#!/usr/bin/ruby # coding: utf-8 BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s ) } require 'simplecov' require 'rspec' require 'logger' require 'erb' require 'yaml' SimpleCov.start do add_filter '/spec/' end require 'configurability' # An alternate formatter for Logger instances that outputs +div+ HTML # fragments. class HtmlLogFormatter < Logger::Formatter include ERB::Util # for html_escape() # The default HTML fragment that'll be used as the template for each log message. HTML_LOG_FORMAT = %q{
%1$s.%2$06d [ %3$d / %4$s ] %5$s : %6$s %7$s
} ### Override the logging formats with ones that generate HTML fragments def initialize( logger, format=HTML_LOG_FORMAT ) # :notnew: @logger = logger @format = format super() end ###### public ###### # The HTML fragment that will be used as a format() string for the log attr_accessor :format ### Return a log message composed out of the arguments formatted using the ### formatter's format string def call( severity, time, progname, msg ) args = [ time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), # %1$s time.usec, # %2$d Process.pid, # %3$d Thread.current == Thread.main ? 'main' : Thread.object_id, # %4$s severity.downcase, # %5$s progname, # %6$s html_escape( msg ).gsub(/\n/, '
') # %7$s ] return self.format % args end end # class HtmlLogFormatter ### RSpec helper functions. module Configurability::SpecHelpers LEVEL = { :debug => Logger::DEBUG, :info => Logger::INFO, :warn => Logger::WARN, :error => Logger::ERROR, :fatal => Logger::FATAL, } class ArrayLogger ### Create a new ArrayLogger that will append content to +array+. def initialize( array ) @array = array end ### Write the specified +message+ to the array. def write( message ) @array << message end ### No-op -- this is here just so Logger doesn't complain def close; end end # class ArrayLogger ############### module_function ############### ### Reset the logging subsystem to its default state. def reset_logging Configurability.reset_logger end ### Alter the output of the default log formatter to be pretty in SpecMate output def setup_logging( level=Logger::FATAL ) # Turn symbol-style level config into Logger's expected Fixnum level level = LEVEL[ level ] if LEVEL.key?( level ) # Only do this when executing from a spec in TextMate if ENV['HTML_LOGGING'] || (ENV['TM_FILENAME'] && ENV['TM_FILENAME'] =~ /_spec\.rb/) Thread.current['logger-output'] = [] logdevice = ArrayLogger.new( Thread.current['logger-output'] ) Configurability.logger = Logger.new( logdevice ) Configurability.logger.level = level Configurability.logger.formatter = HtmlLogFormatter.new( Configurability.logger ) else logger = Logger.new( $stderr ) Configurability.logger = logger Configurability.logger.level = level end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with( :rspec ) config.include( Configurability::SpecHelpers ) end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: