module MasterView module Admin # This module is mixed into the MasterView Admin Controller to provide the default # authorization for MasterView admin page access. # # The authorization method must be a predicate named allow_access?. # The mixin is included in an ApplicationController subclass # and thus may access all services available to controllers # in your application. # # To override this method, create a module with your auth_check predicate # and configure the load specification setting in the config.admin_auth_mixin. # Default if not specified is to load admin_auth_mixin.rb from the rails # app/masterview directory, if present, and install mixin module MasterViewAdminAuthMixin. # # example: # ##config.admin_auth_mixin = { # :file => 'admin_auth_mixin', # require file in app/masterview unless alt :file_loc context specified # :file_loc => nil, # :module => :MasterViewAdminAuthMixin, # module to mix in to MasterView controller # } # module AuthMixin { 'Using default admin_auth mixin for MasterView admin (local requests only)' } protected # Check that the current user has authorization to access admin operations. # # Default implementation of authorization check # restricts access to requests from the local machine (developer testing). # # An application with a user authorization scheme might do something like # verifying that an authenticated login is available and that the current # user has permission to perform admin operations: # # current_user && user_has_perm?('mv-admin') # def allow_access? # default only allow for developer testing on local machine local_request? end end end end