/* ************************************************************************ Copyright: 2009 by Linus Gasser License: GPL v3 Authors: Linus Gasser ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ */ /** * A fields-wrapper for working together with the RPC-part of * Qooxdoo */ qx.Class.define("frontend.Lib.RPC", { extend: qx.core.Object, construct: function () { this.rpc = new qx.io.remote.Rpc(); // For debugging the ruby-thread in peace this.rpc.setTimeout(1000000); //this.rpc.setCrossDomain(true); var url = document.URL.replace(/\?.*/, '').replace(/\/$/, '') + "/rpc"; dbg(3, "URL for RPC is " + url); this.rpc.setUrl(url); this.session_id = "default"; this.RpcQueue = []; }, members: { rpc: null, session_id: null, RpcRunning: null, RpcQueue: null, callRPCarray: function (service, method, obj, event, params, async) { if (this.RpcRunning) { var args = [service, method, obj, event, params, async ]; //alert( "Oops, RPC is running - queueing" ); //dbg( 4, "Queuing RPC call " + print_a( args ) ); this.RpcQueue.unshift(args); return; } this.rpc.setServiceName(service); dbg(5, "Adding session_id " + this.session_id); params.unshift(this.session_id) var that = this; dbg(3, "Called RPC with " + [ service, method, params.join(":") ].join("-")) // call a remote procedure -- takes no arguments, returns a string var rpcr = this.rpc.callAsync(function (result, ex, id) { dbg(3, "RpcRunning = null, ex == ", ex); if (ex == null) { //alert( "Result is " + result ); result.push({ cmd: 'end_of_req', data: '' }); //alert( result.length + " - " + event ); //alert( "Going to call " + obj + " - " + print_a( result ) ); event.call(obj, result, service); rpc.RpcRunning = null; if (rpc.RpcQueue.length > 0) { dbg(3, "Calling a queued RPC"); var r = rpc.RpcQueue.pop(); rpc.callRPCarray(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]); } } else { //alert("Async(" + id + ") exception: " + ex); dbg(0, "Async(" + id + ") exception: " + ex); } }, method, params); if (!async) { this.RpcRunning = rpcr; } else { if (rpc.RpcQueue.length > 0) { dbg(3, "Calling a queued RPC directly out of async"); alert("rare - async queued after sync!") var r = rpc.RpcQueue.pop(); rpc.callRPCarray(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]); } } }, callRPC: function (service, method, obj, event) { var args = []; for (var i = 4; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i] != null) { args.push(arguments[i]); } } this.callRPCarray(service, method, obj, event, args); } } });