module Lono::Builder::Dsl::Helpers module TemplateFile extend Memoist include Lono::Utils::Pretty def template_file(path) path = "#{@blueprint.root}/#{path}" if File.exist?(path) render_file(path) else template_file_missing(path) end end # do not memoize :template_file - it'll hide the template_file_missing error # Caller lines are different for OSes: # # windows: "C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/lono-1.1.1/lib/lono/builder.rb:34:in `build'" # linux: "/home/ec2-user/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.3/gems/lono-1.1.1/lib/lono/compiler/dsl/syntax/mod.rb:4:in `'" # class TempleFileNotFoundError < StandardError; end def template_file_missing(path) message = "ERROR: path #{pretty_path(path)} not found" caller_line = caller.find { |l| l =~ %r{/blueprints/} } logger.error message.color(:red) logger.error "Called from:" logger.error " #{pretty_path(caller_line)}" # Raise an error so Dsl::Evaluator#template_evaluation_error provides user friendly info raise end def render_file(path) if File.exist?(path) RenderMePretty.result(path, context: self) else lines = { |l| l.include?(Lono.root.to_s) } caller_line = pretty_path(lines.first) message =<<~EOL WARN: #{pretty_path(path)} does not exist Called from: #{caller_line} EOL message.color(:yellow) message end end alias_method :render_path, :render_file def user_data_script unless @user_data_script script_example = pretty_path("#{@blueprint.root}/template/") return <<~EOL # @user_data_script variable not set. IE: @user_data_script = "#{script_example}" # Also, make sure that "#{script_example}" exists. EOL end if File.exist?(@user_data_script) render_file(@user_data_script) else message = "WARN: #{@user_data_script} not found" message.color(:yellow) "# #{message}" end end end end