification' response ([3458c9e5](/../../commit/3458c9e5))
#### Bug Fixes
* use the decoded path info rather than the encoded one when creating the pact info ([dd30a1a2](/../../commit/dd30a1a2))
* edge case in webhook description rendering with participants specified by labels (#512) ([7e6a78d8](/../../commit/7e6a78d8))
* **matrix**
* prevent long version names overlfow the table (#511) ([3c279556](/../../commit/3c279556))
### v2.87.0 (2021-10-05)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* preselect the consumer version when clicking through to matrix page from integration dashboard ([b550b470](/../../commit/b550b470))
* **dashboard**
* show tooltip explaining auto created branches ([cdaf7f6e](/../../commit/cdaf7f6e))
* **can-i-deploy**
* support ignoring specific version numbers ([2ac5a946](/../../commit/2ac5a946))
* make verification results URL reference the appropriate consumer version as the pb:pact-version ([145bb37b](/../../commit/145bb37b))
* add pb:can-i-deploy-pacticipant-version-to-environment relation ([67328194](/../../commit/67328194))
* **webhooks**
* support ${pactbroker.providerVersionDescriptions} template parameter ([54a073eb](/../../commit/54a073eb))
* support ${pactbroker.buildUrl} template parameter ([9b79b33f](/../../commit/9b79b33f))
* support $pactbroker.consumerVersionBranch template parameter ([b97ba84c](/../../commit/b97ba84c))
#### Bug Fixes
* **mysql**
* increase size of event_context column ([c1596419](/../../commit/c1596419))
* correctly merge dry validation and custom validation error messages when publishing contracts ([688b1e3f](/../../commit/688b1e3f))
* **pacts for verification**
* correct logic for returning pact for main branch when no consumer version selectors are specified ([8847e442](/../../commit/8847e442))
* **db clean**
* optimise calls to identify overwritten data to delete ([aaef9e6d](/../../commit/aaef9e6d))
### v2.86.0 (2021-09-17)
#### Features
* allow webhooks to match pacticipants by label (#501) ([f30a9dcc](/../../commit/f30a9dcc))
* in the webhook body for contract_published and contract_content_changed, use the latest verification from the main branch if present ([b45398bd](/../../commit/b45398bd))
* change default database_connection_validation_timeout from -1 (every request) to nil (which Sequel will set to 3600 seconds) ([0c508572](/../../commit/0c508572))
* add version details of the implementation that verified a Pact (#363) ([021a8692](/../../commit/021a8692))
### v2.85.1 (2021-09-14)
#### Bug Fixes
* fix bug identifying latest verification for tagged pact ([43ac4b03](/../../commit/43ac4b03))
### v2.85.0 (2021-09-13)
#### Features
* show in the UI whether or not a pact was pending when verification failed ([326c068e](/../../commit/326c068e))
* thread safe configuration overrides (#500) ([50900231](/../../commit/50900231))
* allow dashboard pacts to be viewed by branch, tag, environment or all ([1ec8fc82](/../../commit/1ec8fc82))
* support deleting pacts by branch in the UI ([bc8fef1d](/../../commit/bc8fef1d))
* update UI ([0ba5eda3](/../../commit/0ba5eda3))
### v2.84.0 (2021-09-10)
#### Features
* use the first tag as the branch when publishing pacts using the contracts/publish endpoint ([7b903c1d](/../../commit/7b903c1d))
* support multiple branches per version (#495) ([acff2fcc](/../../commit/acff2fcc))
* Support deleting all pacts for a specific tag in the UI (#480) ([10dda8ae](/../../commit/10dda8ae))
* add webhook template parameter for GItlab verification statuses (#493) ([390ae0d8](/../../commit/390ae0d8))
* **pacts for verification**
* include pending status for responses by default when includePendingStatus is not specified ([748d3b87](/../../commit/748d3b87))
#### Bug Fixes
* when the latest version for a tag does not have a pact, do not return a pact for the 'latest tag' selector ([374c77ce](/../../commit/374c77ce))
* issue-reproduction/Dockerfile-pact-broker to reduce vulnerabilities (#491) ([9692b465](/../../commit/9692b465))
* Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#496) ([57c190ef](/../../commit/57c190ef))
### v2.83.0 (2021-08-19)
#### Features
* **clean**
* update default selectors for clean task to include deployed, released and branch head versions ([aaffe71f](/../../commit/aaffe71f))
* support keeping currently deployed and released versions, and the latest version for each branch ([e4fbd766](/../../commit/e4fbd766))
* add index to verifications table to improve performance of 'latest verification' query ([02eeb424](/../../commit/02eeb424))
#### Bug Fixes
* use provider_version_number from webhook context ([3cf421ac](/../../commit/3cf421ac))
* validate matrix query limit ([ac5e0890](/../../commit/ac5e0890))
### v2.82.0 (2021-08-14)
#### Features
* do not allow contract content for a consumer version to be modified for all new Broker instances (#484) ([b1819749](/../../commit/b1819749))
* ensure saved configuration is loaded appropriately into the RuntimeConfiguration ([c5ab52ad](/../../commit/c5ab52ad))
* automatically set main branch (#483) ([63e287ee](/../../commit/63e287ee))
* allow the first tag to be used as the branch name to assist migrating to branches (#478) ([a086214a](/../../commit/a086214a))
* add support for contract_requiring_verification_published webhook (#476) ([b4699df0](/../../commit/b4699df0))
* automatically create database connection from YAML or environment variable config ([ca34b030](/../../commit/ca34b030))
* move basic auth code in from pact-broker-docker ([869bcd61](/../../commit/869bcd61))
* allow Pact Broker to be configured using a YAML file and environment variables (#471) ([6e3d0e62](/../../commit/6e3d0e62))
* **pacts for verification**
* if no consumer version selectors are specified, return the pacts for the latest main version, and all the deployed and released versions ([5fccd524](/../../commit/5fccd524))
* **metrics**
* add counts for environment, deployed version, released version, pacticipants and versions with branch set ([8272b08b](/../../commit/8272b08b))
#### Bug Fixes
* lazy load latest verification using select max, and eager load using the skynet query ([e6ee6ab5](/../../commit/e6ee6ab5))
* improve performance of query for latest verification for pact_version ([d63081d8](/../../commit/d63081d8))
* do not allow the deployment of a provider version with no results when one of its consumers is already deployed (#486) ([219029c0](/../../commit/219029c0))
* add cache busting parameters to css and js links ([9cab749a](/../../commit/9cab749a))
* **can-i-deploy**
* correctly construct options when environment is used in the can-i-deploy GET endpoint ([cb79a404](/../../commit/cb79a404))
### v2.81.0 (2021-07-17)
#### Features
* enable environments, deployed versions and released versions endpoints without a feature toggle required ([84a59c10](/../../commit/84a59c10))
* add detailed debug logging for WIP pact calculations ([81290238](/../../commit/81290238))
* add debug level logging for WIP pacts calculations ([a7c16833](/../../commit/a7c16833))
* include deployed and released versions in index page when viewing latest tags ([655e9dd5](/../../commit/655e9dd5))
* add interactions counts to metrics endpoint ([c765afe1](/../../commit/c765afe1))
* automatically create a deployed version when a tag is created with the same name as an environment ([56a583af](/../../commit/56a583af))
* support viewing all versions for branch in matrix UI ([12f92951](/../../commit/12f92951))
* validate environment name in consumer version selector ([f1ad8f6b](/../../commit/f1ad8f6b))
* support the deployedOrReleased: true consumer version selector ([042a1612](/../../commit/042a1612))
* add interactions_count and messages_count to pact_versions table ([c17adbe6](/../../commit/c17adbe6))
* shorten length of metadata in pact URLs by using the consumer version id instead of number ([27b34bc9](/../../commit/27b34bc9))
#### Bug Fixes
* Display pagination correctly in index page with tag (#469) ([cda9c15e](/../../commit/cda9c15e))
### v2.80.0 (2021-07-06)
#### Features
* filter pacticipant name on index page (#446) ([fd882da4](/../../commit/fd882da4))
* add uuid to webhook decorator ([3a916064](/../../commit/3a916064))
* add endpoint to list currently supported versions for an environment ([9608be8b](/../../commit/9608be8b))
* support marking a released version as unsupported ([f6c4ee27](/../../commit/f6c4ee27))
* add pactbroker.azureDevOpsVerificationStatus webhook parameter ([8804a90f](/../../commit/8804a90f))
* add deployed version resource, supporting marking deployed version as undeployed ([3dd19955](/../../commit/3dd19955))
* add warnings to can-i-deploy response when bad practice selectors are used ([85540c85](/../../commit/85540c85))
* support PATCH for pacticipant with application/merge-patch+json ([404e14cb](/../../commit/404e14cb))
* set main branch for pacticipant ([ab1cd016](/../../commit/ab1cd016))
* rename writeMode to onConflict for contract publishing endpoint ([26a4e358](/../../commit/26a4e358))
* replace mainDevelopmentBranches with mainBranch for pacticipant ([02d4525e](/../../commit/02d4525e))
* updating pending and wip logic to exclude pacts already verified by another branch before the specified branch was created (#432) ([db643d3c](/../../commit/db643d3c))
* ignore pacticipant for can i deploy (#429) ([25e62fd9](/../../commit/25e62fd9))
* add notices to contract publishing response, with intent to rem… (#430) ([dacbe906](/../../commit/dacbe906))
* support deployments and releases as separate concepts (#426) ([58d173db](/../../commit/58d173db))
* keep the triggered webhooks after the webhook has been deleted ([a5ab2a35](/../../commit/a5ab2a35))
* add endpoint to create pacts, pacticipant, version, tags in one request (#420) ([df899ebd](/../../commit/df899ebd))
* add pb:version relation to the pacticipant resource ([83ce38a4](/../../commit/83ce38a4))
* add repository and branch properties to pacticipant ([98a799b2](/../../commit/98a799b2))
* currently deployed selector (#396) ([8666d709](/../../commit/8666d709))
* add relations to environments endpoint for each environment ([784c3535](/../../commit/784c3535))
* allow multiple base URLs to be configured ([f88c69de](/../../commit/f88c69de))
* support recording deployments (#389) ([19ac1fcc](/../../commit/19ac1fcc))
* **pacts for verification**
* support released:true selector (#451) ([8a90cc57](/../../commit/8a90cc57))
* default latest to true when branch is specified and currentlyDeployed to true when an environment is specified ([984320b6](/../../commit/984320b6))
* display selectors in a formatted list ([3cab7a00](/../../commit/3cab7a00))
* update validation for consumer version selectors for the fields environment, currentlyDeployed and branch ([ec7dc435](/../../commit/ec7dc435))
* **webhooks**
* support consumerVersionBranch and providerVersionBranch in the template parameters ([6637644f](/../../commit/6637644f))
* support ${pactbroker.currentlyDeployedProviderVersionNumber} in webhook templates (#402) ([1e5487f8](/../../commit/1e5487f8))
* **matrix**
* support querying by branch ([110578dc](/../../commit/110578dc))
* **pacticipant versions**
* support use of PATCH with application/merge-patch+json to create versions ([0429398f](/../../commit/0429398f))
* do not allow branch to be modified once set ([4aa8e121](/../../commit/4aa8e121))
* **record deployment**
* require replacedPreviousDeployedVersion to be set ([70398069](/../../commit/70398069))
* **environments**
* validate environment name in can-i-deploy and matrix queries ([dcad5fb5](/../../commit/dcad5fb5))
* allow environments endpoint to be searched by name ([ce4b188e](/../../commit/ce4b188e))
* **deployed versions**
* add endpoint to list deployed versions for an environment ([bd0ca9d6](/../../commit/bd0ca9d6))
#### Bug Fixes
* add rubocop and fix offenses (#441) ([7c1c3044](/../../commit/7c1c3044))
* gracefully handle an interactions value that is not an array ([a9a5df3d](/../../commit/a9a5df3d))
* Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#418) ([5319a997](/../../commit/5319a997))
* select pact publication with matching consumer version when triggering webhook for verification ([274e1456](/../../commit/274e1456))
* issue-reproduction/Dockerfile-pact-broker to reduce vulnerabilities (#414) ([34c70984](/../../commit/34c70984))
* use URL safe base64 encoding for pact metadata ([fa1a3333](/../../commit/fa1a3333))
* handle metadata that has had its padding removed ([06bd6d3d](/../../commit/06bd6d3d))
* lock reform gem ([00cbac8c](/../../commit/00cbac8c))
* fix missing verification status colours in matrix rows ([d91662d9](/../../commit/d91662d9))
* **verifications**
* gracefully handle a verification number in the URL that is not an integer ([7fe98a7d](/../../commit/7fe98a7d))
* **ui**
* Make long pacticipant versions look nice (#407) ([dbb967e3](/../../commit/dbb967e3))
### v2.79.0 (2021-02-25)
#### Features
* allow multiple base URLs to be configured ([6d0dc8b3](/../../commit/6d0dc8b3))
* copy full git sha rather than abbreviated one when clicking the copy button next to an application version ([dae9cae5](/../../commit/dae9cae5))
#### Bug Fixes
* fix missing verification status colours in matrix rows ([687d4647](/../../commit/687d4647))
### v2.78.1 (2021-02-18)
#### Bug Fixes
* handle nil response when determining webhook success status ([20ca9e66](/../../commit/20ca9e66))
### v2.78.0 (2021-02-15)
#### Features
* support create, update and delete of environment resources (#379) ([410f2e80](/../../commit/410f2e80))
* allow version to be created with tags ([798afce9](/../../commit/798afce9))
* Follow up for #239 + adding list of success codes to SAVABLE_SETTING_NAMES variable (#388) ([08c0ad09](/../../commit/08c0ad09))
### v2.77.0 (2021-02-11)
#### Features
* **webhooks**
* allow the http codes to be considered as "successful" to be configured. ([a84989b1](/../../commit/a84989b1))
* add duplicate columns to tags table to reduce joins ([5ca9de62](/../../commit/5ca9de62))
* set the branch in the seed data ([9a00ce6d](/../../commit/9a00ce6d))
* display version branch on index and matrix pages ([2057df7d](/../../commit/2057df7d))
* support creating version with branch (#371) ([5884a047](/../../commit/5884a047))
* sort tags on index and matrix pages and APIs by creation date ([91590718](/../../commit/91590718))
* sort consumer version tags by date in dashboard response ([f82ba1bc](/../../commit/f82ba1bc))
### v2.76.2 (2021-01-29)
#### Bug Fixes
* trigger one webhook for each pact publication that the verified content belongs to when using the 'pacts for verification' API (#378) ([114ccad0](/../../commit/114ccad0))
### v2.76.1 (2021-01-28)
#### Bug Fixes
* deduplicate wip pacts by content ([0af90776](/../../commit/0af90776))
* message when pending pact is verified successfully for the first time (#376) ([4fc69190](/../../commit/4fc69190))
