Compass Html5 Boilerplate ========================= HTML5 Boilerplate is a Compass extension based on HTML5 Boilerplate by Paul Irish. You can use it to kick-start fully compliant HTML5 applications. Generate either stand-alone Compass projects, or Rails applications with fully integrated Haml and Sass (scss) templates. Browse []( for the full workup. Rails Installation ================== gem install html5-boilerplate cd my_rails_project compass init rails -r html5-boilerplate -u html5-boilerplate --force **This will install the following files in your rails project:** (Using `--force` flag will overwrite any files that may already exist. In most cases this is probably what you want.) app/views/layouts/application.html.haml app/views/layouts/_flashes.html.haml app/views/layouts/_footer.html.haml app/views/layouts/_head.html.haml app/views/layouts/_header.html.haml app/views/layouts/_javascripts.html.haml app/views/layouts/_stylesheets.html.haml app/stylesheets/style.scss app/stylesheets/handheld.scss app/stylesheets/partials/_base.scss app/stylesheets/partials/_html5_boilerplate.scss public/404.html public/.htaccess public/crossdomain.xml public/robots.txt public/apple-touch-icon.png public/favicon.ico public/javascripts/dd_belatedpng.js public/javascripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js public/javascripts/modernizr-1.5.min.js public/javascripts/plugins.js public/javascripts/rails.js public/javascripts/profiling/charts.swf public/javascripts/profiling/config.js public/javascripts/profiling/yahoo-profiling.css public/javascripts/profiling/yahoo-profiling.min.js config/compass.rb config/initializers/compass.rb The Scss files above will get compiled to your Sass compilation dir: public/stylesheets/**/style.css public/stylesheets/**/handheld.css **Note:** If you already have a config/compass.rb file in your project, you may need to manually add the following line to the top: require 'html5-boilerplate' ### A few more minor points to store into your brainpan... If you still have an application.html.erb in your layouts, you will need to loose it now so that Rails will use your shiny new application.html.haml layout instead. The haml will compile to the equivalent of html5-boilerplate's index.html, but with all comments stripped out, and some additional rails stuff like csrf_meta_tags, flashes and the Rails jQuery driver. This has only been tested on Rails3, but should work fine on Rails2. Stand Alone Installation ======================== gem install html5-boilerplate compass create my_project -r html5-boilerplate -u html5-boilerplate --javascripts-dir js --css-dir css The `--javascripts-dir` and `--css-dir` flags are to keep consistent with the original project layout. If you omit them, be sure to edit your javascript and style tags accordingly in index.html. **This will create a `my_project` directory containing the following files:** index.html 404.html crossdomain.xml robots.txt apple-touch-icon.png favicon.ico src/style.scss src/handheld.scss src/partials/_base.scss src/partials/_html5_boilerplate.scss js/dd_belatedpng.js js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js js/modernizr-1.5.min.js js/plugins.js js/profiling/charts.swf js/profiling/config.js js/profiling/yahoo-profiling.css js/profiling/yahoo-profiling.min.js .htaccess config.rb nginx.conf web.config The SCSS files above will get compiled to your Sass compilation dir: css/style.css css/handheld.css License ======= HTML5 Boilerplate by Paul Irish (comments left intact in scss files) Compass Extension Copyright (c) 2010, Peter Gumeson [](