require 'yaml' module ElocalCapistrano::GitTools # Represents an API release, which is tagged in the repository as # +rel_..+. Capistrano uses this pushed tag # to deploy the next version of the API, which is reflected in the # footer of each page. In development mode, this simply returns the # latest commit in master. class ReleaseTag attr_accessor :major, :minor, :patch, :other # Create a new ReleaseTag from a version string. def initialize(tag=nil) @major, @minor, @patch, @other = tag.gsub(/^rel_/,'').split(/[^0-9a-zA-Z]+/).map(&:to_i) unless tag.nil? end # Version number as an array of integers. def to_a [@major, @minor, @patch, @other].compact end # Compare two tags by version. The latest version is always chosen. def <=>(rel_tag) to_a <=> rel_tag.to_a end # Version number as a string, or tag name. def to_s "rel_" + to_a.compact.join(".") end def ==(rel_tag) to_a == rel_tag.to_a end # Return the current ReleaseTag as specified in versions.yml. def self.current(environment="production")[environment]) end # Return the latest ReleaseTag as computed by looking at the most # recent "rel_*" tag created on Git. def self.latest tags = %x(git tag).split("\n").select{|l| l =~ /^rel_/}.map{ |l| }.sort tags.last ||'rel_0.0.0') end end # A short user prompt if there are uncommitted changes in the repo, in # case the user forgets before they deploy. Naturally, one may cancel # this process effectively cancelling the entire deploy cleanly. This # occurs before any hard changes (e.g., writing changes, pushes, # command execution, etc.) are made. def working_directory_copasetic?(options={}) return true if options[:force] return false unless no_changes_pending? || yes?('There are currently uncommitted changes. Are you sure you want to continue?') return false unless on_master? || yes?('You are not currently on the master branch. Are you sure you want to continue?') true end # Test whether we are currently using the master branch. All # deployment activity should take place on the master branch. def on_master? out = %x(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) out.strip == "refs/heads/master" end # Test whether there are any uncommitted changes in the working # directory. def no_changes_pending? %x(git status --porcelain).split("\n").length == 0 end def increment_patch_version tag = ReleaseTag.latest tag.patch += 1 tag end def versions_hash if File.file?(fetch(:versions_path)) YAML.load_file(fetch(:versions_path)) else {} end end def update_versions_file(tag) File.write(fetch(:versions_path), versions_hash.merge(fetch(:stage).to_s => tag.to_s).to_yaml.to_s) end def yes?(prompt_msg) ask(:proceed, prompt_msg + ' [y/N]', default: 'y') fetch(:proceed) == 'y' end end