module Repor module Dimensions class TimeDimension < BinDimension STEPS = %i(seconds minutes hours days weeks months years) BIN_STEPS = (STEPS - [:seconds]).map { |s| s.to_s.singularize } DURATION_PATTERN = /\A\d+ (?:#{{|s| "#{s}?" }.join('|')})\z/ def validate_params! super if params.key?(:bin_width) && !valid_duration?(params[:bin_width]) invalid_param!(:bin_width, "must be a hash of one of #{STEPS} to an integer") end end def bin_width @bin_width ||= if params.key?(:bin_width) custom_bin_width elsif params.key?(:bin_count) && domain > 0 (domain / params[:bin_count].to_f).seconds else default_bin_width end end def bin_start # ensure that each autogenerated bin represents a correctly aligned # day/week/month/year bin_start = super if bin_start.nil? nil elsif step = BIN_STEPS.detect { |step| bin_width == 1.send(step) } bin_start.send(:"beginning_of_#{step}") else bin_start end end private def custom_bin_width if params[:bin_width].is_a?(Hash) params[:bin_width].map { |step, n| n.send(step) }.sum elsif params[:bin_width].is_a?(String) n, step = params[:bin_width] n.to_i.send(step) end end def valid_duration?(d) case d when Hash d.all? { |step, n| && n.is_a?(Fixnum) } when String d =~ DURATION_PATTERN else false end end def default_bin_width case domain when 0 then when 0..1.minute then 1.second when 0..2.hours then 1.minute when 0..2.days then 1.hour when 0..2.weeks then when 0..2.months then 1.week when 0..2.years then 1.month else 1.year end end class Bin < BinDimension::Bin def parse(value)'"', '')) end def cast(value) case Repor.database_type when :postgres "CAST(#{super} AS timestamp with time zone)" when :sqlite "DATETIME(#{super})" else "CAST(#{super} AS DATETIME)" end end end end end end