* use base URL from rack env in UI ([5bf21324](/../../commit/5bf21324))
### v2.76.0 (2021-01-21)
#### Features
* **verification results**
* redirect requests for verification results to the HAL browser if requested in a web browser ([0f948de5](/../../commit/0f948de5))
### v2.75.0 (2021-01-18)
#### Features
* upgrade bootstrap (#370) ([a457c337](/../../commit/a457c337))
* add indexes to webhook_executions and triggered_webhooks tables ([b05e7dbe](/../../commit/b05e7dbe))
* **webhook**
* set read and open timeouts ([8b502c44](/../../commit/8b502c44))
#### Bug Fixes
* **ui**
* upgrade to jquery-3.5.1 to address vulnerabilities in jquery-3.3.1 ([de41b231](/../../commit/de41b231))
* **deps**
* upgrade redcarpet for CVE-2020-26298 ([b57aad32](/../../commit/b57aad32))
### v2.74.1 (2021-01-05)
#### Bug Fixes
* **deps**
* remove manual specification for nokogiri now the fix for CVE-2020-26247 has been released in 1.11 ([771378a9](/../../commit/771378a9))
### v2.74.0 (2021-01-04)
#### Features
* include the consumer version selectors in the metadata of the 'pact for verification' URL ([32bbe1c3](/../../commit/32bbe1c3))
#### Bug Fixes
* **deps**
* update nokogiri for CVE-2020-26247 ([336ec897](/../../commit/336ec897))
### v2.73.0 (2020-12-16)
#### Features
* **wip**
* permenently enable feature that keeps pacts as WIP when verified via the URL from a webhook triggered by pact publication ([70071373](/../../commit/70071373))
* allow error causes to be configured to log at warning level ([3a7bf5ea](/../../commit/3a7bf5ea))
* add self relations for tags in matrix resource ([727cee99](/../../commit/727cee99))
* add self relation to tags in extended pact and verification resources ([a560ce6d](/../../commit/a560ce6d))
* **metrics**
* timeout matrix count ([43091b57](/../../commit/43091b57))
#### Bug Fixes
* url encode tag name in tag URL ([80df832d](/../../commit/80df832d))
### v2.72.0 (2020-12-02)
#### Features
* allow overwritten data deletion to be configured with extra options ([fd809737](/../../commit/fd809737))
* use the consumer version number in the metadata to select the correct consumer version for a pact version resource ([422c87fc](/../../commit/422c87fc))
* return link to latest pact if more pacts exist when deleting pacts by tag ([b87ea704](/../../commit/b87ea704))
* update output for clean dry run ([681a5ddd](/../../commit/681a5ddd))
* update metrics output ([0617e9df](/../../commit/0617e9df))
### v2.71.0 (2020-11-28)
#### Features
* allow clean to be performed in dry run mode ([a7a18fde](/../../commit/a7a18fde))
### v2.70.0 (2020-11-28)
#### Features
* allow limit to be applied to clean task ([d29e5c62](/../../commit/d29e5c62))
* optimise the query to load the tags with latest flags ([bc47613f](/../../commit/bc47613f))
* optimise query to find head tags for a pact ([67309e37](/../../commit/67309e37))
* **wip pacts**
* experimental feature - if no provider versions exist, consider all head pacts wip ([a635cc53](/../../commit/a635cc53))
#### Bug Fixes
* return empty body when group csv is requested for a pacticipant that does not have any integrations ([fb4e28ce](/../../commit/fb4e28ce))
### v2.69.0 (2020-11-24)
#### Features
* **wip**
* keep pacts as WIP when verified via the pactUrl passed though the webhook template parameters - experimental. ([a9b3fef0](/../../commit/a9b3fef0))
* add link to the pact content version ([8eefba5f](/../../commit/8eefba5f))
* display V3 provider states in HTML (#357) ([8e06a7f2](/../../commit/8e06a7f2))
* optimise query for determining latest verification for consumer and provider ([7889b051](/../../commit/7889b051))
#### Bug Fixes
* return a 404 when the base pact for a pact diff doesn't exist ([74d3644d](/../../commit/74d3644d))
* Add consumer name to inclusion reason log (#358) ([82901891](/../../commit/82901891))
### v2.68.1 (2020-10-24)
#### Bug Fixes
* set default User-Agent header in webhook requests ([caa71f9b](/../../commit/caa71f9b))
### v2.68.0 (2020-10-23)
#### Features
* use a sequence for the version order on postgres ([da497a76](/../../commit/da497a76))
* only cascade apps for 404s (not 405s) ([4e1b3083](/../../commit/4e1b3083))
* use a sequence for the verification number on postgres ([b8f029ee](/../../commit/b8f029ee))
* optimise query to find latest verification for pact ([db17ef5a](/../../commit/db17ef5a))
### v2.67.0 (2020-10-16)
#### Features
* **wip pacts**
* if a pact was successfully verified because it was included as a WIP pact, keep it as WIP ([16cae55d](/../../commit/16cae55d))
* add 'wip' column to verification results ([34f98592](/../../commit/34f98592))
#### Bug Fixes
* typo when rendering created webhook for old webhooks path ([1e6a06a0](/../../commit/1e6a06a0))
* include can-i-deploy badge in is_badge_path? logic ([31ea5f34](/../../commit/31ea5f34))
* **pacts for verification**
* gracefully log empty request body ([0e48d13a](/../../commit/0e48d13a))
* **can-i-deploy**
* gracefully handle pacticipant not found ([f6903b23](/../../commit/f6903b23))
### v2.66.0 (2020-10-01)
#### Features
* paginate pacticipant versions ([f489ba7b](/../../commit/f489ba7b))
* **webhooks**
* add event name to group by clause when selecting latest triggered webhooks ([134f12c8](/../../commit/134f12c8))
#### Bug Fixes
* maintain latest and tag params when submitting page after following link from can-i-deploy debug logs ([6e2f1a85](/../../commit/6e2f1a85))
### v2.65.0 (2020-09-25)
#### Features
* **pacts for verification**
* allow API to be disabled by setting PACT_BROKER_FEATURES=disable_pacts_for_verification ([bab116b3](/../../commit/bab116b3))
* update wording for inclusion notice when selector has a consumer specified ([61370d1f](/../../commit/61370d1f))
### v2.64.0 (2020-09-25)
#### Features
* add API endpoint for can-i-deploy for latest tagged pacticipant version ([88fdc60a](/../../commit/88fdc60a))
* render matrix UI page for can-i-deploy endpoint ([463e9cfd](/../../commit/463e9cfd))
* change text on can-i-deploy badge ([f9e183e9](/../../commit/f9e183e9))
### v2.63.0 (2020-09-25)
#### Features
* allow label of can-i-deploy badge to be customised by setting the label query parameter ([ed544f94](/../../commit/ed544f94))
* add badges for can-i-deploy ([887a9ca3](/../../commit/887a9ca3))
### v2.62.0 (2020-09-23)
#### Features
* **webhooks**
* remove user-agent and accept-encoding headers which the Ruby HTTP library adds by default ([ef25b88c](/../../commit/ef25b88c))
* add event name to triggered webhook ([ecce16fd](/../../commit/ecce16fd))
#### Bug Fixes
* **webhooks**
* use path to initialise http request, rather than full URL ([ecbac9a6](/../../commit/ecbac9a6))
* gracefully handle corrupt webhook metadata in pact URL ([ba94c355](/../../commit/ba94c355))
### v2.61.0 (2020-09-12)
#### Features
* add back support for GET requests to the 'pacts for verification' API with a deprecation notice in the response ([8f45cc9f](/../../commit/8f45cc9f))
### v2.60.1 (2020-09-10)
#### Bug Fixes
* href for beta:provider-pacts-for-verification ([3949fdd1](/../../commit/3949fdd1))
### v2.60.0 (2020-09-08)
#### Features
* **pacts for verification**
* add deprecation title to beta:provider-pacts-for-verification relation ([47a61f69](/../../commit/47a61f69))
* do not require environment variable feature toggle to enable feature ([7d0fe1ea](/../../commit/7d0fe1ea))
* allow consumer to be specified with fallback tags, and overall latest to be specified with or without a consumer ([2d52d173](/../../commit/2d52d173))
#### Bug Fixes
* correctly handle new test results format when merging test results with pact contents ([b35ab71b](/../../commit/b35ab71b))
### v2.59.2 (2020-08-06)
#### Bug Fixes
* gracefully handle contracts without interactions or messages in deployment status warnings ([6c223e69](/../../commit/6c223e69))
* add missing info level log for business level errors ([80a895bf](/../../commit/80a895bf))
### v2.59.1 (2020-08-04)
#### Bug Fixes
* fix error rendering relationships diagram when the number of index items is greater than one page ([93a19982](/../../commit/93a19982))
### v2.59.0 (2020-07-30)
#### Features
* add timestamps to version resource ([818a0c2c](/../../commit/818a0c2c))
### v2.58.3 (2020-07-25)
#### Bug Fixes
* correctly encode user entered data in attributes, Javascript, and HTML ([523980e2](/../../commit/523980e2))
### v2.58.2 (2020-07-17)
#### Bug Fixes
* update CSP to allow badges to be loaded from shields.io ([a87e5274](/../../commit/a87e5274))
* add missing URL encoding in various URLs ([276094bc](/../../commit/276094bc))
### v2.58.0 (2020-06-19)
#### Features
* log foreign key constraint errors as warn as 99% of the time they are transitory and unreproducible and should not cause alarms to be raised ([71fd0270](/../../commit/71fd0270))
* use structured logs for logging errors ([1e097b37](/../../commit/1e097b37))
#### Bug Fixes
* fix: update sanitize gem for CVE-2020-4054 ([2af4bf9d](/../../commit/2af4bf9d))
* do not parse the provider version as a semantic version when order_versions_by_date is true ([bf30024f](/../../commit/bf30024f))
### v2.57.0 (2020-06-16)
#### Features
* add Content Security Policy header ([fd2e81fb](/../../commit/fd2e81fb))
#### Bug Fixes
* upgrade Rack for vulnerability CVE-2020-8184 ([99b78b3c](/../../commit/99b78b3c))
* fix Home link on pact page ([081d1586](/../../commit/081d1586))
* return a 422 if the URL path contains a new line or tab ([db9f7f4d](/../../commit/db9f7f4d))
### v2.56.1 (2020-06-01)
#### Bug Fixes
* **matrix ui**
* fix home link ([67065b7d](/../../commit/67065b7d))
### v2.56.0 (2020-06-01)
#### Features
* **database**
* log schema versions and migration info on startup ([b385e535](/../../commit/b385e535))
* allow options to be passed to Sequel migrate via the MigrationTask ([143613e7](/../../commit/143613e7))
* allow Pactflow messages in logs to be hidden by setting PACT_BROKER_HIDE_PACTFLOW_MESSAGES=true ([a7550105](/../../commit/a7550105))
* **can-i-deploy**
* experimental - add a warning message if there are interactions missing verification test results. ([f7ab8cc5](/../../commit/f7ab8cc5))
#### Bug Fixes
* use relative URLs when base_url not explictly set to ensure app is not vulnerable to host header attacks ([92c45a0a](/../../commit/92c45a0a))
* raise PactBroker::Error when either pacticipant is not found in the business layer while attempting to delete an integration ([3c209a46](/../../commit/3c209a46))
### v2.55.0 (2020-05-22)
#### Features
* support non root context (#344) ([dc480499](/../../commit/dc480499))
### v2.54.0 (2020-05-13)
#### Features
* **hal browser**
* update to latest code ([a79ad290](/../../commit/a79ad290))
#### Bug Fixes
* update rack for CVE-2020-8161 ([96c3386a](/../../commit/96c3386a))
* **hal browser**
* fix xss vulnerability ([ac564412](/../../commit/ac564412))
* **webhooks**
* add missing validation for event names when creating webhooks ([5fc0563c](/../../commit/5fc0563c))
### v2.53.0 (2020-05-12)
#### Features
* **badge**
* include tag names in matrix badge ([cce7cd01](/../../commit/cce7cd01))
#### Bug Fixes
* **pacts for verification**
* ensure a separate pact URL is returned for each consumer when multiple consumers share the same pact json content ([13e7b640](/../../commit/13e7b640))
* gracefully handle fetching matrix badge when specified pact does not exist ([e8ec4101](/../../commit/e8ec4101))
* include the base URL in the link to the webhook docs ([5363ab2e](/../../commit/5363ab2e))
### v2.52.2 (2020-04-16)
#### Bug Fixes
* pact URL in matrix page ([5ed046f1](/../../commit/5ed046f1))
### v2.52.1 (2020-03-30)
#### Bug Fixes
* set consumer and provider to nil on the underlying webhook when they are not specified in the incoming webhook JSON ([f85b6ea2](/../../commit/f85b6ea2))
### v2.52.0 (2020-03-25)
#### Features
* **pact ui**
* update matrix URL to specify the latest provider version ([23b02c80](/../../commit/23b02c80))
* **matrix ui**
* highlight rows with the same consumer/provider/consumer version/provider version ([99b36d50](/../../commit/99b36d50))
* **matrix**
* speed up query for UI by reducing the number of joins and removing unncessary criteria (#332) ([9e5ea8be](/../../commit/9e5ea8be))
* **pacts for verification**
* add validation to only allow consumer to be specified for 'all' versions for a tag ([b39ad193](/../../commit/b39ad193))
* update inclusion messages to specify consumer name when selecting all pacts for a given consumer ([fdff0c58](/../../commit/fdff0c58))
* support finding all pacts with a given tag for a specified consumer ([749e708d](/../../commit/749e708d))
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure requests for text/plain go to the API rather than the UI ([1cf28009](/../../commit/1cf28009))
### v2.51.0 (2020-03-11)
#### Features
* **clean**
* all the latest version for all tags to be kept ([9ff7bbec](/../../commit/9ff7bbec))
* allow a maximum age to be specified for the versions to keep ([bc457492](/../../commit/bc457492))
* support specifying which versions to keep using selectors ([a06899eb](/../../commit/a06899eb))
#### Bug Fixes
* set consumer and provider relationships when a webhook is created and consumer/provider are set in the body of the request rather than the URL ([5ccdd31c](/../../commit/5ccdd31c))
* sort matrix rows by last action date ([f625c9ad](/../../commit/f625c9ad))
* gracefully handle badge redirects when the pact is not found ([2da36574](/../../commit/2da36574))
### v2.50.1 (2020-02-27)
#### Bug Fixes
* **webhooks**
* make consumer_version_tags an array when creating metadata for latest [tagged] pact ([59b9e4c5](/../../commit/59b9e4c5))
### v2.50.0 (2020-02-27)
#### Features
* **deps**
* upgrade to pact-support 1.14.1 ([47c23b7d](/../../commit/47c23b7d))
* **ui**
* display repository URL on the pacticipant relationships page ([5d285e95](/../../commit/5d285e95))
* expose configuration option to allow missing migrations files on startup ([58dea9ab](/../../commit/58dea9ab))
* add rake task to clean overwritten pact publications and verifications ([942dfbd0](/../../commit/942dfbd0))
* include tag and consumer version number in metadata parameter of verification creation URL when verifying latest pact for a tag ([3b59e824](/../../commit/3b59e824))
* **pact**
* add relation to view matrix rows for the consumer version ([13cb20b1](/../../commit/13cb20b1))
### v2.49.0 (2020-02-13)
#### Features
* **webhooks**
* support upsert of webhook via a PUT to /webhooks/{uuid} ([f9ba9ab5](/../../commit/f9ba9ab5))
* don't double parse the incoming JSON body when checking if it is invalid. ([bd74b82c](/../../commit/bd74b82c))
* support saving symbol configuration settings ([73db9c2b](/../../commit/73db9c2b))
* allow verification status badges to be served via a redirect instead of proxying the response ([a34d5f7f](/../../commit/a34d5f7f))
### v2.48.0 (2020-02-07)
#### Features
* **pacts for verification**
