@import "shared"; // Background property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin background( $background-1, $background-2: false, $background-3: false, $background-4: false, $background-5: false, $background-6: false, $background-7: false, $background-8: false, $background-9: false, $background-10: false ) { $backgrounds: compact($background-1, $background-2, $background-3, $background-4, $background-5, $background-6, $background-7, $background-8, $background-9, $background-10); $mult-bgs: -compass-list-size($backgrounds) > 1; $simple-background: if($mult-bgs or prefixed(-css2, $backgrounds), -css2(-compass-nth($backgrounds, last)), false); @if not blank($simple-background) { background: $simple-background; } @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $backgrounds) { background: -svg($backgrounds); } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $backgrounds) { background: -webkit($backgrounds); } @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $backgrounds) { background: -moz($backgrounds); } @if $experimental-support-for-pie and (prefixed(-pie, $backgrounds) or $mult-bgs) { -pie-background: -pie($backgrounds); } background: $backgrounds; } // Background image property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin background-image( $image-1, $image-2: false, $image-3: false, $image-4: false, $image-5: false, $image-6: false, $image-7: false, $image-8: false, $image-9: false, $image-10: false ) { $images: compact($image-1, $image-2, $image-3, $image-4, $image-5, $image-6, $image-7, $image-8, $image-9, $image-10); @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $images) { background-image: -svg($images); background-size: 100%; } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $images) { background-image: -webkit($images); } @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $images) { background-image: -moz($images); } @if $experimental-support-for-pie and (prefixed(-pie, $images) or -compass-list-size($images) > 1) { @warn "PIE does not support background-image. Use @include background(#{$images}) instead." } background-image: $images ; } // Emit a IE-Specific filters that renders a simple linear gradient. // For use in IE 6 - 8. Best practice would have you apply this via a // conditional IE stylesheet, but if you must, you should place this before // any background-image properties that you have specified. @mixin filter-gradient($start-color, $end-color, $orientation: vertical) { @include has-layout; $gradient-type: if($orientation == vertical, 0, 1); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=#{$gradient-type}, startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($start-color)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($end-color)}'); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=#{$gradient-type}, startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($start-color)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($end-color)}')"; } // Border image property support for vendor prefixing properties and values. @mixin border-image($value) { @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla { -moz-border-image: -moz(-compass-list($value)); } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit { -webkit-border-image: -webkit(-compass-list($value)); } @if $experimental-support-for-svg { border-image: -svg(-compass-list($value)); } border-image: $value; } // List style image property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin list-style-image($image) { @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $image) { list-style-image: -moz($image); } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $image) { list-style-image: -webkit($image); } @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $image) { list-style-image: -svg($image); } list-style-image: $image ; } // List style property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin list-style($value) { $value: -compass-list($value); @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $value) { list-style-image: -moz($value); } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $value) { list-style-image: -webkit($value); } @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $value) { list-style-image: -svg($value); } list-style-image: $value ; } // content property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin content($value) { $value: -compass-list($value); @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and prefixed(-moz, $value) { content: -moz($value); } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit and prefixed(-webkit, $value) { content: -webkit($value); } @if $experimental-support-for-svg and prefixed(-svg, $value) { content: -svg($value); } content: $value ; }