module Gluttonberg module Middleware # This middleware is used to extract page info from current path. # This helps gluttonberg pages controller/helpers to access page information easily. # It also rewrites to public pages if valid page path found # This middleware assumed that Locale Middleware has already performed its 'call' action class Rewriter def initialize(app) @app = app end # Reads current path and if its not needs to be bypassed or rails route then # tries to find a Gluttonberg CMS Page using this path, if it finds a page then redirect to # Public::Page show action. It assigns page object env['GLUTTONBERG.PAGE'] , # env['GLUTTONBERG.PATH_INFO'] as as page path. It helps in debugging. # it also tries to find it by previous_path, if it finds a page then it redirects # permanently to new path of this page. Othwerise # it simply returns back from this middleware # # @param env [Hash] looking for PATH_INFO def call(env) path = env['PATH_INFO'] unless Gluttonberg::Middleware::Locales.bypass_path?(path, env) unless rails_route?(path) page = Gluttonberg::Page.find_by_path(path, env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE'] , env['HTTP_HOST']) unless page.blank? env['GLUTTONBERG.PAGE'] = page env['GLUTTONBERG.PATH_INFO'] = path # for debugging purpose if page.redirect_required? return redirect_param_array(page.redirect_url) elsif page.rewrite_required? env['PATH_INFO'] = page.generate_rewrite_path(path) else env['PATH_INFO'] = "/_public/page" end else page = Gluttonberg::Page.find_by_previous_path(path, env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE'] , env['HTTP_HOST']) unless page.blank? return redirect_param_array(page.public_path) end end end # rails route end end private # Wraps path into a format which is accepted by rails as permanent redirection # # @param path [String] # @return [Array] def redirect_param_array(path) [301, {"Location" => path}, ["This resource has permanently moved to #{path}"]] end # Checks if current path is a rails route # # @param path [String] # @return [Boolean] def rails_route?(path) begin route = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(path) rescue end if route.blank? false else route[:action] != "error_404" end end end # Rewriter end # Middleware end # Gluttonberg