* include a short description of the pact's selectors in the response ([41c6d91f](/../../commit/41c6d91f))
* update inclusion reason to support fallback tag explanation ([43081170](/../../commit/43081170))
* allow a fallback tag to be specified ([113180c1](/../../commit/113180c1))
* update the inclusion notice text to handle 'all pacts for tag' ([59ec8c8a](/../../commit/59ec8c8a))
* support DELETE for verification results ([70392e53](/../../commit/70392e53))
#### Bug Fixes
* a url typo (#328) ([482264fa](/../../commit/482264fa))
* correct URL of tag relation in pacticipant version resource ([ec24e999](/../../commit/ec24e999))
### v2.47.1 (2020-02-01)
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure latest verification is loaded on pact object before executing webhook ([41eb25d8](/../../commit/41eb25d8))
### v2.47.0 (2020-01-31)
#### Features
* include the webhook context in the execution logs ([29f65bef](/../../commit/29f65bef))
### v2.46.0 (2020-01-30)
#### Features
* allow the base URL of the application to be set for the API ([73bd4c44](/../../commit/73bd4c44))
* correct logs relation to pb:logs in the triggered webhooks resource ([89ea1a58](/../../commit/89ea1a58))
* **pacts for verification**
* add pre and post verification messages that can be displayed to the user based on whether or not the verification has passed or failed ([bb079858](/../../commit/bb079858))
* allow all versions for a particular tag to be verified (eg. all prod versions of a mobile consumer) ([e16feef6](/../../commit/e16feef6))
* optimise queries for determining which provider version tags are pending ([b4e1461a](/../../commit/b4e1461a))
#### Bug Fixes
* **pacts for verification**
* set includePendingStatus to false by default ([9b3162ac](/../../commit/9b3162ac))
### v2.45.0 (2020-01-30)
#### Features
* expose the data migrations code as a rake task ([00ee00d5](/../../commit/00ee00d5))
* **pacts for verification**
* include URL of pact in inclusion message ([5a85a5a4](/../../commit/5a85a5a4))
#### Bug Fixes
* **can-i-deploy**
* when multiple selectors are specified, do not infer integrations unless the "latest" or "tag" are specified ([c5819299](/../../commit/c5819299))
### v2.44.0 (2020-01-22)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* optimise query to determine integrations, again ([44e78ad2](/../../commit/44e78ad2))
* add indexes to optimise queries ([cdc9aad7](/../../commit/cdc9aad7))
* optimise query to determine integrations ([9e874f3b](/../../commit/9e874f3b))
* add hal relation for creating a tag on the pacticipant version resource ([dca0ad4f](/../../commit/dca0ad4f))
#### Bug Fixes
* update pact-support to fix bug caused by missing require ([416ecdf5](/../../commit/416ecdf5))
* correct logic for finding pacticipants by name when the name contains an underscore ([6d975ebe](/../../commit/6d975ebe))
* correct logic for finding pacticipants by name when the name contains an underscore ([2db59797](/../../commit/2db59797))
* **matrix**
* correctly infer selectors when multiple selectors have been specified ([4288c282](/../../commit/4288c282))
### v2.43.0 (2020-01-06)
#### Features
* support DELETE /integrations for deleting all integration related data at once (pacticipants, pacts, verifications and webhooks) ([d7e2ef27](/../../commit/d7e2ef27))
* optimise query to automatically determine integrations ([147cbfb6](/../../commit/147cbfb6))
* change badge timeout message from error to warning ([e34f5676](/../../commit/e34f5676))
* **matrix**
* optimise the query that determines the integrations ([704944b6](/../../commit/704944b6))
#### Bug Fixes
* update rack for https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-hrqr-hxpp-chr3 ([c9352fde](/../../commit/c9352fde))
* correctly identify missing verification for bi-directional pacts ([3577968a](/../../commit/3577968a))
### v2.42.0 (2019-12-05)
#### Features
* **pacts for verification**
* include list of notices to print rather than inclusionReason and pendingReason ([eed0120e](/../../commit/eed0120e))
* only include WIP pacts that were published after the provider tag was first used ([673fcb8c](/../../commit/673fcb8c))
* **webhooks**
* allow webhooks to be triggered for verification successes and failures ([6735da32](/../../commit/6735da32))
### v2.41.0 (2019-11-21)
#### Features
* **pacts for verification**
* make latest flag required and true for now, until the 'all pacts for tag' is implemented ([ebbbbec9](/../../commit/ebbbbec9))
* include WIP pacts in list of pacts to verify ([04a0f40c](/../../commit/04a0f40c))
* allow pending status information to be optionall included ([a80f2fd6](/../../commit/a80f2fd6))
* support querying by POST ([5556b814](/../../commit/5556b814))
* **matrix**
* show pact version SHA in popup text, and highlight pact publications with the same pact version ([0d539093](/../../commit/0d539093))
* update 'pre-verifed' pop up text, and add icon to indicate when a pact is pre-verified ([a86010e5](/../../commit/a86010e5))
* add tags to json response ([6d099f59](/../../commit/6d099f59))
* **example data**
* include a pre-verified pact ([49fd5004](/../../commit/49fd5004))
* **index**
* enable pagination feature ([9bb87eca](/../../commit/9bb87eca))
* add pagination controls to the bottom of the page ([9d9e6378](/../../commit/9d9e6378))
* optimise query, feature toggled ([e238749e](/../../commit/e238749e))
* optimise server side rendered page ([1f54ccf4](/../../commit/1f54ccf4))
* **diagnostic**
* remove before_resource and after_resource hook calls from diagnostics endpoints ([b1dac2bd](/../../commit/b1dac2bd))
* add missing super calls in BaseResource child classes ([1071ca8a](/../../commit/1071ca8a))
* optimise latest_verification_ids_for_consumer_version_tags ([9e84ce7d](/../../commit/9e84ce7d))
* optimise latest_pact_publications_by_consumer_versions ([86846271](/../../commit/86846271))
* optimise latest_pact_consumer_version_orders ([c4febeaa](/../../commit/c4febeaa))
* optimise latest_tagged_pact_consumer_version_orders view ([d92cb8f2](/../../commit/d92cb8f2))
### v2.40.0 (2019-10-26)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* default page to showing 'latest by consumer version and provider' as it is much quicker and less confusing. ([dd879250](/../../commit/dd879250))
* optimise query to find latest verification for consumer version tag ([301b30ca](/../../commit/301b30ca))
* **matrix badge**
* optimise database query ([2b7f8e23](/../../commit/2b7f8e23))
#### Bug Fixes
* **matrix**
* exceptions on matrix page due to recent query optimisation ([3c504ba5](/../../commit/3c504ba5))
* **frontend**
* remove 'v' prefix on versions during render (#313) ([e109a8cd](/../../commit/e109a8cd))
### v2.39.0 (2019-10-21)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* optimise query for can-i-deploy, again ([78b8a5d5](/../../commit/78b8a5d5))
* handle overwritten revisions in database rather than code ([1459b46a](/../../commit/1459b46a))
* **clean**
* allow date to be specified for data to clean and return counts of deleted and kept rows ([29dcbacd](/../../commit/29dcbacd))
* update db clean to remove webhooks triggered by verifications ([f38eeaea](/../../commit/f38eeaea))
* add revisions per consumer version and verifications per pact version to metrics ([f764fbca](/../../commit/f764fbca))
* show more helpful error message when someone tries to get /all verifications for a pact ([bea59518](/../../commit/bea59518))
* add missing HAL docs for various relations and correct test that should have identified their absence ([a057427c](/../../commit/a057427c))
* add can-i-deploy endpoint to expose a simplified interface to the /matrix resource that accepts the same parameters as the can-i-deploy CLI. ([02443f39](/../../commit/02443f39))
* add 'pacts for verification' endpoint (#308) ([31fb8aa7](/../../commit/31fb8aa7))
* **metrics**
* add revision count ([4369f227](/../../commit/4369f227))
* add matrix and head matrix row counts ([5fb705ec](/../../commit/5fb705ec))
* **dashboard api**
* eager load the pact_version ([b6b5c900](/../../commit/b6b5c900))
* **integrations**
* sort by integration with most recent activity first ([35bdbb92](/../../commit/35bdbb92))
* add verification status to integrations endpoint ([437ba769](/../../commit/437ba769))
#### Bug Fixes
* typos on ISSUE_TEMPLATE (#311) ([a10b4792](/../../commit/a10b4792))
* add endpoints to get latest verification for latest pact ([73413727](/../../commit/73413727))
* support application/vnd.pactbrokerextended.v1+json for latest pact resource ([476ff595](/../../commit/476ff595))
* **matrix**
* undefined method ([b365c64b](/../../commit/b365c64b))
* **dashboard api**
* remove expensive queries for unused data ([07206559](/../../commit/07206559))
### v2.38.1 (2019-09-23)
#### Bug Fixes
* add missing require ([36500e04](/../../commit/36500e04))
### v2.38.0 (2019-09-20)
#### Features
* add pactflow message to start up and error logs ([530dbfe9](/../../commit/530dbfe9))
* allow interaction ids to be manually set for test data ([4e256102](/../../commit/4e256102))
* **dashboard**
* use 'refreshable' link for latest verification result so pact can be refreshed and display the latest result ([1ab8a5d9](/../../commit/1ab8a5d9))
#### Bug Fixes
* don't drop column from view in down step, because you can't remove a column from a view in posgres ([045f3f38](/../../commit/045f3f38))
* add test results to all verifications views ([9bc1eab1](/../../commit/9bc1eab1))
### v2.37.0 (2019-09-02)
#### Bug Fixes
* delete triggered webhook data when deleting pacticipant version ([77265c30](/../../commit/77265c30))
* **index with tags**
* sort pact publication by date, not string (#301) ([e92bde5f](/../../commit/e92bde5f))
* **index**
* sort pact publication by date, not string ([75d35802](/../../commit/75d35802))
### v2.36.1 (2019-08-30)
#### Bug Fixes
* do not show clipboard icon if version is blank (#297) ([36948fe1](/../../commit/36948fe1))
### v2.36.0 (2019-08-30)
#### Features
* add resource to get latest verification for a pact ([f02a1ca0](/../../commit/f02a1ca0))
* add /metrics endpoint ([9bcbc1bd](/../../commit/9bcbc1bd))
* add tags to verification resource ([830632a2](/../../commit/830632a2))
* add content type to return pact with extra metadata (eg tags) ([76668639](/../../commit/76668639))
* remove use of 'stale' for dashboard resource ([e173f5cf](/../../commit/e173f5cf))
#### Bug Fixes
* pact broker client issue 53 (#299) ([aa27cef3](/../../commit/aa27cef3))
* version column resize when clipboard icon appears (#292) ([5aa668e9](/../../commit/5aa668e9))
### v2.35.0 (2019-08-08)
#### Features
* **webhooks**
* do not redact a password with a parameter in it ([47c602ef](/../../commit/47c602ef))
* update parameter text ([7fa518cb](/../../commit/7fa518cb))
* do not redact header if it contains a parameter ([5787e0d1](/../../commit/5787e0d1))
* support template parameters in header values, username and password ([a800ac2e](/../../commit/a800ac2e))
* simplify request logger format ([c52ade2f](/../../commit/c52ade2f))
* add the logs and success flag to the execution result ([96769a88](/../../commit/96769a88))
* allow testing of an unsaved webhook ([a436e42d](/../../commit/a436e42d))
* gracefully handle scenario where triggered webhook has been deleted while webhook was being executed ([052055d4](/../../commit/052055d4))
* use consumer/provider names in webhook title ([2b5d2498](/../../commit/2b5d2498))
* add copy to clipboard for version numbers (#283) ([c10a6f28](/../../commit/c10a6f28))
* update redact logs ([51aa13c0](/../../commit/51aa13c0))
* use hardcoded error message when error class has a nil message ([03a3b63c](/../../commit/03a3b63c))
* ensure clean up script handles pact versions for left over verifications ([116f8eaa](/../../commit/116f8eaa))
* added clean up sql script ([388b441e](/../../commit/388b441e))
* add Vary header to avoid browser returning the wrong cached content type for a resource ([6d30baa2](/../../commit/6d30baa2))
* change logging level from error to info for JSON parsing errors ([cc144062](/../../commit/cc144062))
#### Bug Fixes
* inefficient SQL loading latest verification for pact version ([301d9a58](/../../commit/301d9a58))
* **publish pacts**
* handle race condition when creating pact version ([de0d3b7f](/../../commit/de0d3b7f))
### v2.34.0 (2019-06-14)
#### Features
* **webhooks**
* provide mapping to bitbucket build status names (#277) ([7bdf0c47](/../../commit/7bdf0c47))
* change log level for webhook triggering logs from debug to info ([2dca79c1](/../../commit/2dca79c1))
#### Bug Fixes
* gracefully handle two requests coming in at the same time to create the same pacticipant ([78d92ada](/../../commit/78d92ada))
* gracefully handle pact webhook status when there is no pact yet ([ba1f6bc7](/../../commit/ba1f6bc7))
* do not overwrite existing pactbroker.database_connector in rack env ([0da5d070](/../../commit/0da5d070))
### v2.33.0 (2019-06-07)
#### Features
* add pb:pacticipant and pb:pacticipant-version-tag relations to the index resource ([2c4c258c](/../../commit/2c4c258c))
#### Bug Fixes
* correctly remove webhook consumer/provider when update params do not contain a consumer/provider ([118bbee1](/../../commit/118bbee1))
* duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cv_prov_revision_unq" error when publishing identical pact resources at the same time ([6c8e38fb](/../../commit/6c8e38fb))
* **matrix**
* ensure unrelated dependencies are not included in a matrix result when three pacticipants each have dependencies on each other ([a086ffec](/../../commit/a086ffec))
### v2.32.0 (2019-05-28)
#### Features
* **webhooks**
* maintain starred out Authorization header value ([cc978582](/../../commit/cc978582))
* don't use username if empty string ([9327271d](/../../commit/9327271d))
* do not show backtrace in webhook test execution response ([c8a8194e](/../../commit/c8a8194e))
* return a 200 status for webhook test execution response even when execution has failed ([d90c4552](/../../commit/d90c4552))
* do not require basic auth password to be re-submitted when a webhook is updated - maintain existing value if not present ([55d7f4ad](/../../commit/55d7f4ad))
* allow description to be edited ([302d70f6](/../../commit/302d70f6))
* only trigger enabled webhooks ([cb2b0321](/../../commit/cb2b0321))
* add enabled column to model and database schema ([ce452ec8](/../../commit/ce452ec8))
* add metadata to webhook and verification URLs to correctly track relevant versions and tags (#274) ([426b0b19](/../../commit/426b0b19))
* add group url to /integrations _links ([e2584f53](/../../commit/e2584f53))
* add matrix URL to /integration _links ([344d3e18](/../../commit/344d3e18))
* allow dashboard resource to be filtered by consumer/provider ([a2408520](/../../commit/a2408520))
* add hal+json endpoint for listing integrations ([40f3e021](/../../commit/40f3e021))
