# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx::AUI # # # class AuiMDIParentFrame < Frame # @overload initialize() # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIParentFrame] # @overload initialize(parent, winid, title, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=(Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|Wx::VSCROLL|Wx::HSCROLL), name=Wx::FrameNameStr) # @param parent [Wx::Window] # @param winid [Integer] # @param title [String] # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] # @param style [Integer] # @param name [String] # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIParentFrame] def initialize(*args) end # @param parent [Wx::Window] # @param winid [Integer] # @param title [String] # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] # @param style [Integer] # @param name [String] # @return [Boolean] def create(parent, winid, title, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=(Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|Wx::VSCROLL|Wx::HSCROLL), name=Wx::FrameNameStr) end # @param provider [Wx::AUI::AuiTabArt] # @return [void] def set_art_provider(provider) end alias_method :art_provider=, :set_art_provider # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiTabArt] def get_art_provider; end alias_method :art_provider, :get_art_provider # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook] def get_notebook; end alias_method :notebook, :get_notebook # @return [Wx::Menu] def get_window_menu; end alias_method :window_menu, :get_window_menu # @param pMenu [Wx::Menu] # @return [void] def set_window_menu(pMenu) end alias_method :window_menu=, :set_window_menu # Tells the frame to show the given menu bar. # If the frame is destroyed, the menu bar and its menus will be destroyed also, so do not delete the menu bar explicitly (except by resetting the frame's menu bar to another frame or NULL). Under Windows, a size event is generated, so be sure to initialize data members properly before calling {Wx::AUI::AuiMDIParentFrame#set_menu_bar}. Note that on some platforms, it is not possible to call this function twice for the same frame object. # @see Wx::AUI::AuiMDIParentFrame#get_menu_bar # @see Wx::MenuBar # @see Wx::Menu. # @param menuBar [Wx::MenuBar] The menu bar to associate with the frame. # @return [void] def set_menu_bar(menuBar) end alias_method :menu_bar=, :set_menu_bar # @param pChild [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIChildFrame] # @return [void] def set_child_menu_bar(pChild) end alias_method :child_menu_bar=, :set_child_menu_bar # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIChildFrame] def get_active_child; end alias_method :active_child, :get_active_child # @param pChildFrame [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIChildFrame] # @return [void] def set_active_child(pChildFrame) end alias_method :active_child=, :set_active_child # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIClientWindow] def get_client_window; end alias_method :client_window, :get_client_window # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiMDIClientWindow] def on_create_client; end # @return [void] def cascade; end # @param orient [Wx::Orientation] # @return [void] def tile(orient=Wx::Orientation::HORIZONTAL) end # @return [void] def arrange_icons; end # @return [void] def activate_next; end # @return [void] def activate_previous; end end # AuiMDIParentFrame end