* allow a custom API to be configured ([1c371163](/../../commit/1c371163))
* **webhook**
* show user specified description instead of generated one in collection resource ([2643d957](/../../commit/2643d957))
* **matrix**
* do not default to latestby=cvpv for consumer/provider matrix ([742d506c](/../../commit/742d506c))
#### Bug Fixes
* **webhooks**
* correctly set updated consumer and provider ([d865a429](/../../commit/d865a429))
* default matrix limit for /matrix/provider/PROVIDER/consumer/CONSUMER endpoint to 100 ([7ccc9b6f](/../../commit/7ccc9b6f))
* gracefully handle situation where webhook is deleted before execution ([634ccd53](/../../commit/634ccd53))
* duplicate key value violates unique constraint uq_ver_ppt_ord ([4303e4f7](/../../commit/4303e4f7))
### v2.31.0 (2019-04-30)
#### Features
* display times in UTC in API responses ([a4231117](/../../commit/a4231117))
* log the reason why a webhook has been triggered ([30522c0d](/../../commit/30522c0d))
* add _ids to interactions added via the TestDataBuilder ([d21e7092](/../../commit/d21e7092))
* update names of example apps ([2b2a3f81](/../../commit/2b2a3f81))
* ignore order of keys when generating interaction sha ([e6a0e8d8](/../../commit/e6a0e8d8))
* use _id instead of id for the interaction identifier ([010a14ab](/../../commit/010a14ab))
* add ids to interactions when pacts are published ([cd377850](/../../commit/cd377850))
* remove whitespace from pact content when saving to database ([1f53682e](/../../commit/1f53682e))
* monkeypatch webmachine to make the rack env available on the request ([40be97db](/../../commit/40be97db))
* ensure index page is not cached ([0cfa9bbf](/../../commit/0cfa9bbf))
* correct provider state matching for merging ([41ff6e5d](/../../commit/41ff6e5d))
* only seed example data when database is empty ([0f2d00a6](/../../commit/0f2d00a6))
* seed app with example data on first startup ([cf27ad8c](/../../commit/cf27ad8c))
* batch delete versions and tags using delete instead of destroy for efficiency ([1315e0b1](/../../commit/1315e0b1))
* allow pact to be deleted through the UI ([df0f35cb](/../../commit/df0f35cb))
* upgrade bootstrap ([1be9f1b2](/../../commit/1be9f1b2))
* allow an integration to be deleted via the UI ([f520520e](/../../commit/f520520e))
* add delete integration which deletes all objects pertaining to an integration that are not referenced by other objects ([718f0218](/../../commit/718f0218))
* simplify the logic that determines if the request is for the UI or the API ([73ae0fc2](/../../commit/73ae0fc2))
* change pact rendering log message from warn to info ([93229103](/../../commit/93229103))
* upgrade jquery version to 3.3.1 ([82b830cf](/../../commit/82b830cf))
* **dashboard**
* sort items by most recent activity ([f6f8fb20](/../../commit/f6f8fb20))
* **index**
* add button to delete all pact versions ([b5d15d5d](/../../commit/b5d15d5d))
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure datetime tests run correctly regardless of timezone ([0506be30](/../../commit/0506be30))
* correct logic for filtering ui/api requests ([725c6ccb](/../../commit/725c6ccb))
* ensure that the templating in the webhook body uses the correct base URL for the broker ([3d5a5380](/../../commit/3d5a5380))
* handle deleting integration when consumer and provider are the same pacticipant ([f31e8df2](/../../commit/f31e8df2))
* correct tbody in show-with-tags index page ([325a98ed](/../../commit/325a98ed))
* delete overwritten pact publications when deleting all pact publications between a consumer and provider ([5456eda5](/../../commit/5456eda5))
* escape html on index pages ([6ee34afe](/../../commit/6ee34afe))
* sanitize html in matrix ([c4d74d87](/../../commit/c4d74d87))
* sanitize fields when rendering pact html ([dca76506](/../../commit/dca76506))
* **readme**
* Change gitter link to slack. + Minor typo ([6b1c7843](/../../commit/6b1c7843))
### v2.30.0 (2019-03-29)
#### Features
* add helper text on index page for getting started ([cdeb2cd9](/../../commit/cdeb2cd9))
* allow rack protection to be turned off so that the headers can be managed in nginx ([941371ec](/../../commit/941371ec))
* allow all pacts between a given consumer and provider to be deleted at once ([9f1ce9c3](/../../commit/9f1ce9c3))
* correctly identify javascript and css content types ([6470d199](/../../commit/6470d199))
* add .css and .js file extensions to middleware that sets the accept header ([eb1cd323](/../../commit/eb1cd323))
* add helper text on index page for getting started ([222d8965](/../../commit/222d8965))
* allow rack protection to be turned off so that the headers can be managed in nginx ([b43e60ee](/../../commit/b43e60ee))
* allow all pacts between a given consumer and provider to be deleted at once ([0c8106b6](/../../commit/0c8106b6))
* correctly identify javascript and css content types ([03e156cb](/../../commit/03e156cb))
* add .css and .js file extensions to middleware that sets the accept header ([2aa533dc](/../../commit/2aa533dc))
* add a new webhook event for contract_published ([2e2a2034](/../../commit/2e2a2034))
* **matrix**
* improve reasons in response when pacticipant cannot be deployed ([85e11616](/../../commit/85e11616))
* allow provider to be deployed to an environment without the consumer having to be deployed there already ([125c2722](/../../commit/125c2722))
### v2.29.0 (2019-03-15)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* improve reasons in response when pacticipant cannot be deployed ([e96544f6](/../../commit/e96544f6))
* allow provider to be deployed to an environment without the consumer having to be deployed there already ([475a4010](/../../commit/475a4010))
* change webhook execution failure log to info ([7238bc49](/../../commit/7238bc49))
* remove db/pact_broker_database.sqlite3 so we don't have conflicts in fork ([f68fce8b](/../../commit/f68fce8b))
* change error logs to info logs ([700f6992](/../../commit/700f6992))
* lock dry-logic to version that works ([28769040](/../../commit/28769040))
* allow a custom UI to be configured ([23695b08](/../../commit/23695b08))
#### Bug Fixes
* gracefully handle race conditions when publishing a new revision of a pact ([012c54f0](/../../commit/012c54f0))
### v2.28.0 (2019-01-15)
#### Features
* enable file list in gemspec to work without git ([6dd27e26](/../../commit/6dd27e26))
* allow the database connection to be configured for async jobs ([6a745d4b](/../../commit/6a745d4b))
* add error reference to API error response and ensure potentially sensitive details from the exception message are not exposed ([e7bb4a01](/../../commit/e7bb4a01))
#### Bug Fixes
* show consumer/provider/global webhooks in webhook column on index page ([35f8bfc1](/../../commit/35f8bfc1))
### v2.27.6 (2018-11-23)
#### Bug Fixes
* URL encode consumer version number in pact URL ([b58f4fbf](/../../commit/b58f4fbf))
### v2.27.5 (2018-11-15)
#### Bug Fixes
* handle race conditions when creating a pacticipant on postgres ([2c83985f](/../../commit/2c83985f))
* ensure latest version of rack is used to avoid vulnerability CVE-2018-16471 ([996953f8](/../../commit/996953f8))
### v2.27.4 (2018-11-15)
#### Bug Fixes
* handle race conditions when creating a pacticipant ([b3799670](/../../commit/b3799670))
* correct order of arguments for merging pacts ([f6cfb197](/../../commit/f6cfb197))
### v2.27.3 (2018-11-01)
#### Features
* add LogQuietener to example config.ru ([2f014f07](/../../commit/2f014f07))
* Rename database logger delegate to LogQuietener ([34f44bcb](/../../commit/34f44bcb))
* create delegate for database logger to tone down the 'table does not exist' errors that freak people out at startup ([573d204b](/../../commit/573d204b))
* **semantic-logging**
* set logger for SuckerPunch and tests ([201eb331](/../../commit/201eb331))
* allow ruby standard logger to be configured to ensure backwards compatibility ([cfbb704c](/../../commit/cfbb704c))
* **tagged-pact-versions**
* ensure triggered webhooks are deleted when pact versions are deleted ([288475f1](/../../commit/288475f1))
* add endpoint to view and delete a collection of pact versions by tag ([615025e9](/../../commit/615025e9))
* **logging**
* implement structured logging ([a9133bd5](/../../commit/a9133bd5))
#### Bug Fixes
* correct foreign key between AllPactPublications and PactVersion ([59f76c74](/../../commit/59f76c74))
* ensure bundle install for pact_broker:dev:setup uses correct Gemfile ([94f3a5f2](/../../commit/94f3a5f2))
* Fix some invalid HTML ([0c9a08a8](/../../commit/0c9a08a8))
* **openssl**
* simplify certificate test for latest LibreSSL/OpenSSL libs ([cce79390](/../../commit/cce79390))
### v2.27.2 (2018-09-14)
#### Features
* use application/yaml instead of application/x-yaml to match Swaggerhub ([067d6ac7](/../../commit/067d6ac7))
* treat .yaml requests as having header Accept: application/x-yaml ([1c8e199f](/../../commit/1c8e199f))
* **webhook whitelist**
* allow hosts to be whitelisted using * domains ([150858a1](/../../commit/150858a1))
#### Bug Fixes
* **content-type**
* convert 404 content-type to application/hal+json #235 ([83958db7](/../../commit/83958db7))
### v2.27.0 (2018-09-07)
#### Features
* add ${pactbroker.consumerLabels} and ${pactbroker.providerLabels} to webhook templates ([afebbc5a](/../../commit/afebbc5a))
### v2.26.1 (2018-09-07)
#### Features
* allow integrations to be exported in dot format (text/vnd.graphviz) ([ac609081](/../../commit/ac609081))
* eager load latest version for /pacticipants resource ([9ac2ba9b](/../../commit/9ac2ba9b))
* eager load pacticipant labels for /pacticipants resource ([01dd8669](/../../commit/01dd8669))
#### Bug Fixes
* **matrix**
* gracefully handle and log when version is unresolved ([82fe19f1](/../../commit/82fe19f1))
* gracefully handle attempt to create a duplicate tag ([53bea8b4](/../../commit/53bea8b4))
* correct :false to false in verification decorator to correctly handle read only property providerName ([4af4ed1c](/../../commit/4af4ed1c))
* gracefully handle scenario where URL supplied in JSON body is not a String ([b0bb6044](/../../commit/b0bb6044))
### v2.26.0 (2018-08-23)
#### Features
* change default value of base_equality_only_on_content_that_affects_verification_results to true ([615f0c90](/../../commit/615f0c90))
* renamed 'wip pacts' to 'pending pacts' ([11a56b5c](/../../commit/11a56b5c))
### v2.25.0 (2018-08-09)
#### Features
* make contract_content_changed tag aware ([8e7d0e47](/../../commit/8e7d0e47))
* move "latest id" upsert logic into own class ([360d236f](/../../commit/360d236f))
* replace latest_verifications view with latest_verifications_for_provider_versions ([ee4fef99](/../../commit/ee4fef99))
* sort tags in text/plain version of /dashboard ([0a821490](/../../commit/0a821490))
* optimise data migrations that set pacticipant ids ([9a148b80](/../../commit/9a148b80))
* add pact_version_id to latest_pact_publication_ids table ([627ce6db](/../../commit/627ce6db))
* optimise query for loading latest verification for the latest pacts for each tag on index page ([8bc58442](/../../commit/8bc58442))
* add consumer_id to pact_publications table ([d520e228](/../../commit/d520e228))
* add consumer id and provider id to verifications table to speed up queries ([d5698901](/../../commit/d5698901))
* run data migrations on startup to ensure data created by old nodes is migrated when performing a rolling update ([ec59ba5b](/../../commit/ec59ba5b))
* move migrations on feature branch to run last ([78d31c49](/../../commit/78d31c49))
* remove refresh of materialized_matrix and materialized_head_matrix ([262af756](/../../commit/262af756))
* keep track of the latest verification for a pact version for each provider version, rather than calculating it ([110495a9](/../../commit/110495a9))
* store latest pact publication ids for each consumer version ([d239bfdf](/../../commit/d239bfdf))
* keep track of latest pact revision in table rather than calculating it ([e9cd9e1b](/../../commit/e9cd9e1b))
* move pb:wip-provider-pacts to beta:wip-provider-pacts ([3008140a](/../../commit/3008140a))
* make feature toggles case insensitive and space aware ([f4a03c0c](/../../commit/f4a03c0c))
* add feature toggle via environment variable PACT_BROKER_FEATURES ([f0737b97](/../../commit/f0737b97))
* keep track of the latest verification for a pact version for each provider version, rather than calculating it ([b4f18770](/../../commit/b4f18770))
* store latest pact publication ids for each consumer version ([c8fa5545](/../../commit/c8fa5545))
* keep track of latest pact revision in table rather than calculating it ([1db5b7ba](/../../commit/1db5b7ba))
* **index**
* eager load latest verification for consumer and provider ([1bf61afc](/../../commit/1bf61afc))
#### Bug Fixes
* **index page**
* correct pact URL when showing index with tags ([a5bda98f](/../../commit/a5bda98f))
### v2.24.0 (2018-07-08)
#### Features
* disable wip-provider-pacts in production until the feature is passed alpha testing ([3f9a1c7](/../../commit/3f9a1c7))
* allow HAL docs to specify a context so that two relations with the same name in different resources don't clash ([fe85b0b](/../../commit/fe85b0b))
* add pb:diff relation to pact resource to view a diff with an arbitrary pact version ([3eaa79c](/../../commit/3eaa79c))
* add HAL documentation for the relations that were missing documentation ([6b04d70](/../../commit/6b04d70))
* add resource for "work in progress" pacts for a provider ([50c003b](/../../commit/50c003b))
* deprecate pacts relation in favour of pb:pacts in latest pacts resource ([ccdd46f](/../../commit/ccdd46f))
* add bash script to migrate pacts from one broker to another ([7d587d9](/../../commit/7d587d9))
### v2.23.4 (2018-07-04)
#### Features
* deprecate provider relation in provider pacts resource in preference for pb:provider ([eda8cbf](/../../commit/eda8cbf))
#### Bug Fixes
* correct the logic for determining the deployment status in the matrix resource ([ad85db4](/../../commit/ad85db4))
* delete associated verification results when a pacticipant version is deleted ([ddec810](/../../commit/ddec810))
### v2.23.3 (2018-06-27)
#### Bug Fixes
* add missing require in triggered_webhooks_decorator.rb ([c4adeaf](/../../commit/c4adeaf))
### v2.23.2 (2018-06-25)
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure configured webhook headers are used when making request ([50c876f](/../../commit/50c876f))
### v2.23.1 (2018-06-23)
#### Features
* respond correctly to OPTIONS requests ([c5d3937](/../../commit/c5d3937))
#### Bug Fixes
* add missing require to pact_triggered_webhooks ([aaf1755](/../../commit/aaf1755))
### v2.23.0 (2018-06-20)
#### Features
* include test webhook request in execution response body ([7518098](/../../commit/7518098))
* use the latest matching pact or verification to test webhook execution, or a placeholder if either is not found ([273078b](/../../commit/273078b))
* add resource to view the triggered webhooks for a verification result ([c3e8df0](/../../commit/c3e8df0))
* add resource to view the triggered webhooks for a pact publication ([00f60c1](/../../commit/00f60c1))
* allow "global" webhooks (matching all consumers and providers) to be triggered by pact or verification publication ([19f7060](/../../commit/19f7060))
* allow webhook with optional consumer and/or provider to be created by posting to /webhooks ([b15ba85](/../../commit/b15ba85))
* add consumer and provider objects to webhook resource ([e60460e](/../../commit/e60460e))
* move $.message to $.error.message in error response body ([803c025](/../../commit/803c025))
* only show backtrace in error response for non production environments ([665ac23](/../../commit/665ac23))
* change version ordering to sort by date by default ([6552b46](/../../commit/6552b46))
* raise explicit error if a matrix query is done for a version with a tag that does not exist ([8f64288](/../../commit/8f64288))
* **consumer or provider webhooks**
* refactor webhooks resource classes and add consumer and provider webhook links to pact resource ([9321c73](/../../commit/9321c73))
* change pact webhook status URL ([2445b1e](/../../commit/2445b1e))
* allow a webhook to be defined for either a consumer OR provider ([37a62be](/../../commit/37a62be))
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure non utf-8 characters in the webook response do not cause an error in the Pact Broker response body ([a5ae5bf](/../../commit/a5ae5bf))
* update sintra to >= 2.0.2 to fix css vulnerability ([3023408](/../../commit/3023408))
### v2.22.0 (2018-06-11)
#### Features
* allow whitelist configurations to be loaded from database ([19cb83f](/../../commit/19cb83f))
### v2.21.0 (2018-06-10)
#### Features
* add ${pactbroker.consumerVersionTags} and ${pactbroker.providerVersionTags} to webhook templates ([e5121b1](/../../commit/e5121b1))
* add ${pactbroker.verificationResultUrl} to webhook templates ([e19c9c9](/../../commit/e19c9c9))
* redact potentially sensitive headers in the webhook resource ([619c7e9](/../../commit/619c7e9))
* add ${pactbroker.githubVerificationStatus} to webhook templates ([abccf7a](/../../commit/abccf7a))
* add ${pactbroker.providerVersionNumber} to webhook templates ([86bc1ec](/../../commit/86bc1ec))
#### Bug Fixes
* correctly trigger contract_content_changed webhooks when first version of a pact is published ([73a06ff](/../../commit/73a06ff))
* correctly handle template parameters in URL when rendering webhook resource ([a4b69db](/../../commit/a4b69db))
* correct call to execute webhooks when pact changes ([076afe6](/../../commit/076afe6))
* ensure webhook hosts cannot contain templated parameters ([fe05919](/../../commit/fe05919))
* allow pact broker template parameter in URL ([c91d04e](/../../commit/c91d04e))
* correct logic for showing webhook response bodies in logs when a whitelist is configured ([db2f9d1](/../../commit/db2f9d1))
### v2.20.0 (2018-06-03)
#### Features
* only log webhook response details when a webhook host whitelist has been configured ([3e1c562](/../../commit/3e1c562))
* validate webhook host against configurable list on creation ([077e37f](/../../commit/077e37f))
* validate webhook scheme and http method against configurable lists on creation ([d7a2b0a](/../../commit/d7a2b0a))
* add ${pactbroker.consumerVersionNumber} to webhook templates ([d525527](/../../commit/d525527))
#### Bug Fixes
* correct all content types that were application/json to application/hal+json ([690e39b](/../../commit/690e39b))
### v2.19.2 (2018-05-29)
#### Features
* load latest verification for consumer/provider via relationship rather than repository ([13b7c6e](/../../commit/13b7c6e))
* include more columns in latest_verifications_for_consumer_version_tags to avoid having to do extra queries for pact_versions and provider_versions ([e366af4](/../../commit/e366af4))
* optimise queries for index page with tags ([524e08d](/../../commit/524e08d))
* create view for latest verifications for consumer version tags ([eb67511](/../../commit/eb67511))
* log pact content as debug instead of info when publishing ([d116157](/../../commit/d116157))
* allow pact equality to be based only on the content that affects verification results ([bf8130f](/../../commit/bf8130f))
#### Bug Fixes
* temporarily redact webhook response body from UI for security purposes ([becf20c](/../../commit/becf20c))
* handle race condition causing unique constraint violation when creating pacticipant versions ([6c75ebd](/../../commit/6c75ebd))
### v2.19.1 (2018-05-18)
#### Features
* rename relations in pact diff view ([8c3c62e](/../../commit/8c3c62e))
#### Bug Fixes
* add pact name back into title of deprecated pacts relation of provider pacts resource ([f5f002a](/../../commit/f5f002a))
* set correct content type for verification result resources ([c177fdd](/../../commit/c177fdd))
### v2.19.0 (2018-05-03)
#### Features
* create endpoint to compare arbitrary pact versions, ignoring interaction/message order ([15f0688](/../../commit/15f0688))
* add endpoint to retrieve a pact version by its pact content sha ([a519731](/../../commit/a519731))
* include pact revision number and verification number in badge svg comment ([82b59ef](/../../commit/82b59ef))
* add pb:version-tag relation to pacticipant resource ([0704772](/../../commit/0704772))
* create endpoints for retrieving all pact versions for a provider, with and without a tag. ([d7011b2](/../../commit/d7011b2))
* update matrix UI to allow _all_ versions with a particular tag to be specified ([278b3ea](/../../commit/278b3ea))
* allow matrix to be queried for _all_ versions with a given tag ([cac3023](/../../commit/cac3023))
#### Bug Fixes
* correct logic for finding latest verification for revised pacts ([8fb28ee](/../../commit/8fb28ee))
* do not invoke error reporters for validation errors ([57eed65](/../../commit/57eed65))
### v2.18.0 (2018-04-05)
#### Features
* add link to matrix from HTML pact page ([f9e3c23](/../../commit/f9e3c23))
* sort tags in dashboard API response ([d2fd090](/../../commit/d2fd090))
* add rake task to clean unused data to improve performance ([fc705a2](/../../commit/fc705a2))
#### Bug Fixes
* show JSON view when *any* error occurs creating the HTML view for a pact. ([e4342f0](/../../commit/e4342f0))
* only show verification matrix number when verification is present ([766f7c0](/../../commit/766f7c0))
* correctly display interaction with nil description in HTML view ([56528d3](/../../commit/56528d3))
### v2.17.1 (2018-03-30)
#### Bug Fixes
* refresh matrix and head_matrix tables ([bf36c61](/../../commit/bf36c61))
### v2.17.0 (2018-03-30)
#### Features
* ensure migrations in optimise_head_matrix work on mysql ([35874a9](/../../commit/35874a9))
* show verification number in matrix when viewing all results ([5693430](/../../commit/5693430))
* redact auth headers from rack env used to report errors ([94f8f13](/../../commit/94f8f13))
* add api error reporters ([579fa39](/../../commit/579fa39))
* log debug message when loading configuration setting from database ([9ffcc1a](/../../commit/9ffcc1a))
* optimise head matrix refresh when adding or deleting tags ([263c2a4](/../../commit/263c2a4))
* disable sinatra dump_errors ([d59c7e5](/../../commit/d59c7e5))
* send padrino logs to a file in the log dir by default ([7408be0](/../../commit/7408be0))
* **matrix ui**
* add tooltip explaining the situation when verification date is before pact publication date ([fd6e1c9](/../../commit/fd6e1c9))
* change default to show all results ([f7bea07](/../../commit/f7bea07))
#### Bug Fixes
* ensure publishing a verification does not cause a unique constraint violation ([ecfb385](/../../commit/ecfb385))
* optimize matrix query to speed up lengthy pact publication times ([e09d528](/../../commit/e09d528))
* ensure matrix is updated when pacticipant is deleted ([6c11cbe](/../../commit/6c11cbe))
* delete pacticipant labels before deleting pacticipant ([18b9b7e](/../../commit/18b9b7e))
### v2.16.1 (2018-03-08)
#### Features
* turn off sinatra show_exceptions when rack_env is production ([e961afe](/../../commit/e961afe))
* add error testing endpoints ([4e01407](/../../commit/4e01407))
### v2.16.0 (2018-03-05)
#### Features
* upgrade haml to 5.0 ([4415686](/../../commit/4415686))
* upgrade sequel to 5.6 ([a37c59a](/../../commit/a37c59a))
* abbreviate git shas in index and matrix UIs ([9a21e10](/../../commit/9a21e10))
* add latest provider version tag names to dashboard UI ([de179d7](/../../commit/de179d7))
* created dashboard API ([044bab7](/../../commit/044bab7))
* **matrix**
* make index refresh happen synchronously to prevent data corruption ([acd64e6](/../../commit/acd64e6))
* speed up query to refresh index ([011d7c9](/../../commit/011d7c9))
* refresh head matrix asynchronously to speed up pact publishing and tagging ([989e6e3](/../../commit/989e6e3))
* speed up matrix query for latestby=cvpv and latestby=cvp ([6ae039d](/../../commit/6ae039d))
* **index**
* sort verifications by execution date ([2523982](/../../commit/2523982))
* show tag names as slugs ([117c89b](/../../commit/117c89b))
* **matrix ui**
* rename "rows" to "results" ([2023265](/../../commit/2023265))
* show row count ([b50bd9a](/../../commit/b50bd9a))
* remove logic for hiding links until I can get it right ([107fca2](/../../commit/107fca2))
* correct logic for hiding pact links ([825af6d](/../../commit/825af6d))
* don't show potentially confusing links for overwritten pact revisions ([ed7498a](/../../commit/ed7498a))
* add links to all resources referenced in matrix ([2958ae8](/../../commit/2958ae8))
* add tags ([869d49d](/../../commit/869d49d))
* **dashboard api**
* correct latest verification results ([d02ea24](/../../commit/d02ea24))
* fix query for displaying dashboard with tags ([924aaae](/../../commit/924aaae))
* optimise dashboard query by creating manual materialized views for the matrix ([494f553](/../../commit/494f553))
* add plain text content type for easy debugging ([317a64d](/../../commit/317a64d))
* speed up loading of verification tags ([a3aea48](/../../commit/a3aea48))
* include verification tags ([e8d0fae](/../../commit/e8d0fae))
* add pact tags ([0c79440](/../../commit/0c79440))
#### Bug Fixes
* **matrix**
* correct logic for selecting matrix rows on MySQL ([06f6dd4](/../../commit/06f6dd4))
* ensure matrix for latest consumer version/provider version shows correct results when a pact is published, published again for the same version with different content, then published again for the same version with the original content. ([679eec1](/../../commit/679eec1))
* **matrix ui**
* fix provider version sorting ([611ab7e](/../../commit/611ab7e))
### v2.15.0 (2018-02-26)
#### Features
* upgrade to latest versions of padrino-core and sinatra to fix CVE-2018-7212 ([08ba1cb](/../../commit/08ba1cb))
* **http**
* set http options globally ([cdf36ba](/../../commit/cdf36ba))
* **ssl**
* allow single certificates to be uploaded ([9417f10](/../../commit/9417f10))
### v2.14.0 (2018-02-15)
#### Features
* **matrix ui**
* add home link ([3f74e7e](/../../commit/3f74e7e))
* **index**
* add link to show/hide latest tags ([412a2d3](/../../commit/412a2d3))
* change URL for retrieving latest version so that it does not clash with a version called "latest" ([8e45062](/../../commit/8e45062))
* add endpoints to get latest pacticipant version and latest tagged version ([aa60a85](/../../commit/aa60a85))
* elegantly handle long service names in index. ([ad8da50](/../../commit/ad8da50))
#### Bug Fixes
* return overwritten pact publication as latest if non exists as a latest version when rendering verification ([8217209](/../../commit/8217209))
* #184 Escape username before asigning it to URI userinfo attribute ([81bb779](/../../commit/81bb779))
* remove non UTF-8 chars from webhook response bodies before saving the logs to the (UTF-8 encoded) database table ([0ee5b0b](/../../commit/0ee5b0b))
* ensure webhook dependencies are saved before executing ([9a89d07](/../../commit/9a89d07))
* **matrix badge**
* correct status of pact when consumer and provider version tags are specified ([0eb7429](/../../commit/0eb7429))
### v2.13.1 (2018-01-12)
#### Features
* remove runtime dependency on webrick ([1ae7a6e](/../../commit/1ae7a6e))
### v2.13.0 (2018-01-11)
#### Features
* ensure latest pact version is returned when searching by pact version sha ([1d2adc6](/../../commit/1d2adc6))
* rename 'pact_publication' trigger type to 'publication' ([9fe0ff0](/../../commit/9fe0ff0))
* **certificates**
* load webhook certificates from database ([c72ab28](/../../commit/c72ab28))
* **matrix ui**
* add checkbox for latest version ([7743ecc](/../../commit/7743ecc))
* add limit and latestby to form ([c4136bd](/../../commit/c4136bd))
* do not log validation errors ([f201d1d](/../../commit/f201d1d))
* add form ([cbf0837](/../../commit/cbf0837))
* **matrix badges**
* add badge for provider/tag and consumer/tag ([d69c8e6](/../../commit/d69c8e6))
* **verification webhooks**
* update hal browser documentation ([c2b31b4](/../../commit/c2b31b4))
* invoke verification webhooks on publication of verification ([04ed1cc](/../../commit/04ed1cc))
* alter logic to select only the relevant webhooks when the pact has changed ([ec18943](/../../commit/ec18943))
* default to contract changed event when no events specified, for backwards compatibility ([9fe8d47](/../../commit/9fe8d47))
* add events to webhooks to allow differentiation between pact and verification webhooks ([356c023](/../../commit/356c023))
* **publish test result**
* allow json test results to be published with the verification result ([528034c](/../../commit/528034c))
#### Bug Fixes
* create selector objects when viewing matrix URL with consumer and provider ([e733bae](/../../commit/e733bae))
### v2.12.0 (2017-11-29)
#### Features
* changed date published to time ago in words, with full date as mouseover (#145) ([b28f9c3](/../../commit/b28f9c3))
#### Bug Fixes
* fixed issue that caused uninitialized constant PactBroker::Api::Resources::BaseResource (NameError) when running pact_broker with passenger.. ([0b21a62](/../../commit/0b21a62))
### v2.10.0 (2017-11-11)
#### Features
* **prod pacts in index**
* allow all tags to be shown on index ([0a1f0ee](/../../commit/0a1f0ee))
* allow tags shown in index to be configured via query string ([4eca8ee](/../../commit/4eca8ee))
* show pacts tagged as the 'prod' or 'production' versions on the index page ([b58b7a3](/../../commit/b58b7a3))
* **index page**
* truncate git shas in table ([94da4c7](/../../commit/94da4c7))
### v2.9.0 (2017-11-09)
#### Features
* **webhook templating**
* add support for ${pactbroker.pactUrl} in query and body ([0eed596](/../../commit/0eed596))
* **matrix** _(note that the matrix resource is still in beta, and there may be breaking changes in the future)_
* allow query to determine if a particular pacticipant version is compatible with the latest tagged versions of all its dependencies ([ba4a1cc](/../../commit/ba4a1cc))
### v2.8.0.beta.5 (2017-11-06)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* fix matrix data types for MySQL ([42c5478](/../../commit/42c5478))
* improve reason when no results are found ([473abbe](/../../commit/473abbe))
* change groupby param to latestby ([a6a8ba2](/../../commit/a6a8ba2))
* ensure correct row is returned when a pact is revised, then verified ([7f37644](/../../commit/7f37644))
* return most recent rows first ([cfa2109](/../../commit/cfa2109))
* allow a limit to be specified ([2a11334](/../../commit/2a11334))
* return most recent rows first ([e896b7b](/../../commit/e896b7b))
* use views to create matrix query ([8488212](/../../commit/8488212))
* add matrix view ([852324a](/../../commit/852324a))
### v2.8.0.beta.4 (2017-11-03)
#### Bug Fixes
* add missing require ([14d7d02](/../../commit/14d7d02))
### v2.7.0.beta.3 (2017-11-01)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* implement querying by latest without a tag ([3d78f79](/../../commit/3d78f79))
* update query to handle tag and latest flag ([c5c800f](/../../commit/c5c800f))
* update validation of selectors to allow tag and latest flag to be specified ([0fa33f1](/../../commit/0fa33f1))
* parse latest=true and tag=TAG in matrix query ([abcab9e](/../../commit/abcab9e))
* update validation to allow latest tag to be specified ([6da6e02](/../../commit/6da6e02))
* allow version to be specified by latest_tag ([fe498a7](/../../commit/fe498a7))
* **pacticipant**
* expose repositoryUrl in resource ([8f0f16a](/../../commit/8f0f16a))
#### Bug Fixes
* correct captialization in require ([db2e676](/../../commit/db2e676))
### v2.7.0.beta.2 (2017-10-31)
#### Features
* **matrix**
* add reason text to summary ([f979210](/../../commit/f979210))
* add text/plain content type for easier visualisation of matrix resource in terminal ([bab7720](/../../commit/bab7720))
* allow matrix rows to be returned for all versions of a pacticipant ([6d37545](/../../commit/6d37545))
* allow multiple verification statuses to be queried for using status[]= ([fba2771](/../../commit/fba2771))
* allow success param to be specified in query params ([2fb5817](/../../commit/2fb5817))
* change query params for matrix to use q[][pacticipant]=? and q[][version]=? ([e3913f7](/../../commit/e3913f7))
* return failure and success lines in matrix response, and a summary indicating whether the specified versions are compatible or not ([8783ef8](/../../commit/8783ef8))
* add method to find all matrix lines for a list of versions, regardless of verification status ([52755fd](/../../commit/52755fd))
* add pact publication and verification dates to response ([f0cc32b](/../../commit/f0cc32b))
* add validation errors to matrix resource ([7f91710](/../../commit/7f91710))
* allow matrix columns to be sorted ([7d22eb8](/../../commit/7d22eb8))
* add simple ui ([36f9480](/../../commit/36f9480))
* add endpoint for consumer/provider verification matrix ([6925dcb](/../../commit/6925dcb))
* rename 'hal browser' links to 'api browser' ([11d3464](/../../commit/11d3464))
* use timestamp migrator during app startup ([a87f393](/../../commit/a87f393))
* convert paths ending in .json to Accept: application/hal+json ([d81f129](/../../commit/d81f129))
* **auth**
* cascade UI before diagnostic api and broker api ([1b95461](/../../commit/1b95461))
* **verifications**
* create and link provider version resource when verification is published ([3014a8b](/../../commit/3014a8b))
#### Bug Fixes
* show webhook status as not_run when all triggered webhooks are not_run ([2d014b2](/../../commit/2d014b2))
### v2.7.0.beta.1 (2017-10-16)
#### Features
* **prod pacts in index**
* show pacts tagged as the 'prod' or 'production' versions on the index page ([b58b7a3](/../../commit/b58b7a3))
### v2.6.0 (2017-10-06)
#### Features
* add configuration option for check_for_potential_duplicate_pacticipant_names ([6ab3fda](/../../commit/6ab3fda))
#### Bug Fixes
* add webhook_retry_schedule and semver_formats to list of configuration options that can be saved to the database ([5bab062](/../../commit/5bab062))
* delete related triggered webhooks when webhook is deleted ([48f9853](/../../commit/48f9853))
* use strict mode when using mysql ([f991e15](/../../commit/f991e15))
### v2.5.1 (2017-09-26)
#### Bug Fixes
* **badges**
* do not allow caching ([d7e73c3](/../../commit/d7e73c3))
### v2.5.0 (2017-09-25)
#### Features
* **heartbeat resource**
* cache json response body ([f2ac0f5](/../../commit/f2ac0f5))
* **webhook status**
* delete webhook objects related to previous revisions of a pact when deleting a pact publication ([a053623](/../../commit/a053623))
* delete related triggered webhooks and executions when pact publication is deleted ([3dc590c](/../../commit/3dc590c))
* set any triggered webhooks in 'retrying' status to 'failed' on startup ([1f2305b](/../../commit/1f2305b))
* migrate webhook execution data to triggered webhooks ([9f46d86](/../../commit/9f46d86))
* consider http status < 300 to be a webhook failure ([7ef595a](/../../commit/7ef595a))
* log unhandled suckerpunch errors ([4cc779d](/../../commit/4cc779d))
* log number of seconds until next webhook attempt in webhook logs ([5d16330](/../../commit/5d16330))
* display attempts made and attempts remaining in webhook status resource ([648e1c3](/../../commit/648e1c3))
* move webhook retry schedule to configuration ([f2d92f3](/../../commit/f2d92f3))
* ensure triggered webhook and webhook execution objects are saved to database even when webhook fails and response code is 500 ([88ba2ac](/../../commit/88ba2ac))
* redact authorization headers in webhook logs ([10efddb](/../../commit/10efddb))
* implement PUT for webhook resource ([7266b1e](/../../commit/7266b1e))
* add endpoint for triggered webhook execution logs ([ad81d20](/../../commit/ad81d20))
* **hal browser**
* use name over title in embedded resource heading ([6c61da7](/../../commit/6c61da7))
* improve readability of link collections ([0a9bc8c](/../../commit/0a9bc8c))
* use name and title from self link when not specified in embedded resource ([354374c](/../../commit/354374c))
* **versions resource**
* deprecate versions and pacticipant links in favour of pb:versions and pb:pacticipants ([94f395e](/../../commit/94f395e))
* **badges**
* only cache successful badge responses from shields.io ([e5f08ad](/../../commit/e5f08ad))
* use simple in-memory cache for badges ([2453c55](/../../commit/2453c55))
* show message about enabling public badge access when disabled ([6fc78ff](/../../commit/6fc78ff))
* show badge in HTML pact and display markdown when clicked ([e9b632a](/../../commit/e9b632a))
* changed configuration property name from 'enable_badge_resources' to 'enable_public_badge_access' ([83540e5](/../../commit/83540e5))
* **resources**
* improve usage of title and name attributes ([915a7ee](/../../commit/915a7ee))
* **pact resource**
* improve usage of name and title fields ([3a9a178](/../../commit/3a9a178))
* add link relation for all pact versions ([d5ea068](/../../commit/d5ea068))
* **gems**
* upgrade webmachine to 1.5.0 ([d23fedc](/../../commit/d23fedc))
#### Bug Fixes
* return correct "latest" verification when a verification has been published for a pact with a revision ([f2b4c9f](/../../commit/f2b4c9f))
* sequel migration 25 for mysql ([920c363](/../../commit/920c363))
* sequel migration 19 for mysql ([0ee48e1](/../../commit/0ee48e1))
### v2.4.2 (2017-09-07)
#### Bug Fixes
* add missing require ([92bf349](/../../commit/92bf349))
### v2.4.1 (2017-09-07)
#### Bug Fixes
* allow resource identifiers to contain escaped forward slashes ([d875079](/../../commit/d875079))
### v2.4.0 (2017-07-31)
* 3a03f41 - fix(publish verification result): Fix Location header for newly created resource (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 31 10:49:37 2017 +1000)
* 3b0f390 - feat(pacticipant labels): Add HAL link to pacticipants resource to find pacticipants by label. (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 24 08:17:36 2017 +1000)
* 588d2ad - fix(pacticipant and pacticipants resources): Add correctly capitalised and namespaced properties and relations. Added deprecation warnings to existing incorrect properties and relations. (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 24 08:14:52 2017 +1000)
* ab11f56 - feat(pacticipant labels): Adds embedded label resources to pacticipant resource. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 21 18:03:15 2017 +1000)
* 57086cf - feat(pacticipant labels): Adds /pacticipants/label/LABEL_NAME resource to retrieve pacticipants by label. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 21 14:07:08 2017 +1000)
* 4b44331 - feat(pacticipant labels): Adds pacticipant label resource with GET, PUT and DELETE (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 21 13:18:18 2017 +1000)
* c5af7e1 - feat(badges): Allow badge config settings to be saved to/loaded from database (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 14 20:50:02 2017 +1000)
#### 2.3.0 (2017-07-14)
* 3ac4351 - fix(potential duplicate pacticipant names): Make duplicate logic smarter. Fixes https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/issues/35 (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 11 10:30:11 2017 +1000)
* 81979b1 - add basic auth example to duplicate pacticipant error/help message (Fitzgerald, Andrew, Mon Jul 10 00:11:25 2017 -0400)
* bc54321 - feat(badges): Add endpoint to retrieve badge for latest untagged pact (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 10:15:29 2017 +1000)
* 5a3b149 - feat(badges): Add endpoint to retrieve badge for latest tagged pact (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 09:32:24 2017 +1000)
* 78c888b - feat(badges): Use static images when shields.io base URL is not configured. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 08:41:35 2017 +1000)
* b30c368 - feat(badges): Allow shields.io base URL to be configured (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 08:31:47 2017 +1000)
* d8b2cec - feat(badges): Added configuration for turning badge resources on or off (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 08:25:48 2017 +1000)
* 2e43b5f - feat(badges): Added read timeout of 1000ms for HTTP call to create badge. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Jul 6 07:48:39 2017 +1000)
* 6bdae00 - fix(publish verification): Corrected pact finding params when publishing a verification. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Jul 6 07:30:38 2017 +1000)
* 2508eba - feat(badges): Allow pacticipant initials to be used where names are too long for the badge (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 5 14:49:07 2017 +1000)
* f7a36b7 - feat(badges): Return static badge when there is an error creating a dynamic one (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 5 10:14:18 2017 +1000)
* 24860b3 - feat(badges): Add badge svg endpoint for latest pact (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 15:28:28 2017 +1000)
#### 2.2.0 (2017-07-04)
* 788c5d0 - chore(gems): Lock rack and red-carpet gem versions for hakiri (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 10:28:15 2017 +1000)
* f1abebe - chore(gems): Upgrade pact gems (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 10:10:55 2017 +1000)
* 5bccca2 - chore(gems): Upgrade rack-protection and padrino-core gems (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 10:07:58 2017 +1000)
* 5c1392d - chore(build): Add code climate test coverage reporter (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 09:02:09 2017 +1000)
* 6e73420 - chore(build): Add bundle-audit to build (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 08:09:49 2017 +1000)
* de9f493 - fix(pact versions decorator): Corrected use of title and name (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 19:45:28 2017 +1000)
* 90d4410 - feat(HTML pact): Add home link to HTML pact (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:57:57 2017 +1000)
* 4eb2095 - feat(HTML pact): Add tag names next to consumer version number (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:56:56 2017 +1000)
* 1f66b6d - feat(version): Add HAL links to pacts from version resource (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:34:34 2017 +1000)
* 3f61fb3 - feat(retrieve latest pact): Add HAL links for latest-untagged and latest/{tag} (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:17:54 2017 +1000)
#### 2.1.1 (2017-07-03)
* f7af21a - fix(gemspec) (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 09:53:02 2017 +1000)
#### 2.1.0 (2017-07-03)
* 53f0b5e - feat(get latest untagged pact): Add /latest-untagged endpoint to return the latest untagged pact (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 08:31:18 2017 +1000)
* a963fce - Add pact_broker:db:version task. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Jun 29 20:29:55 2017 +1000)
* 7ee134f - Add basic auth (authentication) to the UI, but no authorization (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jun 26 10:44:07 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.5 (2017-06-15)
* e924c96 - Fixed webhook deletion bug (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jun 13 10:04:33 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.4 (2017-06-02)
* 99e1c25 - Turn off http_origin checking for https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/issues/108 (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jun 2 16:27:38 2017 +1000)
* e58f609 - Add favicon.ico (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 29 15:02:22 2017 +1000)
* 2780f0a - Add pull request guidelines. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 29 11:45:04 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.3 (2017-05-17)
* c03b871 - Make specs pass for sqlite, postgres and mysql. At the same time. Amazing. (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 28 10:22:20 2017 +1000)
* ae2b62f - Remove inner query from latest_verifications definition for MySQL (#105) (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 27 15:11:26 2017 +1000)
* f451d35 - Add mysql build to travis for #106 (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 27 15:09:42 2017 +1000)
* 91178c2 - Altering config and travis to run against sqlite and postgres. (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 27 14:08:34 2017 +1000)
* 4c52061 - Use a simpler and more efficient algorithm for updating version orders. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 22 13:29:07 2017 +1000)
* ba5b60c - Created indexes on pacticipant, version and tag tables. #87 (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 21 16:18:49 2017 +1000)
* 0ffad10 - Do not validate incoming consumer version number if order_versions_by_date is true. (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 21 15:46:54 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.2 (2017-05-17)
* 0e4d4bf - Add missing require for migration_helper (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 19 14:16:38 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.1 (2017-05-17)
* 8d105aa - Allow an application version to be deleted via the API. (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 19 10:39:16 2017 +1000)
* 025b0f7 - Ensure version numbers that don't conform to the semver2 spec don't cause errors when sorting versions. #103 (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 19 09:58:50 2017 +1000)
* ca6d88e - Corrected hal link rels that had missing curies (prepended "pb:") (Beth Skurrie, Thu May 18 10:20:06 2017 +1000)
* 1cabd5e - Use Rack::Protection. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 16 10:13:40 2017 +1000)
* 2a3bbd1 - Return 404 instead of 500 when Ruby standard URI lib can't parse the URI. https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/issues/101 (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 16 09:45:37 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0 (2017-05-16)
#### 2.0.0.beta.8 (2017-05-15)
* e931b48 - Enable configuration settings to be saved to and loaded from the database. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 15 12:34:44 2017 +1000)
* c3976e4 - Set timezones so dates in the UI and API are shown in the configured local time. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 15 08:53:13 2017 +1000)
* 4da62e8 - Add publication date of latest pact to UI front page. (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 14 08:38:42 2017 +1000)
* 8633b08 - Set X-Pact-Broker-Version header in all responses (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 12 16:39:09 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.7 (2017-05-12)
* 741bf96 - Include information about missing verifications in the latest verifications resource. Only set success to be true when all pacts have been successfully verified. (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 12 14:59:48 2017 +1000)
* 64f20c6 - Allow one, two or three "parts" in the application version number. Eg. 12, 3.4 and 1.2.400 are all valid. (Beth Skurrie, Wed May 10 16:19:07 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.6 (2017-05-09)
* 8f1c911 - Ensure all resources provide application/hal+json. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 9 18:32:37 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.5 (2017-05-08)
* 4b88c4d - Add success flag to the resource for the latest verifications for a consumer version to indicate the overall success or failure of the verification results for that version. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 8 10:54:31 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.4 (2017-05-02)
* e5c14d1 - Renamed verification to verification-result in link relations and URLs (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 2 13:04:01 2017 +1000)
* 803ea44 - Add endpoint to show a verification. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 1 08:52:12 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.3 (2017-04-29)
* 7059a7e - Insert pact_publications without a specified ID so that the inbuilt sequence is kept in sync. (Beth Skurrie, Sat Apr 29 15:16:12 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.2 (2017-04-29)
* 1dfef17 - Cleaned up migrations and ensured migrations run on postgresql. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 28 21:24:20 2017 +1000)
#### 2.0.0.beta.1 (2017-04-28)
* 049bc5c - Added tooltip to verification date to show provider version. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 28 10:05:13 2017 +1000)
* 4287c99 - Add tooltip text to last verified date when pact has changed since last verification. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 28 09:02:59 2017 +1000)
* 7351ec8 - Add restrictions for all gem versions in gemspec. Fix formatting in haml file. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Apr 27 19:55:04 2017 +1000)
* a836b56 - Add last verified date for each pact to landing page of application UI. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 25 17:03:06 2017 +1000)
* c7589c9 - Use latest ruby-2.3.4 for development. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:05:27 2017 +1000)
* 46b87f9 - Use latest ruby patches for CI. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:00:12 2017 +1000)
* 7c17c62 - Required at least ruby-2.2.0 as we move along ruby release schedule. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 22:54:52 2017 +1000)
* 66a2f3b - Added pb:publish-verification HAL link to pact resource. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 21 16:09:55 2017 +1000)
* f2110ac - Replacing versionomy with semver2 for parsing version numbers according to semver 2.0.0 (http://semver.org) (Danilo Sato, Thu Apr 20 11:48:49 2017 -0400)
* 1f6045a - Added DEVELOPER_DOCUMENTATION.md with information about the tables and views. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 18 11:35:39 2017 +1000)
* 77eaf7b - Added pb:latest-verifications link to version resource. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 11 16:25:45 2017 +1000)
* aaf44d9 - Added endpoint to view the latest verifications for a given consumer version. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 11 11:16:03 2017 +1000)
#### 1.18.0 (2017-05-09)
* 397060b - Display application versions in reverse order in the Versions resource. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 9 13:59:54 2017 +1000)
* 251c878 - Allow application versions to be ordered by creation date where no consistent orderable object can be extracted from the consumer application version. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 9 13:22:36 2017 +1000)
* 68bb6d9 - Execute webhooks using sucker punch. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 8 10:32:45 2017 +1000)
#### 1.17.2 (2017-05-04)
* b8f45e1 - fix issue with pact document link not displaying #94 (Matt Fellows, Wed May 3 11:23:09 2017 +1000)
#### 1.17.1 (2017-05-02)
* 7576bc2 - Fix 500 error in webhooks endpoint. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 2 14:35:06 2017 +1000)
* 7351ec8 - Add restrictions for all gem versions in gemspec. Fix formatting in haml file. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Apr 27 19:55:04 2017 +1000)
#### 1.17.0 (2017-04-26)
* 5cbb9da - Added pb:publish-pact to HAL index (Beth Skurrie, Wed Apr 26 08:39:15 2017 +1000)
* 36842d1 - Set database connection timezone to UTC in example config.ru (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 25 16:18:58 2017 +1000)
* c7589c9 - Use latest ruby-2.3.4 for development. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:05:27 2017 +1000)
* 46b87f9 - Use latest ruby patches for CI. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:00:12 2017 +1000)
* 7c17c62 - Required at least ruby-2.2.0 as we move along ruby release schedule. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 22:54:52 2017 +1000)
#### 1.16.0 (2017-04-10)
* 990575f - Added HTML content type for request to get a specific version of a pact. As per request in https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/issues/82 (Beth Skurrie, Mon Apr 10 15:34:28 2017 +1000)
* b47b8d8 - Use /versions rather than /version in test endpoint. Singular will be deprecated. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 7 16:03:19 2017 +1000)
* dd4daee - Removed version restriction for pact_broker gem in the example Gemfile. This will avoid a repetition of the twisted dependencies fixed by https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/pull/84 (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 4 09:53:39 2017 +1000)
* e447b3f - Updated sqlite database. (Beth Skurrie, Mon Apr 3 08:25:41 2017 +1000)
* 149efc0 - Update REAME to reflect 2.4 support. (Tan Le, Fri Mar 31 21:42:47 2017 +1100)
#### 1.15.0 (2017-03-28)
* 588c33e - Adds versions decorator spec (Ivan Vojinovic, Wed Feb 22 00:00:46 2017 -0500)
* c4a7daf - Adds pacticipant versions endpoint (Ivan Vojinovic, Tue Feb 21 21:15:39 2017 -0500)
* 06bcbc8 - Added ruby 2.4.0 to travis.yml (Beth Skurrie, Tue Mar 28 19:09:06 2017 +1100)
* 6d7653b - Bump pact_broker version to 1.14.0 to resolve twisted dependencies. (Tan Le, Mon Mar 27 22:36:22 2017 +1100)
* c8eeab4 - Remove trailblazer dependency. (Tan Le, Mon Mar 27 21:56:43 2017 +1100)
* e62c5ec - Added copyright year and owner. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Mar 24 10:39:39 2017 +1100)
* 5007f5b - Bump trailblazer version due to roar compatibility. (Tan Le, Mon Feb 20 10:22:41 2017 +1100)
* 4865948 - Bump reform and friends versions. (Tan Le, Wed Feb 15 09:16:29 2017 +1100)
* 0920e45 - Add hosted pact broker to usage section in README (Matt Fellows, Sat Feb 4 11:28:36 2017 +1100)
#### 1.14.0 (2017-01-30)
* 83ac7a5 - Adds ability to delete tags (Ivan Vojinovic, Fri Jan 27 15:19:51 2017 -0500)
#### 1.13.0 (2017-01-18)
* b9b67b3 - Adds the spec for pact versions endpoint, and corrects the file name for the provider pacts spec (Ivan Vojinovic, Tue Jan 17 23:43:03 2017 -0500)
* ace427e - Adds the spec for pact versions endpoint, and corrects the file name for the provider pacts spec (Ivan Vojinovic, Tue Jan 17 23:36:33 2017 -0500)
* 8b14b35 - Adds endpoint for (and fixes) pact_versions (Ivan Vojinovic, Mon Jan 16 21:12:02 2017 -0500)
#### 1.12.0 (2016-12-09)
* 67779ac - add pb:latest-provider-pacts-with-tag to index.rb (Olga Vasylchenko, Thu Dec 8 16:02:19 2016 +0100)
* cdfa17b - upgrade default sqlite db to current migration level (Bo Daley, Wed Nov 30 14:37:54 2016 -0500)
#### 1.11.2 (2016-11-25)
* 43f2373 - Added require to hopefully fix broken build. https://travis-ci.org/pact-foundation/pact_broker/jobs/174397806 (Bethany Skurrie, Thu Nov 24 07:47:07 2016 +1100)
* f747e09 - Removed ruby 2.1 build as it is failing (Beth Skurrie, Wed Nov 9 13:42:08 2016 +1100)
* 2dd77a5 - Added extra pact version to example database so that the diff feature could be explored. (Beth, Wed Nov 9 10:07:33 2016 +1100)
* 5c04c59 - Updated trailblazer gem to ~>0.3.0 and fixed pact diff spec. (Beth, Wed Nov 9 10:05:53 2016 +1100)
* 8102ac9 - Use respond_to?(:acts_like_time?) instead of acts_like?(:time) as it blows up (Beth, Sun Nov 6 12:00:30 2016 +1100)
#### 1.11.1 (2016-10-13)
* 14381ac - Fix issue #59 Error when executing web hook with body. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Oct 13 12:50:17 2016 +1100)
#### 1.11.0 (2016-08-13)
* 18ffc4a - Add conflict guards to pact merger (Steve Pletcher, Fri Aug 5 12:31:30 2016 -0400)
#### 1.10.0 (2016-08-01)
* efdde13 - Add ability to merge pacts via PATCH requests (Steve Pletcher, Thu Jul 28 16:29:22 2016 -0400)
#### 1.9.3 (2016-06-27)
* f57db36 - Clarify that pact_broker will only work with ruby >= 2.0 (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:06:40 2016 +1000)
* a1742b8 - Correct release instructions (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:03:03 2016 +1000)
* 7d0f362 - Update default dev ruby version to 2.3.1 (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:00:40 2016 +1000)
* 42dc7fe - Update to ruby 2.3.1 in travis (Sergei Matheson, Tue May 3 10:46:46 2016 +1000)
* df9a910 - Fix for Webmock 2.0.0 behaviour change. (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 13:19:57 2016 +1000)
#### 1.9.2 (2016-04-29)
* 6d4ce4f - Update default dev ruby version to 2.3.0 (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 11:39:59 2016 +1000)
* 039fce9 - Add release instructions (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 10:42:17 2016 +1000)
* d48a1fa - Append `charset=utf-8` in json error response (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:11:59 2016 +0900)
* 7f34940 - Remove unused variable (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:06:23 2016 +0900)
* e932c28 - Append `charset=utf-8` to `Content-Type` header (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 17:54:48 2016 +0900)
* 6252c1c - Does not change YAML::ENGINE.yamler (Taiki Ono, Sun Mar 13 22:03:41 2016 +0900)
* 9f02474 - Update Travis CI setting with new Rubies (Taiki Ono, Sun Mar 13 21:19:17 2016 +0900)
* 5a506dc - Belatedly, updated changelog (Sergei Matheson, Fri Feb 26 09:30:46 2016 +1100)
#### 1.9.1 (2016-02-26)
* e6e6d49 - Release version 1.9.1 (Sergei Matheson, Fri Feb 26 09:26:52 2016 +1100)
* 5ea7607 - Merge pull request #44 from sigerber/master (Beth Skurrie, Thu Feb 25 14:39:17 2016 +1100)
* ade2599 - Fix performance of groupify (Horia Musat and Simon Gerber, Wed Feb 24 14:50:39 2016 +1100)
* 38869ad - Return a 409 when there is a potential duplicate pacticipant name when publishing a pact. (Beth, Thu Nov 5 17:43:32 2015 +1100)
* 2991441 - Merge pull request #42 from bethesque/issue-41 (Beth Skurrie, Fri Oct 23 15:52:39 2015 +1100)
* 933981c - Now supports HTTPS webhooks (Warner Godfrey, Fri Oct 23 14:48:28 2015 +1100)
* 2123ff1 - Merge pull request #40 from elgalu/travis-badge (Beth Skurrie, Thu Oct 15 06:40:09 2015 +1100)
* 88cea3f - Add TravisCI badge in README.md (Leo Gallucci, Wed Oct 14 17:02:52 2015 +0200)
* b54c5c6 - Merge pull request #38 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge (Beth Skurrie, Tue Sep 29 15:37:27 2015 +1000)
* 42e9bc2 - Add Gitter badge (The Gitter Badger, Tue Sep 29 04:51:17 2015 +0000)
* 711ac85 - Merge pull request #37 from elgalu/ruby-2.1.3 (Beth Skurrie, Fri Sep 18 06:42:47 2015 +1000)
* 40ddb97 - Add ruby 2.1.3 and set as default (Leo Gallucci, Thu Sep 17 16:19:09 2015 +0200)
* a1fa248 - Updated example with postgres details (Beth, Thu Sep 17 09:25:09 2015 +1000)
* 383d137 - Create LICENSE.txt (Beth Skurrie, Mon Aug 24 06:29:50 2015 +1000)
#### 1.9.0 (2015-08-19)
* eda171e - Allow pact broker API to be run using Rack map at an arbitrary path. e.g. "/foo/pacts". Note, this does not work for the UI. (Beth, Wed Aug 19 08:44:21 2015 +1000)
#### 1.9.0.rc1 (2015-07-19)
* c855a2c - Support case insensitive resource names (Beth Skurrie, Sun Jul 19 17:28:55 2015 +1000)
* 7ea3e61 - Update pact_broker.gemspec (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 14 09:02:30 2015 +1000)
* f299cfd - Added logging for publishing and deleting pacts (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 8 16:00:58 2015 +1000)
* 67f0edb - Log error when contract cannot be parsed to a Pact (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 8 15:54:29 2015 +1000)
* 57caf63 - Double ensure that tables are created with UTF-8 encoding https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/issues/24 (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 3 15:46:46 2015 +1000)
#### 1.8.1 (2015-06-30)
* d0d466d - Avoid making a query for tags for each pact shown on the Pacts page (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jun 30 06:42:09 2015 +1000)
#### 1.8.0 (2015-05-28)
* 6c40e9c - Added ability to specify a tag when retrieving pacts for a given provider (Beth Skurrie, Thu May 28 09:03:46 2015 +1000)
* dda9f1d - Added endpoint to retrieve latest pacts by provider (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 10 21:28:33 2015 +1000)
* 21e676a - Pact broker example for heroku with basic auth (BrunoChauvet, Sat Apr 25 13:04:54 2015 +1000)
#### 1.7.0 (2015-03-20)
* a26402c - Allow configuration of version parsing. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 14 09:39:05 2015 +1000)
#### 1.6.0 (2015-03-20)
* e20e657 - Added support for JSON contracts that are not in the Pact format (e.g. top level is an array) (Beth Skurrie, Fri Mar 20 19:12:46 2015 +1100)
#### 1.5.0 (2015-02-20)
* b848ce3 - Added healthcheck endpoint for database dependency. /diagnostic/status/dependencies (Beth, Fri Feb 20 09:41:16 2015 +1100)
* 56ea4a6 - Added heartbeat endpoint for monitoring. /diagnostic/status/heartbeat (Beth, Fri Feb 20 08:49:51 2015 +1100)
* dbdb4fb - Upgraded webmachine gem to 1.3.1 (Beth, Wed Feb 11 21:49:55 2015 +1100)
* 111f088 - Added validation to ensure that the encoding for the database connection is set to UTF8. This is required to ensure the pact_version_content_sha foreign key works. (Beth, Wed Feb 11 20:03:34 2015 +1100)
#### 1.4.0 (2015-01-20)
* d740fb0 - Removed pact-versions rel from pact resource. Pact versions resource is not implemented yet. (Beth, Tue Jan 20 09:20:52 2015 +1100)
* bd6e63e - Handle case where there is no previous distinct version when displaying diff (Beth, Tue Jan 20 09:17:21 2015 +1100)
* d032ce1 - Changed pact icon on Pacts page to look more like a pact. (Beth, Wed Dec 24 09:58:35 2014 +1100)
* dbf67aa - Added endpoint for previous distinct pact version. (Beth, Mon Dec 22 14:08:07 2014 +1100)
* bde72f9 - Added migration to change pacts table to UTF8 (Beth, Mon Dec 22 11:45:09 2014 +1100)
* 8f587b7 - Modified pact HAL rels. (Beth, Mon Dec 22 11:41:10 2014 +1100)
* b813c0d - Renamed Relationships to Pacts. It was confusing. (Beth, Mon Dec 22 10:25:27 2014 +1100)
* 00d81aa - Changed diff resource to text/plain, added dates (Beth, Sun Dec 14 17:05:18 2014 +1100)
* 8f05772 - Set timezone to utc for test db connection (Beth, Sun Dec 14 17:04:16 2014 +1100)
* 407fa74 - Added link from HAL browser to home (Beth, Sat Dec 13 19:54:53 2014 +1100)
* a62faa9 - Adding missing docs (Beth, Sat Dec 13 19:51:36 2014 +1100)
* ec04e77 - Added HAL link to diff with previous distinct version (Beth, Fri Dec 12 08:31:12 2014 +1100)
* fe5f1d6 - Added endpoint to see the diff between a pact and the previous distinct version. (Beth, Thu Dec 11 17:35:22 2014 +1100)
* f802641 - Added version endpoint. (Beth, Wed Dec 10 13:06:13 2014 +1100)
* 715f49d - Force documentation window in HAL browser to be longer. This used to display correctly, but has somehow become quite short. Don't know what changed. (Beth, Tue Dec 9 18:47:53 2014 +1100)
* 25e612b - Removed curie from self links (Beth, Wed Dec 3 21:14:23 2014 +1100)
* 5cc922e - Added script to publish test pact. (Beth, Wed Dec 3 20:26:31 2014 +1100)
* f468b2c - Changed Padrino to log to stdout. :null creates a StringIO, don't want to hog memory. (Beth, Wed Dec 3 20:25:05 2014 +1100)
#### 1.3.2.rc1 (2014-12-03)
* a2413f4 - Stop Padrino trying to create a log file in the gem directory https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/issues/13 (Beth, Wed Dec 3 13:16:06 2014 +1100)
* abf9459 - Added DELETE endpoint for pact resource (Beth, Wed Nov 19 17:45:34 2014 +1100)
* 1d01937 - Set default encoding to utf-8 in example app. This is required for the sha foreign key to work between the pact table and the pact_version_content table. (Beth, Tue Nov 18 22:35:51 2014 +1100)
* 9e3401e - Save all the space! Reuse the same pact_version_content when one with the same sha1 already exists in the database. (Beth, Tue Nov 18 20:27:59 2014 +1100)
* 84ab8ad - Creating example pact_broker_database.sqlite3 with the Zoo App/Animal Service pact (Beth, Tue Nov 18 17:30:25 2014 +1100)
* d767b0d - Fixed query for all pacts when pact has more than one tag (Beth, Mon Nov 17 20:44:01 2014 +1100)
* 21563c6 - Changed date to use day name and month name instead of numbers (Beth, Wed Nov 12 16:19:19 2014 +1100)
* 7766b77 - Added count to relationships page. (Beth, Mon Nov 3 11:06:05 2014 +1100)
#### 1.3.1 (2014-10-23)
* e61b40e - Added Travis configuration. (Beth, Fri Oct 17 16:32:26 2014 +1100)
* b320fe4 - Fixed pact publish validation for ruby 1.9.3 (Beth, Fri Oct 17 16:31:41 2014 +1100)
* b9b4d2b - Added validation to ensure that the participant names in the path match the participant names in the pact. (Beth, Thu Oct 16 20:21:10 2014 +1100)
#### 1.3.0 (2014-10-14)
* ed08811 - Converted raw SQL create view statements to Sequel so they will run on Postgres (Beth, Sat Oct 11 22:07:37 2014 +1100)
* 457edf4 - Added syntax highlighting to JSON in autogenerated HTML docs. (Beth, Wed Sep 24 22:12:14 2014 +1000)
#### 1.2.0 (2014-09-22)
* 0ccde50 - Made webhook creation code more Webmachiney. (Beth, Tue Sep 16 10:07:56 2014 +1000)
* 4c628e5 - Using localtime to display dates. (Beth, Fri Aug 29 13:32:20 2014 +1000)
* 7d99c51 - Fixed HAL Browser link - page title was stopping it being clickable (Beth, Fri Sep 5 16:41:03 2014 +1000)
* 8ba3be0 - Updating spec task for latest rspec (Beth, Fri Sep 5 16:40:10 2014 +1000)
* fcc25eb - Updated pact gem (Beth, Tue Aug 26 18:45:31 2014 +1000)
* 5d0d3dc - Added pact versions link to the pact response (Beth, Tue Aug 26 07:54:26 2014 +1000)
* 16971ff - Added method to find distinct pacts between a consumer and provider (Beth, Tue Aug 26 07:41:54 2014 +1000)
* 4798c09 - Added pact versions endpoint. (Beth, Mon Aug 25 22:23:48 2014 +1000)
* e1f8c97 - Changed 'Date published' to display pact.updated_at date instead of created_at date (Beth, Mon Aug 25 07:37:58 20
* 39eac31 - Fixed pact-webhooks rel title (Beth, Sun Aug 24 17:54:05 2014 +1000)
* f6fc9f7 - Added latest-pact rel to pact representation (Beth, Sun Aug 24 17:51:08 2014 +1000)
* 08b088c - Added method to pacticipant_service to find potentially duplicated pacticipants (Beth, Sat Aug 23 08:32:34 2014 +
* 24e8d5d - Adding support for creating a pacticipant through the API (as distinct from it being auto created by publishing a
* dc4d4aa - Set DB timezone to UTC. (Beth, Thu Aug 21 17:30:41 2014 +1000)
* 19693fa - Added pact metadata to HTML view (Beth, Thu Aug 21 17:30:23 2014 +1000)
#### 1.1.0 (2014-08-21)
* d25395b - Fixed pacts failing to publish because of too deeply nested JSON (Beth, Tue Aug 19 11:13:02 2014 +1000)
* 9288c98 - Saving password in Base64 just so it is not plain text. WIP (Beth, Tue Aug 19 09:14:53 2014 +1000)
* 6a40151 - Added username and password to webhook request (Beth, Mon Aug 18 22:02:48 2014 +1000)
* 6eb0d70 - Added mouseover for relationship paths (Beth, Fri Aug 15 15:38:56 2014 +1000)
* 8e916fc - Added clickable relationship links (Beth, Fri Aug 15 11:37:57 2014 +1000)
* 7fc6418 - Added webhook HAL documentation. (Beth, Tue Aug 12 17:17:08 2014 +1000)
* 434fbe8 - Added useful rels to help navigate between webhook resources. (Beth, Tue Aug 12 09:14:08 2014 +1000)
* 959675b - Adding description to webhooks link (Beth, Mon Aug 11 21:46:39 2014 +1000)
* 9cbf2b1 - Added webhook test execution endpoint. (Beth, Mon Aug 11 21:37:47 2014 +1000)
* 6bdfd16 - Webhooks belonging to a pacticipant will be deleted when the pacticipant is deleted. (Beth, Mon Aug 11 14:16:50 2014 +1000)
* 27572e2 - WIP - ensuring webhook executes when a pact version is overridden and changed. (Beth, Fri Aug 8 16:59:48 2014 +1000)
* 2469ad5 - Adding webhook DELETE (Beth, Fri Aug 8 16:45:48 2014 +1000)
* 7ae9b59 - Adding code to execte webhook and to detect when pact content has changed (Beth, Fri Aug 8 10:13:16 2014 +1000)
* c8289fb - Adding /webhooks resource (Beth, Thu Aug 7 16:57:27 2014 +1000)
* 2d818ee - Added endpoint to retrieve webhook by UUID (Beth, Thu Aug 7 14:35:04 2014 +1000)
* 25c3866 - Completed web hooks resource. (Beth, Wed Aug 6 11:38:39 2014 +1000)
* a59e46e - Started work on webhooks (Beth, Sat Aug 2 18:12:16 2014 +1000)
* 56d9ae5 - Return 400 error for pacts with invalid JSON (Beth, Sat Aug 2 07:08:39 2014 +1000)
* 884aa06 - Added links from relationship page to group. (Beth, Thu Jul 31 20:05:55 2014 +1000)
* 642570e - Adding group UI endpoint. (Beth, Thu Jul 31 17:36:37 2014 +1000)
* 3609028 - Adding a group resource (Beth, Mon Jul 28 09:11:46 2014 +1000)
* 437df9e - Added created_at and updated_at timestamps to all objects. (Beth, Fri Jul 25 16:53:46 2014 +1000)
* 594f160 - Turning exception showing on (Beth, Fri Jul 25 08:59:57 2014 +1000)
* 7250a51 - Updated to pact 1.3.0 (Beth, Thu Jul 24 12:13:38 2014 +1000)
* 9824247 - Implemented DELETE for pacticipant resource (Beth, Tue Jun 10 17:32:26 2014 +1000)
* 1c65600 - Swapped links and properties order in the HAL browser, because the documents are large, and scrolling to the bottom of the page to click around is annoying. (Beth, Fri Jun 6 10:19:47 2014 +1000)
#### 1.0.0 (2014-06-06)
* ed25adb - Sorting relationships by consumer name, then provider name. (Beth, Wed May 21 15:13:39 2014 +1000)
* 7aae530 - Releasing version 1.0.0.alpha3 (Beth, Mon May 19 15:44:33 2014 +1000)
* 53e24cb - Increased json_content size from text to mediumtext (16MB) (Beth, Mon May 19 15:43:32 2014 +1000)
* 1f65546 - Releasing 1.0.0.alpha2 (Beth, Mon May 19 12:49:42 2014 +1000)
* 3714ab5 - Adding network graph spike files (Beth, Sat May 17 21:12:04 2014 +1000)
* 73e2b81 - Implemented finding latest pact by tag (Beth, Sat May 17 17:56:58 2014 +1000)
* bfa62cc - Changed /pact to /pacts because it is more RESTy (Beth, Sat May 17 12:22:55 2014 +1000)
* 91c8fab - Releasing 1.0.0.alpha1 (Beth, Fri May 9 15:21:13 2014 +1000)
* f497f13 - Made HtmlPactRenderer configurable in case shokkenki want to use the PactBroker ;) (Beth, Fri May 9 14:20:38 2014 +1000)
* 5343019 - Added Relationship UI (Beth, Fri May 9 12:23:30 2014 +1000)
* f7270a6 - Added HTML rendering of latest pact. Added /relationships CSV endpoint. (Beth, Thu May 8 16:17:52 2014 +1000)
* 264e16b - Created nice interface for making a pact_broker instance (Beth, Sat Apr 26 16:43:07 2014 +1000)
* 8001792 - Added HAL browser (Beth, Wed Apr 23 13:31:25 2014 +1000)
* 8c94d1f - Creating example app (Beth, Wed Apr 23 13:06:40 2014 +1000)
#### 0.0.10 (2014-06-06)
* 24daeea - Added task to delete pacticipant (bethesque Tue May 20 11:59:10 2014 +1000)
* 53e24cb - Increased json_content size from text to mediumtext (16MB) (bethesque Mon May 19 15:43:32 2014 +1000)
* 73e2b81 - Implemented finding latest pact by tag (bethesque Sat May 17 17:56:58 2014 +1000)
* bfa62cc - Changed /pact to /pacts because it is more RESTy (bethesque Sat May 17 12:22:55 2014 +1000)
* a7a8e0d - Upgraded padrino (bethesque Sat May 17 12:20:57 2014 +1000)
* 94c7c38 - Setting gem versions in gemspec (bethesque Fri May 9 15:22:37 2014 +1000)
* f497f13 - Made HtmlPactRenderer configurable in case shokkenki want to use the PactBroker ;) (bethesque Fri May 9 14:20:38 2014 +1000)
* 1d35da4 - Added sort to relationships list (bethesque Fri May 9 13:56:55 2014 +1000)
* 000f8a6 - Added HAL Browser link (bethesque Fri May 9 13:39:56 2014 +1000)
* 85e0a1d - Redirecting index to relationships page (bethesque Fri May 9 13:15:55 2014 +1000)
* 5343019 - Added Relationship UI (bethesque Fri May 9 12:23:30 2014 +1000)
* f7270a6 - Added HTML rendering of latest pact. (bethesque Thu May 8 16:17:52 2014 +1000)
#### 0.0.10 (2014-03-24)
* 7aee2ae - Implemented version tagging (bethesque 2 days ago)
* cc78f92 - Added 'latest' pact url to pact representation in the 'latest pacts' response (bethesque 2 days ago)
#### 0.0.9 (2014-02-27)
* d07f4b7 - Using default gem publish tasks (bethesque 4 weeks ago)
* d60b7ee - Comment (bethesque 7 weeks ago)
* 836347c - Using local pacts (bethesque 7 weeks ago)
* a2cb2bb - Fixed bug querying mysql DB, rather than sqlite (bethesque 7 weeks ago)
* 9d5f83b - Using the to_json options to pass in the base_url instead of the nasty hack. (bethesque 4 months ago)
* adb6148 - Changed 'last' to 'latest' (bethesque 4 months ago)
#### 0.0.8 (2013-11-18)
* 6022baa - Changed name to title in list pacticipants response (bethesque 7 hours ago)
* 13fde52 - Moving resources module under the Api module. (bethesque 8 hours ago)
* f52c572 - Added HAL index (bethesque 8 hours ago)
#### 0.0.7 (2013-11-15)
* 7984d86 - Added title to each item in the pacts/latest links array (bethesque 83 seconds ago)
#### 0.0.6 (2013-11-15)
* 021faae - Refactoring resources to DRY out code (bethesque 18 hours ago)
* bab0367 - Cleaning up the base_url setting hack. (bethesque 19 hours ago)
* f6df613 - Renamed representors to decorators (bethesque 19 hours ago)
* 3e89c20 - Created BaseDecorator (bethesque 19 hours ago)
* e5c3f88 - Changing from representors to decorators (bethesque 19 hours ago)
* b2eeb6f - Added back resource_exists? implementation in pacticipant resource - accidental deletion. (bethesque 19 hours ago)
* 1962a05 - Ever so slightly less hacky way of handling PATCH (bethesque 21 hours ago)
* 587e9c1 - First go at trying to use a dynamic base URL - to be continued (bethesque 2 days ago)
* ab9c185 - Including URLs for the dynamically calculated latest pact, not the hard link to the latest pact. (bethesque 2 days ago)
* 5621e41 - Beginning change from Roar Representor to Decoractor. Updating to new 'latest pact' URL (bethesque 2 days ago)
* d1bd995 - Adding missing PactBroker::Logging require (bethesque 2 days ago)
#### 0.0.5 (2013-11-13)
* 2cf987c - Added data migration to script which adds order column (bethesque 56 minutes ago)
* 9c709a9 - Changing queries to use new order column. (bethesque 61 minutes ago)
* 173f231 - Renaming var (bethesque 65 minutes ago)
* f9be93d - Renamed SortVersions to OrderVersions (bethesque 66 minutes ago)
* ca6e479 - Added SortVersions as an after version save hook (bethesque 69 minutes ago)
* 23cd1a3 - Adding order column to version table (bethesque 11 hours ago)
* c504e5f - Fixing application/json+hal to application/hal+json (bethesque 2 days ago)
* 1d24b9b - Removing old sinatra API (bethesque 2 days ago)
* fd1832c - WIP. Converting to use Webmachine (bethesque 2 days ago)
* 0b096a4 - Redoing the the URLs yet again (bethesque 3 days ago)
* 0934d89 - Implementing list latest pacts (bethesque 3 days ago)
* ed2d354 - Changed one_to_one associations to many_to_one (bethesque 4 days ago)
* 28de0ea - WIP implementing pacts/latest. (bethesque 6 days ago)
* 1cd36e6 - Changing to new /pacts/latest URL format (bethesque 6 days ago)
* 54f8fc3 - Writing underlying code to find the latest pact for each consumer/provider pair. (bethesque 6 days ago)